>it's OK when japan does it
It's OK when japan does it
what do these orbs do?
I just installed a savegame. Consolecucks getting fucked is inherently not a bad thing.
Purchase things you can already unlock ingame easily. Blue orbs increase your health size, and red orbs are money, which is never ever a problem
I am guilty, i bought unlock all modes.
Thanks god
Bought dmc4 back when it originally released, always wanted the infinite devil trigger but couldnt beat dmd.
I'd rather pay 5$ than spend days autistically trying to "git gud".
Not everyone is a NEET with too much time on his hands
Why not just cheat?
Or are you pretending to be retarded?
epic bait fag
>Why not just cheat?
on console? how?
Just pirate the superior PC edition.
God, in fact, why haven't you already if you want so much to unlock that shit, that you're even OK with paying for it?
>literally paying for cheat codes
>just go play at rock bottom settings on your toaster instead
no thanks
What settings do you think you play on console?
whatever the hell they are on ps4 or xbone, I don't think I'm playing at 800x600 at 15~20 fps.
I bought one because my PC is shit and I'm not going to spend the equivalent price on a mid range pc because that completely defeats the purpose of pc's being superior to consoles.
You can play DMC4's Legendary Dark Knight mode on better settings than PS3/X360 on a fucking $300 laptop, user. It's one of the most well optimized games of all time.
You have no excuse.
I'm not dropping all that money on a shitty laptop, specially not for a handful of games that are decently optimized. I'd buy a shitty PC in a haertbeat if all games ran as well as DMC4.
if I'm going to build a good PC, I'm going big.
Stop responding to obvious bait damn it.
>I'm not dropping all that money on a shitty laptop
You just said you already have a PC.
Unless it's a fucking 2003 Macbook, you can play vanilla DMC4 on it just fine.
Seriously, what's your PC? Fucking Windows 98?
it's a shitty potato from 8 years ago, which already had specs considered low back then.
it sure as hell doesn't play "fine" on my pc, which I've got at the time only to do menial tasks.
I'f I wanted a gaming pc back then, I wouldn't have got a crappy one instead and a console. but I'd have needed a lot more cash because I wouldn't be satisfied with a rig that barely surpassed PS3 graphics and ONLY IF the game was as optimized as dmc4
my computer had a gpu and cpu from fucking 2006 or 2007 in it back when i bought dmc4se and it ran that shit at good settings
congrats, I guess?
if PCs were all the same and all rigs from decades ago ran as good as yours, people wouldn't buy consoles
But can it run 2016 games as ps4?
>it sure as hell doesn't play "fine" on my pc
Did you even try to run it or are you making stupid assumptions?
You've got weird priorities if you're willing to pay $5 for in game goodies but you've been cheating out on upgrading your comp for a fucking decade.
why would I just assume the performance if all it takes for me is a dozen minutes or so to pirate and test it?
are you seriously playing detective to somehow prove that my shitty PC is actually good and I'm just denying it the chance to prove me it's quality?
>cheating out on upgrading your comp for a fucking decade
like I said, if I want a gaming PC then I want to go big, something way above the current gen. I'm tired of this retarded seesaw goalpost moving of PC gaming being considered master race and better than everything else, but you're supposed to settle for a 300$ laptop because it plays that one well optimized game at high settings