Just vote with your wallet

Just vote with your wallet.

Other urls found in this thread:


Votes are supposed to be equal value.

How can I profit from these brainlet subhumans?

I don't buy them, so I don't give a shit
>b-but someone else is buying them!!!
cry me a river

Wow. You must be real butthurt to repost this two days in a row.

Best $2000 I ever spent

8th gen was a mistake

Let people spend their money whatever they feel like. Why do you care?
Just go do your own thing. Is a game ridiculous and tries to exploit people? Just don't fucking play it, turn around and walk away.

Nothing wrong with lootboxes/microtransactions

So what’s the honest solution to this shit? This man bought the game at least 12 times over plus way more from his upcoming 2K pickup so voting with your wallet is pointless.

t. edgar

He bought ~$1,500 in that pic and is going back for $2,000 "next week".
I'd hope it's a troll pick with inactivated cards but that's just way too optimistic

This is why I pirate everything and gave up on supporting anything.


Explain to the class why somebody spending their own money has anything to do with you.

>Someone will get mugged and killed today instead of this braindead subhuman.

enjoy all the grind walls and time gates they install to frustrate whales then

Because then more time, talent and money will be spent making games I dislike...?

>Implying they wont just appease to a new target audience that eats up their garbage like hotcakes if you dont spend money on their shit.

There is no winning move.

EA will use that money to buy a studio i like and then kill it.

he himself says it's 4,000 in a later tweet

>no argument

Yeah? give some examples. Microtransactions, loot boxes and whales have been around for 5+ years now.
Why the fuck would anyone cater to you when you pay them less?
They will do that regardless and have been doing it for 30 years.

vote with your wallet doesn't work because these companies only need a few handful of whales to make it profitable, you were never a paying customer so they literally don't care about you

Because it affects the market and future products of things I like.

>you own a bakery
>another bakery opens up across the street
>both your bakeries are equally successful
>you find out that at their bakery they offer fancy gift bags for take home purchases
>what's more is: they don't even know what kind of bag they get when they buy one. the patterns and designs are random
>for some reason this bothers you so you call the police
>the cops come and ask what's the problem
>you explain to them
>they laugh at you and politely ask you to never waste city resources like that ever again
>but then you see it
>a boy buys a gift bag hoping for a blue one
>he buys one but it's red
>he buys another and it's green
>another red one
>a pink one
>finally after several tries he gets a blue bag
>they scoff at you and tell you that you should be so thankful that they both like your donuts more so they won't fine you for being an idiot
>this pisses you off to no end
>you go into the back and grab a wooden spoon and a large saucepan
>you go across the street and start banging your pan with the spoon and screaming "DON'T BUY GIFT BAGS HERE, IT'S NOT ETHICAL"
>even your most loyal customers think you're an idiot (despite some of them agreeing with you)
>one of them tells you to not worry about it and just tend to your bakery since their bakery's practices hardly affect you
>you wipe away the snot and tears
>"b-but i c-can't.. i-i have t-to tell them"
>everyone realizes you're a lost cause and call the police to take you home
>"b-but i wasn't d-doing anything illegal just l-like them!"
>they police assure you that you were not doing anything illegal but given the sum of recent events on your behalf, it's certain you have autism and need to be put down
>you promise to behave
>the cop driving does his best to ignore you as he's heard this before a million times
>it's apparent you'd sooner court death than behave rationally
>you're taken out of the car
Stop being dumb, OP


>Why the fuck would anyone cater to you when you pay them less?
Who cares? We're talking about why it might be a problem that a guy can spend tonnes of money on shit business practices in shit games. The answer has been given to you -- it causes practices and game-types to spread, and leeches away resources from other games.

>buy a product and invest ungodly sums of money in an optional mechanic
>publishers realize people are fucking morons and intentionally cripple the product so you have to pay more to get the same experience
>"wtf why do people care what I buy???"


>food analogy

>four grand on loot crates
>that miserably low view count youtube account
What a miserable life that faggot lives, holy shit

Ah, now I see it!
I see
that food analogies are still fucking stupid you loser

>Yeah? give some examples. Microtransactions, loot boxes and whales have been around for 5+ years now.
If you need some examples of grind and stamina systems, you obviously don't play video games, and anything I point out you wouldn't have heard of anyway.

OP knows what he's talking about.

>There's a new report out from Swrve which says 0.15% of mobile players account for 50% of mobile games revenue.

>The existence of "whales" in mobile gaming has been a staple of the industry for a while now. It's a term salesmen use for huge clients or casinos use for big spenders.

