ITT: Vidya fetishes
>Music changes slightly based on the phase of the boss fight or how the tide of battle goes
ITT: Vidya fetishes
>Music changes slightly based on the phase of the boss fight or how the tide of battle goes
Other urls found in this thread:
>game with operable vehicles has a horn button even though it serves no purpose
>starting area leads to the final area in the game
>Boss has an identical moveset to yours
>you enter special mode
>boss does too
>Remix of the battle theme from the previous few encounters starts playing
These aren't fetishes.
>boss final form
>hero and former enemy team up
>main theme plays
>protagonist/antagonist romance
Bonus points if the "main" girl gets shoved in your face the entire game and she starts screeching autistically if you don't pick her over the superior villainfu.
>music stops just before you reach the boss area
bonus points for still being able to hear wind or things in the distance
>ITT: Vidya fetishes
A finished game
Having an edgelord route
>Game has multiple protagonists with separate storylines
>They appear in each other's stories as bosses
>antagonist has their own QTEs
>they fail them as the fight goes on
>last phase of the final boss is a fucking slaughter where the previously intimidating boss is getting his ass kicked by the main character
>you lose control of the main character and the gameplay seamlessly turns into a cutscene where he goes berserk on the boss's ass
>you start rooting for the boss when you realize the main character's practically become a monster
>main character of the first game is the final boss of the second game
>game has a standard battle theme that always plays during normal battles
>shit gets serious in the story
>the battle theme stops playing so it doesn't interrupt the climactic area theme
Let the kiddies have their fun.
>Go forward and who gets on you way he will get is ass kicked.
>Be hero who reads about some faggot being evil and anyone who met him was powerless aganist him, untill you go to him and kick his ass.
And special from temple of the elemental evil.
>When you walk into main evil guy fortress and convince some giant and troll to be on your side.
>the sound of your character's footsteps is different if walking or running on a hard surface with bare feet
>A finished game
New Game+, alternate costumes, and unlockable weapons in the game and earnable at release.
>Evil route has all the characters in the good route try and stop you in one final battle. You're essentially the final boss.
Horn is assigned to the "fire vehicle's weapon".
Stella Glow on 3ds
>beat the game
>credits is a bonus shooting gallery
>game world changes dramatically due to events of the main story line
>final fight takes place in the burnt out ruins of the starter area
and my personal favorite
>Final fight
>Subdued orchestral version of the normal combat music or intro music
>And just as the heartfelt credits roll, with great catchy tunes and melodies much better than they have a right to be, a nice and clear
Thank you for playing!
>Message pops into the screen
and at regular price
>>beat the game
>>credits is a bonus shooting gallery
haven't seen this one for ages
Master Li?
>loading screen has a minigame
>But... [You will still live!/spoiler]
>hidden postgame boss's theme is a corrupted, "static" version of the first city's theme
>Character gets a sprite change as a part of the story.
>Lunar 1
>Matsuno tactics games
This shit makes me diamonds.
>Second game of the franchise
>World of the first game is accessible
>The path to it already gets a coming-home feel with exciting music
God, rival fights like this make my dick so hard holy shit.
The Wonderful 101 is full of my vidya fetishes
>The mirror boss thing
>A flashback sequence with your Mission Control as the playable character, and he gets his own custom moveset
>Legit old cheat codes that let you unlock characters if you're not good enough i.e. me
>Cool-looking, cinematic QTEs that don't break the flow of the game
Not no purpose but holy fuck the Spirit Tracks train whistle was incredibly fun.
>The ability to kick ragdolls around
>Boss completely demolishes the protagonist, doesn't even break a sweat
>Beaten, the protagonist experiences a moment of introspection, during which they get a stark reminder of what they are fighting for
>Round 2 begins, with the protagonist ready to give everything they've got
>Music and visuals change to reflect this
>everyone you helped along the way comes to help you in the final battle
this is why Dark Souls 2 was the worst in the series
>Halo CE
>On the Rainbow road map
>Every-time I passed someone, I'd spam my horn then fly off
Fucking top
>halo ce with Sup Forums
>nobody ever had the rainbow road map without the enemies at the start
>game has unlockable pallette swaps
Loved this in Kirby's squeak squad
So let's pretend I'm a dude who wants to make an 2D top-down RPG that gets everyone's boner going. What are some absolute must-have fetishes? I'm personally a big fan of the "final boss theme transitions into an awesome remix of the main theme", so that's definitely making it in.
