The only recent acceptable game was produced by cheap slav slave labour. The future seems bleak.
What's the future of western cRPGs?
Full voice acting was a mistake.
Cinematic approach was a mistake.
Pillars of Eternity was real good and Pillars of Eternity 2 looks even better. I'm not too worried.
Like the last two decades, there will always be a trickle of them being released. I'd say annually you'll get one.
PoE was an okayish product. PoE 2 looks very promising. I just hope combat mechanics will be better.
>The future seems bleak.
>he hasn't heard about the latest german autism simulator
I was going to check out Original Sin 2, but then someone told me about narrated sex scenes.
are you implying Witcher 3 is good?
Does it have Scavenger birds?
Original Sin 2 is so fucking bad. The combat is very poorly designed and tedious, the writing is cringe even without taking erotic bullshit into consideration, the game just straight up lets you respecc any time you want. It's embarrassing.
>tfw russian, worst kind of slav, and no good russian games
Yes, carbon copies infact.
They're called biters.
Sounds a lot like the first. It was weird being one of the few who really didn't like that series, I'm glad more people are opening their eyes.
There's a market for biowareish (except not shit) games like Witcher 3.
>The only recent acceptable game was produced by cheap slav slave labour
i thought mass effect 3 was made by canadians
>The only recent acceptable game was produced by cheap slav slave labour. The future seems bleak.
>What is Divinity:OS2
>What is ELEX
cRPGs are save.
CDprojectRED and the creators of the games i mentioned above made sure of that.
what's the best CRPG where I can spend hours reading lore in-game?
for instance, having optional books to read that give you tons of background information on the world, or can even be about a character/dungeon in-game that gives you a quest, like in Elder Scrolls games.
Oh, that's just weak.
100% this.
As for OP, if you're into the genre, the last couple of years have been throwing a lot of stuff at us. No new classic yet, but some very solid stuff, promising if we can keep the momentum going.
There's a market for Hollywood blockbuster. Hell, there literally is a market for shit.
The existence of a market doesn't say much about the product for it.
Welp. I'm going to check it out.
It's basically Gothic 2 with jetpacks in terms of quality.
Planet Escape Tournament.
Some incoming stuff looks fucking interesting if you put systemic experimentation above production values.
If (big if, but hey) they manage to make their conversation system work, No Truce With The Furies has all the marks of a modern classic in the making (only time will tell though).
Copper Dreams looks like another very nice, laser tailored game that will scratch a very peculiar itch, from the People of Serpents in the Stagland.
If PoE ends up being to BG2 what PoE was BG, it's going to be a monster.
Underworld Ascendant is in a weird, worrying vacuum for now, but what little we could see before that was very promising. Hopefully it delivers.
Couple other games whose names I can't remember right now, and another slew of average but decent games (and despite the complaints of some purists, those are *good* to have around) - like the HBS Battletech game. The times are not dark has they once were for cRPG lovers, far from it.
>The only recent acceptable game was produced by cheap slav slave labour
kill yourself op