>You will never ever play Dark Souls 3 for the first time again.
You will never ever play Dark Souls 3 for the first time again
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Thank God. Worst in the series by miles. Way overstayed its welcome.
Fuck off
>Dark Souls 3
fucking bandwagon jumpers.
You opinion is so unpopular it's hilarious.
I still haven't played it. Not willing to pay the asking price of the full package.
lmao@your life
doesn't stop me from playing it again and again and again
started playing Nioh but then went back to DaS3, send help
*tips* m'gamer
you know what is a popular opinion in north korea?
you know what was a popular opinion in 1940s germany and russia?
you know what was a popular opinion of the 2016 elections?
popular opinions are shit you are a FAGLORD SUPREME
nah you are just an idiot with an unpopular opinion.
i approve
Why do casuals like Dark Souls 3 so much?
you can roll a lot
>le casuals maymay promoted by h@rdcore g@ymers
>you can spam R1 to win
>you can't get lost due to the linear world and teleportation from the start
>you can't get invaded if you're playing solo
>lot's of easy gimmicky bosses that make me feel like a badass for hacking and slashing through them
>comfy hub world
That's like saying you'll never listen to Best of The Beatles for the first time again.
>you will never feel the crushing disappointment of realizing the Aldrich storyline peters out into another DaS1 reference ever again
>you will never realize that the massive arsenal of weapons is pointless compared to the longsword and claymore (which have identical movesets to DeS) ever again
>you will never experience invasions being ruined by 12 rolls and instant estus ever again
>you will never experience the nadir of creativity that is Gwyn's theme being re-used for the final boss because they couldn't be arsed to think of a new character
>you will never experience 40-50fps on a PC that can run Crysis 3 at 60+fps
>he thinks gimmick bosses are a bad thing
If you judge the quality of a boss based on difficulty alone and not fun, memorability and interesting design then you're a literal meme "le prepare to die" gaymer. kys
Dks3 isn't even that new off an experience
Dark souls is truly the first and unique experience i had with a game in a long time back in 2011, one of the best
That being said dks2 is trash, i only played demon souls after dks2 and dks is the truest and best game of the series
Dks3 is for players late to the party that prob started with 2 and mixed it all up, i was surprised that 3 actually was a good souls game considering 2 was absolute garbage, bad art style/game design etc....
So dark souls great, dks3 stands on it's own and that's high praise in comparison to the first game
>Gwyn's theme being re-used for the final boss because they couldn't be arsed to think of a new character
>>you will never experience 40-50fps on a PC that can run Crysis 3 at 60+fps
GTX 980 and the framerate never goes below 60. Not a single time.
first half of the game was easily the worst in any Souls game for me
Didn't meant to quote that first line.
>3 is better than 2
lmao why does Sup Forums have to be so edgy and contrarian with absolutely everything. Ds3 is a good game and not even close to being the worst in the series
Where the fuck has all the DS2 defense come from this last year?
Is it the Zelda cycle? Is it babbies who started with DS2 getting nostalgia? Or is it just contrarianism?
t. someone who thought DS2 was a good game
>not a progression roadblock
fuck you pleb you're what ruined this series and gaming in general, why don't you fucktards go invade another medium.
Are you implying that Curse-rotted Greatwood, Wolnir or Ancient Deagon weren’t shit fights?
Oops, meant to say:
>Ancient Dragon and Deacons
Dark Souls 3 is boring and has zero character. 2 may be shit but at least I felt something while playing it.
There are right ways and wrong ways to do gimmick bosses.
Phalanx, Fool's Idol, Astraea, Priscilla, Executioner's Chariot, Hemwick Witches etc are good gimmick bosses.
Dragon God, Bed of Chaos, Micolash etc are bad gimmick bosses.
DaS3's gimmicks fall into the latter category. Chasing the dangling balls on the giant tree isn't fun. Whacking Wolnir's hands and hoping he doesn't push you into the wall and instakill you with gas isn't fun. Killing a dragon with a single plunge attack isn't fun. The only good one is Deacons. It's the FIFTH game in the series and has worse gimmicks than the first.
this board never changes. They just repeat and memeify opinions until everyone is just in this screaming circle of retardation.
It's like back when DS2 came out, generally people decided that it wasn't as good as the first game and was pretty flawed. Then that was repeated and repeated and memeified until it became "DS2 is the worst of the three games so far and is severely flawed" then repeated and memeified until it became "DS2 is a dogshit game 0/10".
Same shit is happening with DS3 with the added bonus of zelda cycle+contrarianism so we get the DS2 shitposting.
Watching this retardation play out in real time is really something else.
I might, still I never played Dark Souls 3.
Though since all Dark Souls games are the same, I guess I'd rather replay Dark Souls 1.
>fuck you pleb you're what ruined this series
The irony of you saying this when Demon's Souls was mostly gimmick bosses.
Curse Rotted Greatwood is a more interesting fight than Taurus Demon or Capra Demon, or Dragonrider or any early game nothing boss.
Agreed except for Micolash. Micolash is a great boss.
