This is one of the greatest games of all time.
At the very least, one of the greatest games of the past 15 years
This is one of the greatest games of all time.
At the very least, one of the greatest games of the past 15 years
Other urls found in this thread:
Solid 5/10
did you just breeze through the game once in 4 hours like a fucking autistic sonic fan
the fact that it even lets people like you play it how you want just makes this game even greater
No, it's pretty shit.
It's like a casual FPS mixed with a dumbed-down stealth game packed in a bioshock atmosphere.
>first person means it's an FPS
Agreed, OP. The whole Dishonored series is really fucking good. Hope we get a third one later down the line.
felt like a 7/10 to me, it had no real hook at all and trying to stealth and be smart about my way through rarely worked or made a difference, so I just slaughtered everyone
after I realised that it bored the fuck out of me
I disliked how the games setting was explained via all the books rather than in-game via conversation / events etc. As far as gameplay goes it was great, the masquerade ball is one of my favorite levels.
I also like how if you go crazy and kill everybody at the ball and sign your own name on the guest book it affects the next mission.
Great game. It bothers me that people call it "too short". The world was really enjoyable to explore if you took the time.
I think too many people playedi t as a linear story game.
Agreed, one of best games ever.
>you shoot arrows not guns so it's not an FPS
ok kiddo
>Devil May Cry is a third person shooter because it's third person and you can shoot guns
this is how retarded you sound
>so I just slaughtered everyone
after I realised that it bored the fuck out of me
this is why so many people have a problem with dishonored. they're scared to play it their own way because they feel the need to force non-lethal to prove a point or to try and get a perfect run their first time or any other number of things that's not actually doing what it is you want to do.
Case in point,
>trying to stealth and be smart about my way through rarely worked or made a difference
Is completely untrue. it just is I don't wtf else to say, you clearly weren't good at stealth and definitely weren't playing smartly.
You should've just slaughtered everyone from the get-go if you really wanted
holy shit i just realized you weren't being sarcastic
FPS stands for First Person Shooter. As in, with guns. Not a stealth game with a crossbow ffs user
the AI was a lot better in 2
The crossbow is functionally the same as a gun, and there is an actual gun anyway so what's your point?
>stealth game
good try
>Not realising the appeal of the game is use of the emergent systems the player can abuse.
I preferred Dark Messiah, but Dishonored is solid.
8/10. Good game, but I genuinely don't like the setting, and could not care less about the narrative. I felt the sections where you forced to do busywork at the pub just hurt the game.
It's good, but kicking simulator is better.
>the crossbow is functionally the same as a gun
it's not
why would it be? because it shoots things and has ammo?
then any game with a spell that costs mana to shoot something is an FPS now
you're a fucking idiot
The only real differences that it has from the crossbow is that it uses ammo types that wouldn't make sense with the gun (i.e. knockout darts) but that's an aesthetic difference, hence they're functionally the same.
If there's a game that uses projectile spells in the same way a typical FPS game would use guns then yeah, it's an FPS. Like that crappy Lich game that came out a few years ago.
2 is better in almost every way except story.
if it's first person and you shoot, it's a FPS. This is not complicated. What you shoot with is not implied.
Hexen isn't an FPS because you don't use guns
>says game is bland
t.ignlet, try to understand how ratings work before posting.