It's a good feel, but
>stuck in a grueling battle for a while now
>manage to knock the biggest enemy fucker on its ass with a decisive blow
>tables turn and music goes HARD
This is best feel.
>At the brink of death fighting group of enemies
>level up during the battle
>Big swoosh sound and effects
>HP fully recovers
>NPCs will fight one another if they're from conflicting factions
>You can even find ways to lure them into each others' path
>game has opening theme
>throughout the game, you hear the opening theme or a variant of it at certain points
>final boss fight
>epic version of the opening theme plays
Undertale did this really well, MGS series did this a little during MGS3 and MGS4.
Undertale example:
Opening theme:
Important Scene:
Final Boss:
this gets me DIAMONDS
>Music changes if you go underwater
I noticed Mario Odyssey did this and had flashbacks to playing old Rare games
If Undertale did anything right it's definitely the music.
Game's a bit too easy and preachy for my tastes, nothing brilliant, but that music's an absolute 10/10.
Titan Quest did it too. In fact, TQ incorporated the main theme in most musical pieces in the game in some form.
>Full version of the opening starts playing in the final boss fight
Can't mention leitmotifs without Super Mario World. It's all the same theme.
>Game's a bit too easy
even genocide?
>Main character gets a temporary "super" form with different hair/outfit
Simple yet sooooo effective for hype
Holy fucking shit. At first I was repulsed by this games art. But the fact that you can fuck the villain made me love it.
Well OK, Genocide can be tricky but it's balanced out by the fact that the game obviously doesn't want you to play that. Sans is the highlight of the game as far as battles go but no other enemies come close to being as memorable. Toby could've done way more with the battles.
>Vijounne vs Blue fight
>Does a Henshin a go-go
my fucking cock
Examples please.
Odin Sphere
>organ music intro shifts into overdrive for the fight
Thanks DMC
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Also the Vita DLCs connect with the main story for what I've seen, despite no boss encounter
isn't that pathological
One of the best feels I have ever felt in every video game ever, of all time.
You, my friend, are my nigger.
The music changing when you start winning the big boss fights is just such a fantastic way to really get you extremely hyped.
The best examples I can think of are monhun which starts playing
And of course W101, when
starts playing you know to strap yourself in and keep a hold of your dick, cause shit is about to get amazing. Nothing ever got my as hyped as that song starting in a boss fight.
>you can have a relationship with someone else's wife
>that one song in the game that has lyrics and is used for a special boss(es)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006
Legacy of Kain Defiance.
>the ability to t-bag players and their heads slightly stick to your crotch.
Nobody believes you will ever make that game, so don't expect any replies.
That's OK, reading the posts here helps too.
>Early story weapon in the game becomes the strongest if you keep it all the way to the end and upgrade it
You know, I'm not even sure if they meant to do so with the rusted weapons in dragon's dogma, but holy shit did they because broken pieces of shit if you upgraded them due to how slow worked.
Dark Half
what the fuck am i trying to read
>Photo mode
>unconventional movement that rewards players with increased speed and mobility
hail strafe jumping, bhoping, surfing, wall riding
Yakuza 4
>but holy shit did they because broken pieces of shit if you upgraded them due to how slow worked.
>game is drawn by asanagi
>Side quests are loosely connected to each other
>Theme song of area/city changes after some event
>You can keep playing post game and it actually is post game and not just locking you in a time where everyone acts like the final battle didn't happen yet
>tekken 7
>fast paced techno music
>final round
>music goes apeshit
thought it was pretty cool
>use the horn button
>hey this is kinda fun
>get a fine through mail the next day
what did they mean by this
>multiple PC have their own music for map and bosses
>having more than one battle theme for normal encounters
was this the most cringy anime of 2017?
how can there be a final boss in a VN?
Arc the Lad Twlight of the spirits.
>game is heavily based on QTE
>final boss has also his own QTEs
>begin to fuck them up as you're beating his ass
is this the anmie where the guy almost fucks his sister but it never delivers?
I'm sick of this shit
can you give me some games with this user
Cave Story
Doesn't apply that much but SMT Nocturne's first devil can become one of the strongest if kept until the end
>return to the tutorial level/zone in the mid-late game
>it's significantly changed with bigger threats
>extend arm
He might not be a weapon, but this exact reason is why I love Terry Hintz.
>every boss has their own distinct theme and fight theme which're all amazing