This is fun. Let's talk about how fun it is

This is fun. Let's talk about how fun it is.

Other urls found in this thread:

it is
we did
its old
and now it has grown red mold

The MP seems quite populated. I missed having a console MP

>doom on switch now
Yeah, let's not


I don't own a Switch for now, but it's sad how Sup Forums spendes more time talking about fps than fucking portable Doom
It reminds me of the GBA days so when I get a Switch it will be my first digital purchase, any other eshop essentials?

>game comes out
>people talk about it
Really makes you think

VOEZ is a must

This is old game and everybody already talked about it, you nintendotard

Fast Rmx, Snipperclips, Blaster Master, Sonic Mania, Hollow Knight when it comes out are all solid choices

People talk about old games on this board everyday, dude.

I like having Splatoon 2 digital so you can pop in for a few matches whenever, probably should have done the same for MK8D. As for digital only, I'd suggest Golf Story, Sonic Mania and maybe Steamworld Dig 2.

Hollow Knight?
holy shit yes, I was about to buy it, any release date?

I dont usually do this. But
>playing Doom with 30 fps

>Waah, Doom sucks
>Guys stop talking about Doom
>A Doom thread!? MOOOOODS
>Oh wait,m it just came out on Switch?

Why are Nintendo fans so fucking terrible?

The official website still lists a generic "2017" sadly

overcooked and snipperclips if you have a gf/friends

picross and stardew valley if you are a NEET like me

I imagine it'll dry up during the week and only really be populated on weekends, plus even then it'll likely suffer from TDM Only Syndrome.

if it releases on 2017 I will eat a bag of dicks and buy a shitch, there is no way it will happen

>20 fps*

>talking about fps than fucking portable Doom
if they couldnt get it right they shouldnt have done it
DOOM is a fast paced FPS. 60 fps is a must

Calm down.

>20fps with actual game slowdown (worse than normal fps drops)
>600p average
>blurry mess, including the UI
>assets degraded below PC minimum settings

>critical acclaim and the highest scoring version


Is exactly how the vast majority of people experienced DOOM over the decades:

DOOM has a long and storied history of low-rez and unstable framerate ports. It wouldn't be a DOOM port unless it had to sacrifice something to run. The first time a console was able to get the complete OG DOOM experience without cutbacks was the PS360 versions.

Unless you only ever played the PC versions of DOOM, chances are you played an incredibly gimped version and this new port is no different.

I could do with stable 30 fps.

Too bad it seems to fall under 22 with every encounters.

why does the MP on pc have so much lag?

So for how many euripoor moneys can you get switch + doom at lowest?

different reviewers?

the amount of people that played DOOm on PC completely outnumbers any of the console ports
hell people are still playing DOOM today

Personally I'm waiting next month and hope for some great Christmas deal.

It probably won't happen tho cause NINTENDO ARE FUCKING JEWS

Yes, the Switch reviewer is a literal nintendo fanboy. Someone post his youtube channe

Does it allow Gyro aiming? that's the only valid reason to buy it on the switch.

>>Waah, Doom sucks
No one ever said that.

I just finished the game (again after PC), I was playing on handheld if that helps, it was good and I wouldn't enjoy it more if it had 60 fps

if someone reading this post is on the fence with the port, I recommend buying it, Multiplayer is extremely crowded and will only decrease over time

It allow you to connect a mouse and a keyboard and to connect through steam to use voicechat. It's also compatible with tf2 hats.


>it was good and I wouldn't enjoy it more if it had 60 fps
Hi shill

I've played three versions of the game so far and every one of them have been a bit laggier than my internet would normally be.

Weird because maybe I was just mistaking what the tiny-ass text said, but I thought I saw something about dedicated servers on the Switch version.

>severe framepacing issues
>lower than lowest graphical settings
>missing modes (no snapmap)

Yeah man so fun.

It's the most ported video game in history. This is just a continuation of a beautiful tradition.


This is the ONE advantage of the switch, why are FPS devs so ignrant of it.

That thing has worked great since the Wii U, but they refuse to acknowledge it.

Dedicated servers don't matter when your platform only supports wifi.

but it's true, I liked original Doom and its horrible port on the SNES, so I'm not the best to give advice about fps or resolution
maybe that's why I liked the game

It's 30fps.

Honestly if they ported Ultimate DOOM, DOOM 2, Final DOOM and DOOM 64 (replacing DOOM 3) to Switch as a complete collection, I would buy a copy for every single Switch owner on the board.

I thought we didn't listen to IGN, seems Sup Forums is butthurt about something

like Nioh?

I feel like I suck at this but I've been having fun in the campaign. I like the pistol charge shot and the explosive shotgun a lot

if you play on easy, like the IGN reviewer did

mein negger
go for glory kills if it's just one enemy, it will help if you're dying a lot

If you are lucky.
The game regularly dips down into the low 20s when there is too much on screen, which happens very often on anything other than the easiest mode.

It's not that I'm dying it's just that I feel like I'm taking too much damage so early in the game. I'll probably get rekt if I try multi right now

people who played the original doom when they were younger are upset that nudoom is a better game, and refuse to accept it because "m-muh can't run away from monsters" and "muh arenas"

Doom 2016 is great but the arenas are shit and you know it.

Switch version is portable, your argument is invalid.

Kind of.
Playing the campaign on any difficulty wont slow down the game at all. Where the major slowdown occurs (and occurs real fucking frequently) is in Arcade Mode. DF's framerate tests were all conducted in Arcade Mode.

