Nintendo Switch LEAKS

reddit member leaked something. he was right in the past too, so ...

>There has been pressure towards Game Freak to get Pokemon's 8th Generation out in hopes of a release next year. If you recall Pokemon Stars, that is (or was) real, but all it was was a Sun and Moon port to the Switch, used as an engine test tech demo thing.

>Metroid Prime 4 should have something revealed with some in-game footage early next year from what I've heard. I'm hearing that Direct in January particularly. Bandai Namco is developing the game for Nintendo. I don't know which development studio.

>There is some kind of new Animal Crossing that they hope to release next year too.

>The Switch's Virtual Console will not be like how it currently is known to be like. There is some kind of a subscription service of sorts in the works.

>Mother 3 is real. According to my source, it was completely localized and playable. The sad thing that I've heard is that it is being held back for some reason, which all I know has something to do with not knowing which month to release it in.

>According to one of my sources, they claim that Square Enix is doing The World Ends With You 2 exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

>Blizzard is preparing a Hearthstone port for the Switch. I'm not sure when this will be announced due to the phrasing, but I heard about this when I went to Blizzcon.

ho ho ho

Nothing interesting really

>MP by Bamco
>God Eater team is doing 2 games
>basically the only ones that have shooter experience

fake as shit

>reddit member leaked something
stopped reading there
go back

awww, edgy teenager's first bait

>s-stop talking about reddit

it hooked you

>Mother 3 is real. According to my source, it was completely localized and playable. The sad thing that I've heard is that it is being held back for some reason, which all I know has something to do with not knowing which month to release it in.
Totally fucking pointless and this alone invalidates the whole post
it's a shit-ton of effort to put into a rom hack to satisfy a niche
You can literally order pic related off AliExpress for $5 shipped and it has the latest fan translation on it
no reason for this

You hooked me user

>There is some kind of new Animal Crossing that they hope to release next year too.


>The World Ends With You 2 exclusively for the Nintendo Switch

>Square Enix is doing The World Ends With You 2

If this isn't real then it's just cruel. No one wants to go through THAT bullshit again.

>Square Enix is doing The World Ends With You 2 exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.
>Nomura doing anything exclusive to Nontendo

>that spacing

It checks out

Paying subscription to play old games

with added online. Kind of neat. Its only $20 a year.

Dont you wanna play Balloon Fight and Excitebike with me user?

>In-game footage in january of a game who barely started development.


Post the link.
Also the only thing that could be true is the Heartstone port. Everything else sounds like bullshit.

>winter 2018 for DBZ


Compared to buying old games again, it's not that bad.

Pikmin 4 too, lad

>Bandai Namco working on Metroid Prime 4

Nice try m8

>barely started development
It's never been said anywhere that's it has only just started development. E3 may have been a tad too early to show the game yet.

20€$ a year to play online AND old games? this is a bad thing for you? kys

Not only that but :
>Buy old game
>Has compatibility issues with current hardware

>no fzero

you can do that for free and with every single game though

>Mother 3 is real. According to my source, it was completely localized and playable. The sad thing that I've heard is that it is being held back for some reason, which all I know has something to do with not knowing which month to release it in.
anniversary of iwata's death

If I can pay a subscription fee to play any virtual console game in the same way as netflix, I sure as well do it.

If I remember correctly, $20-$30 a year was the speculated price too.

>>According to one of my sources, they claim that Square Enix is doing The World Ends With You 2 exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.


funny, that's also what nintendo thinks about fzero

yeah! go nintendo! give us bing bing wahoo and breath of the pc emulator!
fuck actual games worth playing

>Virtual Console subscription
I hope it's included in the Switch Online subscription otherwise they can kindly fuck off

Netplay on emulators turns into a complete fucking mess if you have friends that aren't familiar with setting one up though. If I can have a service that just links me up to friends without me having to spend a few hours teaching them how to even set-up a emulator I'm fine with paying the price.

As long as i don't have to buy them after buying a subscription then yea it's pretty good

>Mother 3 is real

>Mother 3 is fake

thats for sure, I mean the service is gonna be included with the paid online anyways

>7th gen was only two years
Doesn't help it's shaping up to be the worst generation since the first and arguably second. Next year is too damn soon for a brand new generation. At least let Ultra Sun and Moon marinate for a year or so then start up again in 2019.

>here you go guys here's this rumour (fake) from reddit (no source to even the fucking rumour given)

Fuck off cuckhoff

>I'm 11 years old and I hate an internet site!

I miss these kind of rumors. Lately all rumors are too... Realistic?

And so they become truth, because this industry can´t surprise anyone for shit.

fuck off, redditor.

t. redditor (handicapped)

False news and homosexual as the mainstream media

>Mother 3 is real.
please don't play with my heart like this

>There has been pressure towards Game Freak to get Pokemon's 8th Generation out in hopes of a release next year. If you recall Pokemon Stars, that is (or was) real, but all it was was a Sun and Moon port to the Switch, used as an engine test tech demo thing.
>A pokemon game is going to be rushed AGAIN

Now post your source so I know how mad I should be

>According to one of my sources, they claim that Square Enix is doing The World Ends With You 2 exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

>Mother 3 is real

I know, I played it, like, 10 years ago

This guy leaked the TMNT reveal for Injustice 2 so

It's not like they're making Pokemon game since two decades

why? do you really want a patented meme translation from NoA that badly?

