Best TPS games

These are the greatest action TPS games of last gen. Each game has some quality that it is unmatched in, and combining all of these would make the best TPS game of all time.

Am I missing any titles though?
Only from last gen + PC around that time.

Earth Defense Force 4 nigga

>Max Payne 3
>Kane & Lynch 2
>Resident Evil 6
TPS is dead.

>Kane & Lynch 2

>Am I missing any titles though?
Some might disagree but GRAW1/2 is pretty unique compared to most TPS games

>Spec Ops the Line
>Kane and Lynch 2
>Resident Evil 5, the worse version of RE4
At least RE6 added a bunch of neat mechanical shit, RE5 is nothing and plain unpleasant until you break the game with infinite rocket launchers.

Max Payne 3 may be a step down from the first two but the gunplay and fluidity is unmatched.
Kane and Lynch 2 has amazing aesthetics.
Resident Evil 6 has the best player mechanics of any TPS but is ruined by shit level design that never encourages you to go deep into the system to see how versatile it is. If you don't play campaign and instead play Mercenaries it's the best in the series.
It's not supposed to be that each of these is even necessarily a good game, but that they have an element in it that makes it stand out.


Where the fuck is Lost Planet?

>Kane and Lynch 2 has amazing aesthetics.
That is the worst fucking reason for choosing a "best TPS".

>fluidity is unmatched
Fuck no, Max controls like shit, the gameplay is clumsy and sluggish.

Really the only reason I put in RE5 was because of so many people claiming how fun of a co-op experience it is. If I had to pick one over the other in terms of uniqueness I'd have picked just 6 for sure.
Last gen bro. RE4 was gamecube, etc.

Is that TPS though? I thought it was typical Platinum-style beat-em-up. With these games most of the gamplay is just shooting with little to no focus on melee at all, besides the RE games.

Different game m8

only played the first but really enjoyed it still hoping to get max payne 3

Oh shit, my bad.

Anyone more experienced with the Rainbow Six, Gears of War or Armored Core series think any of those games should be included?

R6 Vegas is not a TPS

you mean you play like shit?

Didn't 2 let you switch between first and third person whenever you wanted or am I remembering wrong?

>Binary Domain
fantastic game, gone too soon

I really got crushed when I saw how low the sales were. The story was legitimately good, the characters were likeable, the diverging gameplay elements were interesting and it has the best damage modeling of any TPS by far.
The only issues were how some of the bosses turned into total bullet sponges, the lack of new game plus and some of the squad mechanics. It was such a sleek game and it was cool to see the Yakuza team do something different.

no GTA?

I think it was third person when in cover, otherwise it was always first person.

they are nothing special as action shooters

>no dead space
you tried

I thought about it but the shooting aspect in the series is a smaller part of the gameplay than the whole driving and open world aspect. Plus the level of action isn't as constant and intense as in Max Payne 3, so it's why I'm limiting it to action TPS games versus just third person shooters. Otherwise you'd see things like Blood Money and Splinter Cell and all that.

if we're listing horrors, I'd put The Evil Within in there just because guns and headshots felt so satisfying

Gears of War is better than all of those.
>B-b-b-but I don't wike Xbawks...
Fuck off, Soyboy.

wow the TPS genre really sucks huh

I didn't put in any of the the Dead Space games because, besides doing the UI in a really unique way by having it all be in the game world, it's really nothing more mechanically than an improved and more action packed version of Resident Evil 4.
I'm focusing more on uniqueness, innovation or setting the bar more than I am just being a good all-around game that doesn't bring anything too new to the table.

The second half of RE5 is a pretty damn sharp drop in quality.

Also yeah, not having Gears on there is silly.

I gotta say I had so much fucking fun playing coop story of RE5 and 6. Most fun I had in the last decade with videogames.

It's more like there's too many great tps games from sixth gen to even think of making a conclusive list. You've got Gungrave, Max Payne 1 and 2, Ghost in the Shell and a ton of others.

MP3 is a masterpiece shut your mouth faggot

Are TPS better to be played on a controller or m+kb?

Depends on the game but you'll always have an easier time with mouse and keyboard due to improved accuracy.

m+kb makes the game easier, but some tps just feel better with a controller imo

Joystick movement/Mouse aiming at the same damn time

At least I can shut my mouth, I'm guessing you can't since you think MP3 is good, mouth breather.

You have 0.3 nanoseconds to come up with 5 reasons why MP3 is bad you virgin.

Shit pacing
Weapon limit
Still Loading...
Forced cover mechanics
Took a shit on the MP1-2 style

And it's also extremely to the point in an increasingly overcomplicated genre. And it also makes for a great co-op game.

Any shooter is better played with a mouse and keyboard.

And it's Bioshock-tier in making the game world a character. And it's the only game to ever fully solve the issue of ludonarrative dissonance.


There used to be a ranking list of all TPSs of previous gens being posted on Sup Forums. Does anyone still have it?


I have never taken cover a single time in Max Payne 3. Max Payne 1 and 2 are both shit in comparison and you can go rot and fucking die hahaha. The loading part I give you, pacing is fine unless you're playing too slow, weapon limit is the way the world works.

It drastically needs someone to re-do the campaigns and then put the gameplay mechanics in a new dino crisis.

>no Lost Planet 2
>no EDF
>Spec ops on the list
Gamepaly wise it's fucking amazing, it being a bad re game with bad level design etc is the other thing. So technically yes, it's good tps, cry me a river

>gameplay-wise it's fucking amazing
just stop, even gears and its numerous clones like Inversion control and play better than RE6.

>a bicycle controls better than a fighter engine
RE6 is far more mechanically complex than those gears clones combined.
Spec Ops is just on there because of the character progression and world-design. Other games have done it's meta bs better.