You know fuck all if you genuinely think dks2 is a good souls game, you're prob biased or are obviously late to the series
Also instead of posting meme pictures without any merit, try and articulate why you think dks2 is so great
2 was my first and favourite, 1 ran like shit on my expensive ass pc so fuck it. Tbh im a poor fag who never buys or gets into new games and ds2 is waaay more replayable than any other souls
Still gotta get the bone fist desu
>The irony of you saying this when Demon's Souls was mostly gimmick bosses
those actually required some effort to beat
>Curse Rotted Greatwood is a more interesting fight than Taurus Demon or Capra Demon
>Micolash is a great boss
pic related
I have never played it but you're still right.
Gave up near the end. Just so tired and didn't see any point in going on. The world is just a random assortment of shit, nothing makes sense and I simply don't care anymore.
lets any casual say they beat a dark souls game
I don't know about you guys but I literally never get tired of having this debate every single day. I'm not being sarcastic, I could argue about Dark Souls every day for the rest of my life.
>2 was my first and favourite, 1 ran like shit on my expensive ass pc so fuck it
>ds2 is waaay more replayable than any other
>Still gotta get the bone fist desu
I want to hurt you
Anyone can beat dark souls it just takes time and grinding. It's not actually hard like ninja gaiden black or contra hard corps.
2 is pretty good and it's my favorite to replay
every Souls game has a point where it just starts to grinds my gears. DaS has the dreaded halfway mark, I'm not too fond of Demon's later stages, and DaS3 sucked in the first half and late game for me (even the DLC).
DaS2 starts out pretty lame (boring, not frustrating) but just increases in quality, especially if you pace out the DLC content along with the vanilla's. The pvp was also my favorite to fuck around in, espcially with the bell-bros and its respective lava stage
Good times when people barely knew about weapon combos.
When Lucerne 4hit wombo combo killed anyone on counterhit.
Good fucking times.
>those actually required some effort to beat
Demon's Souls bosses are quite literally the easiest in the series. Are you telling me you had issues with Storm King, Adjudicator or Leechmonger? Either way, nice deflection retard. Still haven't answered how it is that gimmick bosses somehow ruined a series that started with a game with the highest amount of them.
>pic related
"ur stupid" is not an argument. Micolash is a great boss, his lore and the context which he's presented in are great, his arena is easily the most complex and interesting in the game and he's a total subversion of everything you've come to expect from the game so far.
What's wrong with his fight? Is it because it's not a chinese cartoon dude in armor duel that makes you die over and over again because, dude, like, prepare to die haha !
Good. Nioh is way better, making any Dark Souls obsolete.
The part that really sucks about this neverending argument is just how much I tried to like 3, it felt so weird to be so bored with a souls game. There isn't a single area I look forward to, it's just a progression of 'oh great THIS fuckin place' over and again
Trying to find a middleground between Souls and Bloodborne resulted in a fucking travesty
2 is shit because it has shit world design, shit level design, awful floaty combat, the highest ratio of shitty bosses and characters even worse than Bloodborne combined with awful dogshit cartoony graphics.
demon's bosses were great because most of them were puzzles to beat and not just health chafing
of course it's easy on repeat, now that you know the tactics (or have been spoiled by the community or wiki's you peruse), but part of the appeal was to find out how to effectively beat them which gave a great sense of reward
Yes, I know why gimmick bosses are a good thing. You keep deflecting.
Longest iframes in any Soulsborne game.
It's fantastic looking at it lore wise, but gameplay wise it's like being stuck in a pvp fight, but the other guys sucks and you spend most of the time just chasing him
This is not a good boss. It's a good moment in the story and game but gameplay wise it's shithouse
there are more than one persons here to respond to your retarded opinions
>What's wrong with his fight?
>chase him for 10 minutes in a scripted chase scene where it's impossible to catch him and kill
>kill him effortlessly in the designated kill room
>good boss
That's the whole point though. Every other boss in the game up until that point has been a gruelling battle, but then you're just plopped in this pit with a lunatic who's running away from you. It's perhaps a little lacking if you're looking for an epic duel, but it's not bad to play. The uniqueness of it and the context offsets the nothing-ness of the actual battle.
It's not offensively bad like Dragon God or Bed of Chaos is what I'm saying.
i have no idea how ds3 still has more people playing it than 1 or 2. both the pvp and the pve are garbage. invasions are ruined thanks to the ridiculously fast + long rolls, estus taking .5 of a second to use, and no FUCKING poise. pair that with bloodborne speed combat awkwardly shitfisted into a ds game, you get ds3.
from a pve standpoint, ive never been more disappointed. teleportation right from the start, completely linear world design. the individual levels were designed pretty well, but it was all the same envionments again; a castle, a forest, a swamp, a swamp, a swamp, catacombs. dont forget 1/2 of anor londo just fucking being there for absolutley no reason. and fuck it why not throw in siegward with his exact same personality and gimmick. andre, he's here too. and now gywndolin is some cunt's hat.
Holy shit this. Fuck rehash souls 3.
I really loved my first run of das3 but I'm really having a hard time replaying it
You said it's a great boss, you asked what's wrong with his fight.
