Dumb article whatever, what is your thought on it?
Dumb article whatever, what is your thought on it?
Other urls found in this thread:
>linking directly to Kotaku
My thoughts are that you are a faggot.
hi Kotaku
Check my 5
More shitty contrarian clickbait from kotaku, what a shocker.
You mean this 5, chief?
OP is a faggot and a shill
>not showing racism means it's not accurate
>showing racism means condoning it
That poor guy. I hope he's alright after going through all that. I mean, remembering that people were racist back then? That's rough
>game has a trans character
>at no point does the game show me footage of a penis being cut open and turned inside out
Also the nu-male who wrote this garbage essay that Cocktaku is quoting can't handle criticism, insulting people on twatter and blocking them and their followers for not agreeing with his view
You can search for it using 'Unwinnable'
Yeah keep making this dumb gay thread op, lets see what happens :)
no way.
is there seriously a lost reference in Cuphead?
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. There is no winning with people like that.
What do they want the devs to do about it? Geez. There already got rid of the obvious racist shit.
>directly linking kotaku instead of archiving it
reddit go home
>direct link to kotaku
>There’s a famous saying often attributed to Sigmund Freud that goes “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” While he almost certainly didn’t actually say it, the quote lives on because of the appeal of its underlying logic: not everything has another layer, a hidden meaning, or a secret agenda. As persuasive as this logic can sometimes be, however, it’s often born of exhaustion or hopelessness rather than insight
so basically what he says is "we will find something to be offended about in anything".
i really want to believe all of it is clickbait and there are no people that mentally retarded out there but it would be really optimistic from me.
Why is the liquid in Cuphead's head white? Racist much?
So how should Cuphead have addressed the racist past of Fleischer cartoons? Maybe have a KKK Grand Wizard (who is also an actual wizard) boss who kidnapped a bunch of black people and turned them into golliwogs, and when you save them they transform back into strapping black CEOs and powerful women of color, who then chastise you for thinking that black people couldn't save themselves without the help of a white cup? Would that be good enough?
>tfw you realize the skin healing naturally tries to close the "vagina" wound so every morning they have to re-open it
>Everything made before we became the arbitrators of what is and isn't socially acceptable is doubleplussungood.
Cartoons were better when they had racist stereotypes.
If nigger were to be depicted in cupheads style they'd indeed have to do it like a caricature to stay honest to the style.
However, they avoided the issue by having characters that are abstract enough.
There is nothing to associate many of the characters with one race over another, including the main characters.
Than there is the militaristic german rat...
But it's a fair thing to consider, there is a conflict there. You can't stay true to the style, depict black people with it and not draw the stereotype.
Reminds me of that episode of drawn together.
>actually getting offended because a game sidestepped controversy by not going anywhere near race and then bringing up race anyway
What the fuck.
>linking to kotaku
I wish I could seperate your head from your body
Jesus Christ, they literally just wake up every morning pissed off and go try to find something that offends them, no matter if they need to pick straws to do so.
I guess this means that here shortly they will be REEEEE-ing about Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies once they accidentally have kids and show them some cartoons because they liked them as a kid. Better go ahead and create an archive of all shorts I can find as soon as possible.
Nigga I ain't giving them clics.
>linking kotaky
Nigger are you for real right now?
They will always ban evade. There's no way to stope these fuckers.
>limpwristed numale Cucktaku writer finds Cuphead too hard
>-s-s-s-staaahp enjoying this stealth-racist gaaaem mooooooommmmyyyy!!!!!!!!
How will they get offended if they don't have anything in the game to be offended by? They have to create their own.
This people are the reason we can't have nice things. Also OP is a faggot
I figure they could've tried to include black people without making them minstrel caricatures.
>linking to kotaku
>no pastebin
Hello clickbait shill.
I understand what the article is getting at but it honestly has nothing to do with Cuphead.
Cuphead does its absolute best to take the postive aspects of 1920's animation and iron out the more controversials aspects of it. You can see how conscious they were of it by watching the old trailers, where Cuphead and Mugman were drinking alcohol and the devil much more closely resembled black caricatures from that era.
Any associations with minstrel shows come from other artists, and when looking at an art form I think it's important to judge a work based on the criteria and intent of the artist instead of generalizing the style itself. Dada was formed in part as a protest to World War 1 but nobody is going to claim that surrealist art produced in 2017 is inherently anti-capitalist or anti-war because of the styles roots. Animation isn't any different.
The article addresses its changes as whitewashing, but that's not really fair nor true. Taking the positive aspects of its inspirations while cutting the baggage is how any art form survives and evolves, and introduces it to new audiences who'd otherwise not know anything about it. Not to mention that the crux of their argument was King Dice, who so closely resembles Cab Calloway that claiming it's no different to the featureless ghosts and racist caricatures used to depict him in the old Fleischer cartoons is ridiculous.
>all medieval games should have a segments educating people on the abuse of Christianity, the oppression of women, the incessant assaults by North African Muslims against Eur-
Oh wait, I guess they wouldn't like that.