I'm surprised Arcade Mode was included in the first place. After playing it on Switch, i'm wondering if it wouldn't have been better just to axe it entirely. There's clearly too many enemies/explosions/effects in that mode to make it stable. It's clear that Panic Button tested the game on Campaign Mode and didn't put enough time into Arcade. One mode is responsive, the other puts you underwater even during the first mission. Even during the first encounter in the first mission.

You could play doom on a fucking laptop or god forbid a surface tablet. Not much of a argument.

>nintendo bonus meme
>meanwhile its the lowest rated on metacritic

I'd also add that there's at least one multiplayer map where the framerate tanked, the one with the low gravity areas.

But aside from that, arcade mode and the very rare multi-explosion in an area full of demons, the game runs pretty decently.

Suddenly this game became fun. Can't wait for it to happen with skyrim too.

We did talk about it. Last year.

The ease of *switiching* between playing it on your tv to playing it on the train is what gives it this “bonus”

The point is reviewers don’t do much as have a hard on for Nintendo, as they’re actively taking into consideration what the hardware Nintendo provided adds to or detracts from the version of the game they were reviewing. It’s almost as if there’s pros and cons to playing multiplats on different formats or something

Skyrim without mod never be fun


It was always a good game. Only contrarians pretended otherwise. I wish they had released single player extensions instead of that multiplayer crap nobody cared about.

>plug laptop into TV
>it immediately recognizes the new output and switches to it

>old game is released on switch
omg stop talking about old games!!
>REALLY old game is released on pc
400 threads every day

What did Sup Forums mean by this?

Golf Story. It's an RPG game except the battles are Golf

Nintendo fans are notorious for being incredibly hostile towards anything not Nintendo. It's pretty ridiculous actually.

PC release generally improves the game, at least graphically. I sometimes re-buy a console game if it gets released on PC later to have better performance.

This is a re-release of an old game with lower than low graphic settings, PS2-tier resolution and can't even maintain a solid 30fps docked. What on earth do you even want to talk about?

>This is old game and everybody already talked about it, you nintendotard
So why do you still cry about BotW everyday?

Literally no one in the thread is doing that.
Fuck off with your inferiority complex

I bought it just because I'm a Doom fanboy. I was disappointed that it doesn't have snap map. I may not even open it. I already have the pc version.

You mean the game that we've been able to emulate for months? How many levels of delusion are you on exactly?

>t. Nintendo fan

There's a reason no one here likes you guys.

Fun in all 20 frames per second.

What's snap map? I've heard of it but stopped playing before it was a thing.

>"Muh imaginary boogeyman"
Your life must be pretty sad

Why do you want snapmap?

It is so hard to watch this being played without mouse and keyboard. It looks like a different fucking game.

It does support ethernet in docked mode.
At least do some research before throwing your shit bait. Made the rest of the SDF looks bad.

I could see your point if it was detrimental to the gameplay but the game has been positively received and every who actually played it call a great port.

If you want to show me some other way I can play this game on something that small please tell me. Otherwise I'm just going to assume you just want to shit on system you don't own because of some reason.

>I sometimes rebuy games on PC
This is the same type of person who would bash switch users for wanting Wiiu ports

You must be new here. Or at least not around for when Doom threads got shitposted into oblivion by "SWITCH RELEASE WHERE!?" shitposting. I had to leave Sup Forums for an entire fucking month before it calmed down.

Thankfully I had a PS4, which has actual games unlike the Switch, to keep me busy during that time.

Laptop is significantly more cumbersome. Listen, you can do it that way if that’s your preferred method, but the switch makes it easier (even if it seems slight to you personally) and it’s smaller. I’m not knocking your opinion, but the physical set up of the switch- a tablet with dedicated controllers you can both play on your tv or in bed should be considered. Apparently this is a factor that seems trivial to you that clearly a larger number of people care about

A level editor. If snap map doesn't get added to the switch version I probably won't even open it.

it looks fine in that webm, there are other segments on the DF video that look awful, try them for your console wars next time


Nice way to out yourself as bootyblasted retard. Suddenly it becomes clear.

the only time I remember people saying DOOM sucked was the multiplayer betas

It's happening already! And still a week til release. Damn

>it looks fine
>20fps all time
>game in constant slowmotion
Holy shit, i think nintendo kids playing in 20fps and think it is how 30fps looks in shooter.

See, that's fair. I can understand why people that play DOOM on PC at Ultra settings, 4K with above 60fps might be confused as to why people are getting something out of Switch DOOM. The majority of people aren't enjoying that experience though. PS4 players are stuck at 1080p and High settings. Bone players are at 900p with a varying framerate. Most Steam owners wont admit to it, but they're probably stuck at medium setting with less than 60fps.

Sure, the Switch is the worst performing port of them all (understandable given that it's a tiny tablet.) But unless you're enjoying the full fat PC experience, there's always someone enjoying a better version of the game than you.

Still not happening in this thread... So why the anticipated and free shitposting instead of actually talking about the game.

The switch version wasn't even mentioned in the OP. But you retards and your inferiority complex bring it up and autoshitposted yourself.

More levels. Sure it can't come close to doombuilder or anything like that. But it would be better than nothing.

Literal slow motion is detrimental to the game. When it drops frames the actual game slows down, not just the rendering

>OP picture is literally the switch version

I don't remember, did we shit on the Xbox performance of DOOM when it came out? Because the Xbox performance of DOOM is pretty bad too.

>Thankfully I had a PS4, which has actual games unlike the Switch
Jesus Christ how old are you? I feel old here now. Place is full of 14 year olds.

It came to my attention the other day that even the rest of Sup Forums is embarrassed by this board. Let that sink in.

Is that just the extra shit on the HUD causing the slowdown? I've played through one and a half difficulty modes so far and it hasn't once reached a consistently low framerate on the regular campaign.