It's mildly interesting the first time around if you're paying attention to the lore. Besides that condition giving it a lore boost in quality, it's still a shit fight that's a bore to play
Top notch constructive criticism champ
>Heavy sarcasm
It's weird how DaS 3 has such good level design but shit world design.
You have these solidly designed areas that are interesting and layered just dropped in a boring ass linear hallway world. It's also especially weird considering how fucking incredible Yharnam was in terms of world design, to go from that to just a literal linear line is really odd.
DS1/Bloodborne: made with love
DS2: made with passion but without vision
DS3: made for profit
Those are opinions, so you're telling me why you don't like the game, not why it's a bad game
You don't like the word design, or level design, you dislike the combat which is fucking nuts to me but whatever. Bosses, I guess you prefer giant dudes in armour of big dudes in armour.
Is there a real reason? It's fine not to like a game you know, you can just say you don't like it
>you will never in your life know what it was like to play through Bloodborne completely blind and unspoiled because you didn't want to buy a launch PS4 for just 1 game
Dark souls3 is the worst game in the series
>poise completely replaced with hyper armor, enhancing already op two-shot gerat weapons
>armor completely useless
>def stats made complicated as fuck
>Least variotion of play styles
>all spells made even worse, most of them being completely useless
>many items, equipment and rings completely useless
>roll spam
>no reason to not just spam r1 the whole game
>most weapon arts bad, better off with r1 spam
>most bosses just spam attack and you have to start roll spamming at approximate timing
>too much stuff reskinned from previous games
>many areas swampy and dull as fuck
>many viable builds from previous games made absolutely useless
>enchanting weapons useless
I'll add up if I notice I missed something
At least you learned your lesson for the next gen.
Would much rather play DaS1 for the first time again without spoiling myself on anything.
You play DaS3 again and the only thing that changes is that you know how long it is going to take for the game to be even remotely tolerable again after you get out of the Undead Settlement and you know the pre-defined optimal path to go through the area as well as all the dull scripted moments.
There were people who defended it even then.
DaS2 contrarianism comes and goes because it's just the easiest way to get replies when Dark Souls is a popular or current game or some shitfuck makes a new video about souls. And likewise people actually want to chime in when someone brings up DaS3 because it is overrated and the franchise is popular so someone with that opinion comes along really quick.
Same here, dumb frogposter
I considered renting a ps4 for it but then I wouldn't have the leisure to take my time and replay it later
Are you retarded? Did you seriously type this post and thought it made any sense whatsoever?
>Those are opinions, so you're telling me why you don't like the game, not why it's a bad game
Is this a joke? Do you seriously not understand that it's literally all opinions? Or are you just gonna back off with the "Its just my opinion dude lmao" excuse to not have to argue why Dark Souls II isn't the worst game in the series.
Ds2 is my favorite but I never try to defend it, I don't know why some fags have to try, and usually with invalid or petty points
I did made me angry because I died so much.
>The daily Dark Souls 2 defense force
the only fights worth a a shit are Pontiff, Champ Gundyr, NK, SoC, Midir, and Gael
the rest are meh or ruined by shitty gimmicks
thanks for the feedback, you made some pretty good arguements yourself
>heve sargasm
>tfw you did not expierence DeS and DaS1 on launch
fucking PC only meme
How can one man be so inconsistent?
>Be giant dude in Giant Black armor wielding a giant surfboard sword
>Zombie meth head with a broke dagger runs up and stun locks you to death
they turned from disneyland into an actual Dark Souls aesthetic
People defending dk2 don't know shit or it was their first experience, period.
thankfully it was also the last time
what a fucking disappointment, its so underwhelming that it actually makes me appreciate 2
oh yeah
>invading made hideous
>invaders can heal with estus
>estus unpunishable
What about Abyss Watchers, and Dancer?
>Shitty graphics is Dark Souls aesthetic
>backstab fish/parry fish
>watch some cunt spin around for 3 minutes
It's clear he gave a shit about DeS, DaS and BB.
I legitimately think he enjoyed Bloodborne the most out of all the games.
>Video giving shit to Dark Souls 2 for allowing you to kite enemies with projectiles
Every Souls game has retarded baby ai whats new
Pretty much. They just forgot the dof.
I like 3 better than 1. I didn't think so when I played it at release but now I find myself playing 3 a lot more.
2 is good too. It feels different and that's a good thing. Never got the hate.
>Shitty graphics is Dark Souls aesthetic
Have you not played Dark Souls 1?
I hate 2 because magic and faith sucks dick in 2 and every strength/dex build plays the same so fucking boring.
Stopped watching there.
I hate 3 because magic and faith sucks dick in 3 and every strength/dex builds do less damage than Quality builds even when the weapon scales heavily towards dex or str
it's just DS3 babbies defending their soulless game and DS1 babbies still seething with their rose-tinted glasses. all souls games are good and shit for different reasons but autism blinds the souls community into a frothing tribe to defend their introduction to the series
not true mate faith and magic rekts in 3 literally DeS tier.
You posted it before I could. Thanks user.
magic only works against retards, poisecasting only works on retards so faith builds just spam lightning arrow or only useful for buffing
All souls games are shit.
All games are shit.
You're shit.
I'm shit.