>escort missions
Escort missions
>co-op missions
>that fucking flag
I hope she gets sued to her death
Man, remeber when cats were king of the fucking internet and cunts on this website used to go apeshit when ever someone posted cat abuse?
Man this was just dogs being dogs. Bitch walking them shoulda controlled them though, poor cat was just chilling.
pitbulls are the niggers of dogs
Fuck this stupid whore. If you cant control the animal DON'T FUCKING WALK IT. This is why half the people I know carry, not because of people but fucking faggots who own dangerous animals like this. Fuck pitbull owners.
Did the cat die?
>That blood splatter on the ground
Hope they got put down and that chick got her pants sued off. That's ridiculous
For what? Legit question. She had the dogs on a leash and was walking them on the sidewalk. What happens when you're doing exactly as you're supposed to by law and your animals go crazy? I'm actually curious.
What a fucking surprise.
I hope the woman and her two dogs did
*webm of baby sleeping on pit's chest* NOT ALL PITBULLS!!!
>cat made no attempt to run
Stupid fucking shits. I want to feel bad but there's two that constantly provoke my dog every other time I walk her and if I ever fucked up and let go of my dog those cats would get torn limb from limb. I swear as a kid I recall cats just flash blinking onto rooftops and shit whenever any possible threat came by but I guess not
pitbulls are the negros of dogs
catfags btfo
based dogs
So that's how my cat died.
I see.
Typical glorious fat american.
They do investigations to see if the leash was strong enough and whether the owner should have gotten a stronger leash.
Or they check to see if the owner held the dogs strongly enough and was in good physical shape to do that sort of thing.
>they just acted abnormally they've never done that before they good dogs
Doesn't mean shit in court. Either way the owner gets blamed. As they should.
So I took my kid to the market and he stabbed this guy. Am i supposed to be responsible for when my kid just goes crazy? I'm actually curious.
You can't have dogs you can't control
>just puts being the niggers of canines
FTFY. I’ve seen lots of dogs bark at cats or squirrels but the only time they chase them up trees is when they are stray/lost or have shit owners who let them out unsupervised. The onlys getting walked don’t immediately run for them.
Cats shouldnt be outdoors in neighborhoods either. Not a single thing was done right by anyone in the webm.
Let's have a nice kill compilation thread.
Pitbulls are fine it's just their owner
at least it wasn't shot by a cop invading their yard
this whore needs to be raided
>inb4 go back to Sup Forums
fuck off, i've never supported this shit, but you can bet your ass this fat lazy whore walked off without even feeling any guilt.
This says the cat survived
She wasn't in any control of her animals. Not only it showed there that the dogs are fucking crazy but that the woman had no control whatsoever if anything goes wrong.
cats are fucking shit though.
>So I took my kid to the market and he stabbed this guy. Am i supposed to be responsible for when my kid just goes crazy?
Kids aren't dogs. Stop being dumb.
That flag really finishes this webm
>the absolute state of American women
wow I would have fucking murdered those dogs and that bitch
You get punished for raising vicious animals that you haven't trained properly. Dogs like that are dangerous. If you don't know how to handle them, then you shouldn't have them, and if you do have them and they cause damage to someone else's property as a result, you are liable.
Yes. How the fuck did he get a knife you moron
>there are people who actually defend pitbulls
Dogs aren't kids, they are a responsibility, like kids. Stop being dumb.
Still negligience. If you can't assert your control over your animals at all times, either through command or physical force, you're responsible for the damage they cause.
Why are people itt assuming the cat is even owned by someone, theres like tons of cats around my house that just chill there belonging to no one.
>cat abuse
Abuse is on purpose
I never liked the obsession about cats and "caturday XD" and other bullshit
My cat actually did die because some cunt's dog came into our yard and mauled him while he was minding his own business. Good thing I shot it in the fucking head. And then its piece of shit owner tries to get in my face when he comes looking for it.
All pitbulls should be put down, they're killing machines. You can't own a lion why should you be allowed to own a Pitbull.
>Can't control your dogs
>Suddenly you're not responsible for it
Americans everyone
I don't think I've ever heard of a parent being sued or jailed for their kid being a cunt though. Not sure why you're mad. Dogs acting up should blame the owner. Kids acting up should not.
Where i live such dogs need to have a muzzle when outside at all circumstances.
The US is the land of FREEDOM so i dont know.
>cat survived
They reqlly do have 9 lives
you're shit, fag. Convince me dogs are better than cats, because I own both and dogs are garbage.
