What will be the legacy of the Wii U?
What will be the legacy of the Wii U?
How not to introduce/advertise/design a console, not unlike what the Virtual Boy did for handhelds.
1. the most innovative and fun console of its generation
2. BY FAR the best games of its generation
3. awful marketing campaign
Put yourself into the mindset of a child or soccer mom looking at OP's image, and try to imagine how the fuck they would think it's anything but an expensive add-on for the Wii as opposed to Nintendo's first HD console, and technically the most powerful console ever made upon release.
>technically the most powerful console ever made upon release.
lol no
Slightly more raw power over the 360 and PS3, and a lot more RAM. I doubt they would have done Smash at 1080p 60 FPS.
It was weaker than 360 and PS3
>What will be the legacy of the Wii U?
The Switch.
Best library of its console gen, failure of marketing by an incompetent company.
yes, as I said regarding to marketing, EVERYTHING went wrong
if you remember the E3 when they introduced it - they literally announced controller ONLY. no words about the console itself, just the controller. and after that presentation there were articles all over the internet that the wii got an "extension". a brand new controller. even journalists didn't know that it's a brand new console
they killed it right there on the stage
but they learned from their mistakes and here with the switch we have a perfect example how you do it fucking RIGHT
What was the legacy of the Gamecube
The GameCube actually had games despite being overshadowed by the PS2.
The tablet was actually fucking cool.
When I played with friends one of us would use the TV and the other could sit with the gamepad.
Its a shame we lose that with the switch as its one or the other. I wonder if it will ever be possible in the future to patch the wiiu gamepad to switch lol
its legacy will be like the dreamcast. interesting slightly underpowered system with a great small library of fun and interesing games.
>When I played with friends one of us would use the TV and the other could sit with the gamepad.
Wouldn't it be better for both of you to look at the tv?
It started Splatoon.
I'm not kidding, that is it.
You can do that or you can kick up on the couch and have the tablet like 10 inches from your face. I have shit eyesight. It was just cool to have the choice.
Betatesting for Switch games
For me ..the sweet salt pile that was bayo 2
That it made Nintendo really try and get their shit together for the Switch.
It won't be remembered for what it had, it will be remembered for what it represented; that Nintendo needed to do better.
Get glasses?
Worst piece of Nintendo hardware ever aside from the Virtual Boy
My only regret of not falling for the Wii U is I never got to play Splatoon.
But I got Splatoon 2 now so whatever.
He isn't wrong
He can't be more wrong
Name a worse piece of Nintendo hardware
Wii U is an amazing console. The only problem was marketing and it's was already mentioned in the thread. (You) can leave now
Name a worse piece of Nintendo hardware
in this sentence you have discovered the fatal flaw with the Wii U.
If only someone could have pointed this out to nintendo. Unlike with a DS you cannot look at both screens at once. Its worthless
GBA Micro, Virtual Boy, Game & Watch, Switch.
The only bad console was Virtual Boy
Virtual Boy.
the next in the line of over rated meme consoles
Gayga memecast
Pretendo nogamescube
Wii U should have bought an xbox
It has the only two good games this gen.
It's already better than the Wii U and it only took eight months.
A marketing disaster
The Switch
>replying to obvious shitposters
>people still pretending the marketing was the major, if not only, problem
>Closed-source emulator that broke multiple games just to get Zelda running.
It's sad how abysmal the emulation field has become.
how is it better? It only has one game, which is also on the Wii U.
You could also have been playing your Wii U for years, making it a much better investment.
Finally the Wii U is fully hacked so all games are free.
one of the worst baits I've ever seen. go out and do something useful in your life
Odyssey >>>>>>> 3D World
How to not name your console. Also a masterclass lesson in how to make a fucking archaic and slow menu design and eshop.
And of course, terrible, terrible marketing.
The WiiU was great, even more so if hacked.
mario has been crap for a very long time.
it's because it's dumbed down for the masses.
Smash Box
Fuck Outta here micro was cool
Awful marketing
A lot of weird ideas that didn't really work but probably helped with creating the switch
having a failed crossover
I fucking hate anime so much. die xenoblade die.
>mfw it's a concentrated gamecube/wii/wiiu machine
Feels great.
Sod off mate. TMS had a fun as fuck battle system which had only one downside - no ability to speed up chain attacks.
>only one downside - no ability to speed up chain attacks.
and not being a crossover
inb4 retarded bait like "the battle system makes it a crossover"
maybe if you had baby hands and didn't have any gb or gbc games
Good thing they changed the name early on, right?
>Good thing they changed the name early on, right?
the official announcement trailer and except nitnendo streams after said trailer were still calling it a crossover