>the types of people who spend thousands of dollars on free to play mobile games are generally not Arab sheiks or titans of industry. They're normal people with addictive personalities, and some mobile games have created a new sort of addicting environment that hasn't really been seen before.

>It's a weird hybrid of gambling addiction and more traditional video game addiction, neither of which is anything new, but the combination of the two is a relatively novel emerging phenomenon, and one all the mobile games giants are taking advantage of to full effect.

>Who cares?
The fucking company that makes and publishes the games, you complete imbecile.
>We're talking about why it might be a problem that a guy can spend tonnes of money on shit business practices in shit games
You're not talking about shit, you're just self-fellating with your butt buddies when no one can even articulate as to why that shit is bad.
Nice cop out answer. Keep playing your mobile trash.

>If you need some examples of grind and stamina systems
You mean things that existed for 20+ years?

>he's a fucking tattle tale too

Do you get this triggered when someone spends $800k buying a new Ferrari?

This is abysmal levels of retardation, a new low.

>The fucking company that makes and publishes the games, you complete imbecile.
What? We're not talking about the game company, user. We're talking about ME. We're talking about why I might not want some guy spending his money on certain things. Of course the game company cares...that's the point.
>You're not talking about shit
Woah...this argument...

This is why I only play F2P and indie games.

It's more like someone buying loads and loads of the same type of seatbelt-less car.

No because a Ferrari is a luxury car. Someone buying a Ferrari isn’t going to affect the Xterra.

This except without F2P.

>car analogy

>Sup Forums is now full of communists that hate the free market

what the fuck happened?

>Yeah? give some examples
Random anom with a random example off of the top of my head: S4 League.

>cant permanently buy weapons. can only rent them with real money.
>all cosmetics carry stat upgrades
>can only rent them too

Not him.

The industry proved time and time again that it does not give a single shit about its customers. The fault lies with the customers to a degree - manchildren and retards who'll willi gly accept a dick in their ass and then offer to give a reach-around after.

>This is what customers want!
>It's his money!
>free market!
Free market works and is desirable with informed buyers who actually do vote with their wallet, who have a spine. This is not the case in the games' industry. Ideally the desire for profit and the the desire for a good product... would actually make a good product. The way it is now, is that the 'good products' get stained and maimed and ever so slightly or obscenely tweaked and finetuned to get more cash out of us livestock using insidious means. Look up skinnerbox, think about gambling and how it all relates to one's enjoyment. Pro tip: Lootbox shit is not in a game to make it better.
The prime consideration is profit to the detriment of users:
If there's content you can get quicker or more easily by buying instead of playing - why are you paying to play less? Clearly only if that part of the game is tedious or unfun.
What does the 'option' (which they so desperately want everyone to use) to buy shit in a game you already payed for IMPLY for the game and its contents?
It's like a mvie with a mandatory, unskippable intermission of 30 minutes - unless you pay more.

Voting with your wallet doesn't work because not buying amounts to a drop of water in an ocean of piss in this industry of hype, manchildren and actual children - except paying works. If the execs see the number's go up, nothing will change and people like OP's pic contribute to that. We've been reamed, that guy's getting reamed and behavior like his will not just send the message to EA that this is ok, no they'll try to exhaust everyone's willingness to spend money for 'extra content'.

Voting with your wallet works, just like in real life
Just because your side lost, it doesn't means it doesn't works

and loot boxes don't affect you if you don't buy them.

this can't be real

please tell me this is b8

A response could be "but isn't it affecting the market ;)?". But this is wrong, because a lot less money is spent on ferraris than normal cars.
Even Ancaps realise we don't have a free market. You can't rely on the free market without actually having one.

the fuck is a tattle tail

If he has the money, who are you to tell him what he can or can't buy?


These retards are as bad as the greedy corporate fat cats who have implemented all the micro transactions and loot boxes.


Who are you to tell us what we can say on an anonymous imageboard -- or even to his face?

>"Bro just stop buying these Triple A games and they will start making them better or stop making them"
>Stop buying these games
>Doesn't matter because some fag will drop more money on a game than 50 people buying the game and all the DLC

This isn't a free market, this is a consumerist market.

tbf you should also just stop buying AAA games in order not to waste your money

Take solace in the fact that they can't milk people forever user. The bubble is on it's way to burst and I will wank on the ashes when the time comes.

Hey can spend it all he wants, but it’s the trends it sets with publishers that make them continue adding these lootboxes.

If Battlefront 2 wasn’t pay to win, I wouldn’t care. I don’t get mad at people spending money on OW crates or CSGO crates. But Battlefront 2 is a 60 dollar game with pay to win loot crate microtransactions. The last thing we need is for publishers to think it’s ok for full price games to be pay to win.

