Controller Must-plays

I've been a mouse+keyboard guy all life.
Finally got a controller.
Am a couch potato today.
What do you recommend would be some fun games to play with a controller?

I would like to mention that I have a shitty laptop at the moment which sounds like a vacuum cleaner if I push it too much.
I plan to get something better soon.

Forgot to mention, pic related, played shovel knight, specter of torment and plague knight, had a blast HEH


Emulated games

>dark souls 1
>hollow knight

only play dark souls if u think your comp can handle it. fight stick is preferrable but controller works fine for fightan

Maybe check Dead Cells. It's in EA but they still update regularly with a lot of contents.

Hollow Knight was pretty great.

im already at the forest in hollow knight, when does the game start to get fun?

After you get the ability from the forest.

question i rather ask is; what controller is best for 2D platformers & fighting games? 3D shit's a no brainer with the 360/bone/PS4 controller, but the d-pads are shit, especially the 360.

Hack and slash games, definitely.
Bayo, DMC, Darkstalkers, that sort of thing.

>controller must-plays
anything that's not a shooter.

Really, any and everything. I recently learned the opposite, shooters should almost always be played with M+KB. But you're just asking for trouble if you try to play something like Dark Souls with a keyboard.

I enjoy Dark Souls with KB+M more because claw grip sucks and hurts my hands

>anything that's not a shooter.


KB+M is good for precision. Any genre that requires precision is the best with that.
Shooters, precise platformers, RTS, adventure games...

Gamepads are good for quick, but much less precise direction switching. Sports games, hack and slash games, jump-spamming platformers, arcade racing games.

Everything else is either controller-neutral (stuff like TBS or RPGs can be played equally well on both KB+M as well as a controller) or suited for a different peripheral (non-arcade racing games, simulators, space shooters, fighting games).

I hate to break this to you, PCFat, but literally every game that is not a first person shoot plays infinitely better off of controllers, and even some FPS are better using a controller, especially if the genre is adventure.

You've wasted your entire video gaming life by sticking to KBM.

>But you're just asking for trouble if you try to play something like Dark Souls with a keyboard.
I played all games and all DLC using both k+m and controller
the superior control you have over the camera is miles better, especially if you want to fight big bosses and you feel like playing unlocked to not have the camera spaz out.

Controller is better only because you can roll in a 360° circle instead of multiples of 45° with m+b
Also helps with big sweeping weapons if you need to do those deadangle 180° turn things with stuff like the zwei.

basically k+m for bosses and controller for pvp, but it's really not that detrimental even if you do the opposite

Played a lot of RPGs that I cannot imagine would be better with controller.
And RTS.

But I agree that there are a lot of games that are much more fun with a controller

>You will never be this delusional and defensive about playing KBM.


OP here, thanks for the suggestions.
Already played some Cuphead, I'm at the 2nd zone and today I just can't get past that fucking clown.

Couple of friends coming over, now I'm looking for controller games for couch co-op.
3 of us.

What do you suggest, my dudes?

How is the arrow shooting and freeaiming spells game working out for ya?
Like i said, i've got several hundred hours on the series, and i played with both kinds of input.
You are vastly overestimating where and how much of an advantage you get from the controller