>pitbulls will never require some sort of special license to own in your lifetime
I don't fucking get it, constant controversy is sparked over them, it's the only fucking sensible option.
It's a cat sitting in someone's driveway. Why would your first assumption be that it's a stray?
Pitbulls are not fine for anything but bear-baiting because that’s what they were bred for.
>that absolutely useless as fuck woman
so a cat that isnt owned by anyone doesnt matter? fuck you i bet you fuck dogs
>muh bad owners dog dindu nuffin
>look i have a pitbull and it plays with children
>not all pitbulls
Those dogs were bred for centuries for killing and hunting, they're not fine because even trained ones snap at a moments notice.
Way to be strong little kitter
>can't control her dogs
>makes the laziest of efforts to stop her dogs
Punch them in the top of the head. It doesn't even hurt them, it just shakes them up and makes them loosen their jaw.
>walking two pitbulls
>not having them wear "gentle leaders" or harnesses
>justifying carrying a firearm because of fucking animals
This, hilariously it's usually negros who like pitbulls & dobermans
As a dog owner I can safely say it's really down to the person who gets the dog and how he/she trains it. IF he/she trains it.
When trained properly a pitbull will never do that sort of shit.
So basically if I don't get enough dangerous animals they can tear apart anything and anyone while I get free out of jail card because 'lol that's nature and i did bare minimum so nothing could have been done'?
Reminded me of this thought it was funny
Fuck pitbulls
never said that but who the fuck is going to sue her ?
mother nature ?
happens all the time where i live but then again i'm not in clapistan so i wouldnt know
Guns are also illegal to own without a permit but millions of people own one without it. It wouldn't do shit. Especially with fucking Mexicans and niggers.
Cats are shit but holy fuck why do people have Pitbulls? They’re legitimately dangerous dogs and that #notallpitbulls bullshit doesn’t change the fact that they will snap very easily.
Fuck cats and fuck pitbulls.
You must be from African decent edgy friendo
Small dogs>big dogs
Cops should've shot the bitches yelling aswel.
>Walking vicious dogs without muzzle
Fucking dogfags are true subhumans
Stupid bitch. Would have shot these mongrels.
Dogs are no different then cars, if you cannot control it, you are not allowed to use it. This applies to pretty much everything. Could have been a child instead of a cat. Would't even mind a decade in prison for the owner in that case.
Also, nothing against dogs, but having nigger tier pitbulls? I would love to see the average psychological profile of their owners.
literally nigger: the dog
There are 7 god breeds that require muzzles here.
A well-kept cat doesn't randomly attack you and is actually decent company unlike a shitbull
>buh buh training
You can't train nature out of a dog.
There's no way in fucking HELL you could make a pitbull NOT maul any cat on sight
Anyone who owns a pitbull is legally retarded.
I mean we have video evidence, it doesnt matter if the cat was owned by anyone this is murder and I think both the dogs and her should be put down
I love doggos, they are great animals
But fuck pitbulls
There’s only one God, sir, and his name is Allah.
>pitbull charging towards a cop
>he shoots the dog
>why'd you do thaaat?!
fucking niggers, man
No they aren't. Pitbulls were created for hunting and protection from big fucking animals. They were created loyal as well but they tend to have mental problems that fucks them up really badly.
>A well-kept cat doesn't randomly attack you
Those pitbulls were not trying to kill it...
If they did It would have been essentially dead within 5 seconds.
They were just aggressively playing with it.
They can literally bite its head off without a problem and a cat has zero strength needed to stop anything a pitbull wants to do to it.
I agree, just reminded me of people kicking cats and shit
I also agree with that too, isnt it weird how the internet went from being a cat person to a dog person with the rise of doggo culture
We had to "ban" a dude from the park I go to a couple years ago because he pulled a knife out on someone's dog. It was so fucking obvious he wanted to gut a pit bull and play the "self defense" card. He didn't even have a dog. He went into the fenced dog area, started kicking tennis balls around, and when a pit bull approached him he pulled out a 4 inch flip knife and took up a defensive stance. Pit bulls are problematic but that doesn't mean it's open hunting season on them
>pic related
Looked this up and the cat survived with mid injuries
In FIRST WORLD COUNTRIES you can go to prison for walking a pitbull without a muzzle.
Except pitbulls can snap on a moments notice even with good training, it's why some countries/states require you to have a muzzle on them when taking them for a walk (along with other potentially dangerous dogs)
why are americans so disgusting?