You can say whatever you want, just like he can buy whatever he wants.

Does it look like we're stopping him?

Why would anyone care about the sequel to Battlefront. Has everyone just forgotten that game? Do you just wanna get mad at microtransactions?

Just checked this kids Twitch and Twitter

its probably a rich sandnigger kid who doesnt know where to spend his allowance

I’m sorry but why? Why would you waste money that hard.

Actually wait don’t answer that I can totally understand throwing 20 or 30 bucks every now and then on Microtransactions for a game you really like.

But I can’t comprehend spending thousands all at once.

>playing any game with pay-to-win mechanics

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>just ignore it bro
>haha just dont buy it
would you say the same thing when loot boxes will start to appear in your favorite game franchises?
remember it all started with horse armor and then people said to just ignore it brah its optional you dont have to buy it.
and now 10 years later its pretty much impossible to get a full game for 60$.
corporate greed knows no bounds and couldn't give a single shit about the consumer as long as it turns profit.free market is a nice meme as long as it doens't concerns things you like.

>y-yeah it'll burst any day now!

When did moronic trash like you just assumed that everyone loves "the free market"? The free market stopped being a thing over a hundred years ago, because people like you were literally tossing 6 year olds into fucking meat grinders and people got sick of it. You should be killed.

Actually yeah, I do want to get mad at microtransactions in non-F2P games.

It’s fucking baffling how Sup Forums just accepts it these days when there was uproar over horse armor a decade ago.

>stops buying and playing the games
>still whines on and on about them existing in the first place

Some F2P games are acceptable to play sometimes (as long you don't pay for shit).


Hopefully this.
But EA an its ilk are taking babysteps in approaching any limit with no end in sight. The final nail in the coffin might not be followed by a crash but by an apology and backpedalling to a previous status quo.

I am for strict govenrment regulation in this case and it pains me to say, but otherwise there can be no guarantees. An imposed limit on scummy practices to extort money would 'allow' developers to focus on ways to actually improve the quality of their games and to make them more fun (for a longer period of time).

star wars fuck yeah

Look around at the history of any media faggot. Anytime the quality of some service was compromised for short term profit it led to bankrupcy. No amount of whales will save a publisher once they've completely alienated their customer base.

>buying sims 4 game cards

>Stop buying Triple A games
>They start resurrecting good but dead franchises to rape them for more cash
I liked the Original Battlefront games. They don't deserve this.

>this much merch before the movie is even out

What the fuck is a Porg?

An expensive car is an asset. It has value after it is purchased. It may be less than what you paid, but it still has value. These scratch off cards and digital goods have zero value.

It's all EA fun bucks. Like if you bought a $40 Steam card with a picture of Duke Nukem or Sonic the Hedgehog on it

Some guy paying $2k just to play vidya ain't the problem, the problem is that because this shit is profitable (you just need a whale every x amount of people to make it worth) this will have repercussions for games in the future. Publishers will force devs to make games more and more grindy, tedious and even take away shit unless you put out even more shekels.
Shit like this is acceptable in f2p titles and mmo's or even if the optional stuff is just cosmetic but we are already starting to see lootboxes that you can get just by playing the game but that it is way more convenient to pay for them (example, the new nfs, you literally have to pray to rng to get the vehicle mods you want, mods that make the car easier to handle, faster, you name it).
Devs are already making it difficult to get the shit you want just by playing the game, soon it will be entirely behind a pay wall.
I don't care if publishers earn more like this, we saw what the greed did to atari, it can happen again.

new mascot for star wars merch

This is called Stockholm syndrome.

Is there enough content to even spend all of this on? I don't understand.

I don't buy AAA games, user.

the contents of crates are random so there will be worthless dupes filling them after a while

You're severely underestimating just how much any given freemium game can milk you.

nah brah, I love paying to get ripped off

user, it's been said hundreds of times already but it kinda fucking does in the long run. More and more games are featuring this stupid bullshit. Even the new Need For Speed of all fucking things has loot crates and its upgrade/customizing systems are compromised for it. It might not affect your average Sup Forums goer since they avoid AAA games and stick to the more enthusiast focused games but it's not exactly something you want spiraling out of control without any protest

Mind you, we're talking about a full priced Star Wars game and not a cell phone app

internet was a mistake.

soon there will be no difference

As if they care.

It's a 60 dollar game with a freemium price model

Nothing of value was lost, retards will keep buying them and there's nothing that can be done about it. Just be glad it didn't happen to a good developer yet.

>tfw for some people a game nowaday costs about as much as a console or a gaming rig