All false then
TWEWY is beyond dead
If it did get a sequel it'd be a trash mobile game

He designed characters for Xenoblade 2. :^)

just use you dumb nigger

>Mother 3
>this fucking game shows up in every fucking leak for no reason, despite there being virtually no chance of it ever getting officially translated and rereleased

hey leakers, maybe people would fall for your shit more if you didn't shoehorn in that game every fucking time

sounds disappointing enough so it's probably true

There's credibility to at least that part of the supposed leak because in the latest investor meeting, Nintendo gave the release date of Pokémon Switch as "2018 or later", so they're definitely targeting next year. USUM barely has any new content and I don't think it would be smart letting it remain the current Pokémon game for two whole years, especially since the 3DS is dying and with the games being a third version, they won't sell that much. BW2 were replaced by XY in just a year too despite having more new content compared to BW than USUM do compared to SM.

No, hes right. We don't want you here.

Eh, there's a chance. The KH mobile game just added some TWEWY gear so they're still aware of it.

It's literally the only sequel I want, don't spoil my fun ;_;

Didn't they say something a while ago about how the mobile game will have some compatibility with the next installment or something? I was going under the assumption that they offhandedly confirmed Animal Crossing for the Switch.

>buying old games again
You should still have the carts user, no need to rebuy shit.

You and your imaginary basement friends?

I dont think that was ever confirmed, just speculation

I reckon the Virtual Console and Online services subscriptions will be separate.

The online subscription is $20 a year. It wouldn't be ridiculous to have a separate small subscription fee for all of their classic games.

Oh yeah, and those carts I can insert into the arse, for example.

>no pikmin 4
It's fake

>>The Switch's Virtual Console will not be like how it currently is known to be like. There is some kind of a subscription service of sorts in the works.
Everyone can just fuck off forever with this kind of crap.
Just let me purchase Mario 64 for my Switch, and let me keep the game without any additional fees!

I've wanted the game portable ever since it was released. I've been dreaming about it.
64 DS was kind of cool but suffered heavily due to the hardware and is not the same game. I want the real Mario 64 game on a handheld system. And I want it without having to fucking rent it through a fucking Netflix subscription model.

But wouldn't that mean you won't get any 'free' games at all with Nintendo Online?

mario 64 is trash and deserves to be treated like trash
enjoy paying $20 a year to rent (not buy!) a shitty childrens game :^)

>Mother 3 is real. According to my source, it was completely localized and playable.
wow great we'll finally get the fantastic treehouse translation of game we all played about 8 years ago

>metroid prime 4
>i dont know whos developing it
Fake and gay. Its already been known who is.

There'd still be some free games with the Online service, but it'd be limited.
Probably be used as a kind of advertisement.

How the fuck can this one guy give so much definitive info about so many different studios/companies/properties? Sure he got the Injustice shit right but he's giving info for Nintendo stuff/Street Fighter/MvCI/DmC/etc. I don't buy it.

then enlighten us?
WHo is developing it?

>Mother 3 is real
yeah sure whatever faggot

>According to one of my sources, they claim that Square Enix is doing The World Ends With You 2 exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.
>Games that relied on the dualscreens getting ported to Switch
No fucking thanks honestly.

Desu if this will only be like one NES game per month and Splatoon online I won't subscribe

Solo Remix already exists and it had a teaser for a sequel.

>"Mother 3 is coming for real this time!"

Could be part of the worldwide studios department that manages projects between the various Dev teams (internal or external) and updates the higher ups of progress


Can nintendo fuck offf. No wonder Pokemon games are shit now. Rushing shit for money

Yeah and it played like total shit compared to the original

>According to one of my sources, they claim that Square Enix is doing The World Ends With You 2 exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

Imagine thinking this when Nomura is busy with KH3 and FF7R

Game Freak has always had the same philosophy, it's not Nintendo forcing them. Masuda said many times they've got to have regular releases.

>Still no F-Zero game for Switch announced

But they will, right b-bros?

A talented new development team

What said, Pokémon games have always been releasing yearly, save for the occasional one year break. This is nooothing new.

Really getting tired of you fags posting pictures of my wife.

Sounds like they've made a few intelligent guesses


Oh fuck off.

Shut up Diana.

That must make you my son-in-law, because she calls me Daddy.

I just want a pokemon that isn't a cheap cash grab for once. They finally have non shit hardware so you'd think they'd take their time developing a title.

Nice try.

Yeah but it's much easier time development to make sprite base games than 3D and HD

And they want a new generation 2 years after left. Never happen before Pokemon really is Nintendo Cod