Don't mind me, I'm just the best DLC for Fallout 3

Don't mind me, I'm just the best DLC for Fallout 3

No one cares about that antiquated game anymore. Say what you will about FO4 but I can't go back now.

this was my first experience forcing myself to complete a DLC simply because i paid for it and wanted to get my money's worth. every room looks the same, and every one is packed with 7,000 HP enemies.

Come on 3 is much better than 4, and NV is even better.

That's not how you spell Operation: Anchorage

The worse bethesda DLC, and yes I am counting the fucking workshop shit. I'd rather build giant clones of the game mousetrap in FO4 than to slog though that shit again.

>indoor area: the expansion
>best anything
Shit taste desu, even the pitt was better

What's with anons suddenly defending this thing? Did a very vocal guy buy it and felt the need to be validated on 4chin?

>Best loot
>Doesn't overstay it's welcome
>Isn't some shitty swamp with nothing interesting in it
>Isn't Mothership Zeta

You are a man of taste, this and The Pitt are the patrician's choice.


>not Point Lookout

>same DLC that implies aliens started the Great War
>best anything

>Best loot
you mean obscenely overpowered loot that trivializes every and any encounter you have thereafter.

>abusing the ammo machines to turn yourself into the Herald of Annihilation when you get back to the wasteland with the Gary 23 glitch

>chinese stealth armor
>gauss rifle
fuck it reinstalling now

>FO3 has been out for 10 years and he still hasn't given up on Fallout lore

All of fo3 dlc were laughably bad.

NV > 4 > 3 tho

You spelt worst wrong OP

No, Fallout 3 and 4 have equally terrible stories but 4 is actually fun to play.

... Does anyone actually think this or Operation Anchorage is better than Point Lookout AND The Pitt? I hated FO3, but even I can admit that The Pitt is actually good.

All I have is terrible memories of The Pitt bricking 360s.

Remember how the roof in the steelyard was broken?

Found your problem?

>mfw The Pitt

holy shit that DLC had such a good atmosphere, it makes you feel like you really are in a post apocalyptic world

This is what Fallout 4 should have been on a grander scale.

The ONLY good one was The Pitt, and I guess the one in the swamps was OK, pretty mediocre like the vast mayority of the main game.
But how in the nine circles of hell would any being find any of the other three DLCs, focused on action in a game with ATROCIOUS combat, anything but pure garbage?

I have Broken Steel and Point Lookout on a PS3. Should I get The Pitt?

>the ''we want to be COD'' Fallout 3 DLC's
the only good DLC's are Point Lookout and the Pitt

>Paying for DLC
>Paying for Fallout 3
You should pirate the goty edition for PC, you moron.

>>the ''we want to be COD'' Fallout 3 DLC's
That's Anchorage, user.

>RPG with shitty shooting mechanics having a entire DLC dedicated to its shitty shooting with no RPG to it and the being one giant corridor

I was thinking about downloading some mods for FO3 from loverslab but I cannot figure out that place for the life of me. It doesn't help that the forums merged 3 and NV so figuring out what everything's for is hard enough.

>Fallout 3
>on PS3

The Pitt was absolutely fantastic just for the atmosphere, exactly like Dead Money.
Gameplay-wise it was mediocre. Exactly like Dead Money.

Oh Bethesda. Never change you incompetent boobs.

The Pitt is in no way comparable to Dead Money. Not even close. The Pitt was pretty good, Dead Money is GOAT.

Mothership Zeta was that too
it was nothing but shooting Aliens and destroy their shit

Mediocre gameplay sums up anything gamebryo related though.

Your opinion is terrible.

Both had GOAT atmosphere, but horrible flaky and wonky gameplay.
Dead Money's one was a bit better because of the general improvements of F:NV, but it played very poorly. Let's not forget how we all filled the fountain with objects.

>hey there let me just leave this innocent baby with his loving Parents who are obviously working on a cure to this disease, it sucks for the Slaves but that way no innocent child would be potentially kill'd
>bad karma lol
what did Todd mean by this

I know, the only reason I have it on PS3 is because I got it as a gift from a friend.
And, to be honest, I kind of avoid pirating because the one time I did it I was an impatient tard and I got a virus. I still feel the shame.

Man I suck so many hours in Fo3 and NV

OA was lit cause you could get that sword??

The Pitt was clearly the best thought out and had the best vibe.

Melee only build is broken in every new fallout game.

>he didn't just stuff everything into one of those bins near the entrance

That whole 'Well maybe you're a synth' thing and your dude not remembering much before the bombs despite also going into things that'd be before the intro in past dialouge was kind of stupid.

Aside from that yeah it was vastly better than the main game in terms of story. Not that that's hard. But still I wish the main factions were as fleshed out as they ones on the island.

even then your better off just buying it on Steam
DLC's seperate are still 10 dollars a piece on the PSstore and 10 should get you the GOTY on steam

Those bins were bugged back in the days when it was newly released, as they were respawning bins that cycled their inventory once every 3 in-game days.
They later fixed it, but unless you were using the dead money unofficial patch you were basically going to lose everything, the fountain was way easier to use.

>goes for a second playthrough of NV after ending the first one without touching the DLCs
>enter Dead Money at lvl 20 with an unnarmed build, going in blind
>the DLC was a breeze and ghost people were just walking XP sources

I think I just spoiled myself the experience of the DLC

what is this shit? false flagging? memeing? being a contrarian?
that shit is literlaly teh worst DLC for a fallout game ever

>Exit out of Vault
>Talk to evil suit dude and kill him, defuse bomb, cure junkie by talking to him, and fix pipes
>Run to that Anchorage dlc waypoint
>Get Chinese Stealth suit

I never played the DLC's but just thinking about replaying Fallout 3 with those endless super mutant corridor fests with conveniently placed rubble and subways makes me vomit.

I don't know how you guys pull it off, you're real troopers.

>conveniently placed
The layout never fucking made sense to me. DC was a fucking maze, both above ground and below ground.

Best DLC of all time coming through.

Pretty much this, it's a turd vs a polished turd with a party hat on

>Having to rewatch the Ingot walkthrough several times because missing 3 random ingots

I never understood why they forced you into going through a subway just to enter DC

>mfw I got them all first time

Damn, I never knew that - I didn't play Dead Money straight away, so I must've done so after the patch. Thanks for explaining, user.

What are the best adult mods for FO3?

>not just using the power armour and an infinite-durability minigun

This, holy heck, I found it to be really good and atmospheric. Lost interest in the rest of the game not long after finish it, it just didn't compare (not that it was great in the first place).

I tried replaying FO3 one of these days but stopped after reaching DC the map design REALLY gets linear and never opens up, even more so when you are doing a no quick-travel run so you have to run through multiple long ass metro tunnels for every little quest there.

I'd be okay if there was more activity in the tunnels other than the corpses of ghouls you killed 2 days ago, trade caravans, scavengers, fucking anything.

Yeah, that's probably the best route outside of pirating.
I'll keep an eye out for a sale, should also give me time to think of if I really want it.


>buying Todd games


I'm afraid I've already been charmed by the handsome devilet's lies. Damn you, Todd.

Anchorage is terrible you memeing fucks.

>best DLC for Fallout 3
>not Fallout: New Vegas
I'm smarter than you.

Thanks for the free (you), but I didn't imply Operation Anchorage was good.

How dare you reply to me.

A'ight. You do you.

bad kids have to justify it because they can't play the game without their chinese babby suit.