>plays a singleplayer game in 2017
Plays a singleplayer game in 2017
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Good thread. Go masturbate now you earned it.
>he doesn't
Are you a huehuehue by any chance?
What do you have against single player games?
Aw, who am I kidding, you don't have the ability to articulate a half intelligent answer.
Right? We all know multiplayer games are very deep and technical in 2017.
>playing multiplayer games in 2017
Me like.. lotbox hehe
I remember when games were good and didn't need a tacked on multiplayer feature to expand hours put into playtime to justify a 60 dollar price tag. When did jews start populating the majority of the gaming community?
>manchildren that suck ass at multiplayer
I'm not sure what I was expecting from a Bait thread
>chooses the character you want to play in multiplayer
>gets banned
Yeah i'd rather play overwatch ang get baned for using voice clips too many times while i play as the same character 3 rounds in a row
How brain damaged must one be to brag about skill when all multiplayer games are casual right now?
Why don't you get pro and make millions if it's so casual ? OH that's right u are a mentally retarded manchild that plays single player games made for kids
>pic related it's you
>It's fun with friends
Multiplayer games all suck except for fighting games. They have actual mechanics despite being multiplayer.
Being a mentally retard manchild is a requirement for leSports.
>tfw good at multiplayer games but prefer singleplayer games because i dont have to worry about carrying half a dozen barely sapient homunculi
>tfw to smart to browse 5chin on weekends
How shit your life needs to be to spend your day doing these things holy shit
heh gotem
>wanting to play games with others
>at all
lol no
If challenge is what you're after, then here's your test: beat La-Mulana, BLIND, in under 27 hours, and you have earned the right to talk shit. howlongtobeat.com
Blind of course means no guides, no walkthroughs, no discussions, no hints, no clues. Only playing the game.
Prove you are better than the average single player game player.
>Play online game in the year of feminism, nu-male and progressism
>Probably play sjwatch too
>One fighting game in the picture, the one series that is considered babby's first.
>Even so only 3 games above it in difficulty
Okay? What is your point here?
Has anyone ever seen one of these threads that haven't been blatant shitposting?
Why aren't they a bannable offence yet?
>posts Wojak and Pepe in current year
>Dota, a game where you control 1 guy is harder than RTS games where the gameplay is the same but you control an army and build a base
(X) Doubt
>he can only stay entertained by playing against others online
>he buys a game and rushes straight to online without touching singleplayer
this shouldnt make me rage as much as it does
>Still plays video games
It's the demogorgons from the upside down.
Pretty much, the most active shitposters on the board hang out on the archives, and have meta discussions about how they're shitposting on Sup Forums. And then proceed to spread their cancer. They get banned all the time, but ban dodging is incredibly easy.
This is bait.
Starcraft and League of legends cant be this far behind Cs 1.6 and why would you put dota that far away from league of legends. Dota just takes a little bit more skill cause there is a bit more micro managment
Only kids play multiplayer, idiot manchild
10 years later
>waa anyone else remember this gem?? too bad servers died and nobody plays it anymore.. muh feels, tears in rain
>*plays singleplayer game released at the same time like nothing happened*
Obviously made by a dotard
>playing games in you're 60s
>Kids and normalfags are fucking off and leaving my Single Player games alone.
Fucking finally.
good multiplayer games still have healthy playerbases 10 years later
This. Fucking cunts need to stay away forever so the shit that happened from 7th gen onwards doesn’t happen again.
i'm detecting a mad sony fan
>mass exodus of normalfags from single player games
>devs finally stop pandering to them
>instead cater to the people that actually play them
>Dota2 more popular than LoL
Yeaaaaaaaaah, sure.
>Multiplayer becomes more popular
>6-7 good titles in a sea of shit
>Less singleplayer games are produced, but the quality is higher
This all my life.
>plays shitty lootbox sims w/ multiplayer modes
>he buys lootboxes
I giggled.
>online-only bideo gayems are the future
i get what you mean but playing multiplayer games in 2017 is even worse
>plays a multiplayer game against AIs
Nope, I just grew up with a Ps1, N64 and GB, GBC and a GCN. I have no issues with single player as its all I've known for a large majority of my life, but then I hit 10th grade in 2012 and I was apparently a POZ faggot if I didn't play Call Of Duty only on multiplayer mode.
Fuck that shit and fuck Millenials. I only play single player.