Yes, and?
Wtf does that even mean? Comfy?
what are some comfy games bros
>Look how smart I am I post the small brain wojak unironically
>I reply defensively to brainlet threads
>force posting the latest forced meme of the month to try and fit i
Just stop
We don't expect you to understand. It's not something you can explain. You have to experience.
>it's a good game because it's hard
It's a good game if you enjoy it.
It means that games that *can* invoke a feeling of comfort into a specific niche group of friendless losers are good solely for that reason alone regardless of the general quality of the game itself. Breath of the Wild is particularly guilty of this.
Things like this photo would be described by Sup Forums as comfy. Anything with a relaxing, cozy atmosphere to it
>You are not allowed to appreciate the apex of harmony product of the perfect synergy between music, level design and graphics
>being this mad because people are comfy playing a game
Playing Mabinogi lying in bed with a steam controller is THE definition of comfy
>is bad gaem bcuz ME NO LIKE ooga booga
There's just something cozy about snow and I don't know what
>Breath of the Wild is particularly guilty of this.
Really? I always associated it more with games like Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, and Animal Crossing
That doesn't look very comfy. This is comfy
that pepe better be fapping
>Breath of the Wild is particularly guilty of this.
This triggers me more than anything, because no matter what you say, no matter what flaws you point out they just say that.
>i get triggered because someone else likes something i don't
>cold and rainy outside
>cuddling under blankets while watching her play Stardew Valley
That's comfy.
Only thing that matters in video games is the gameplay. Comfiness, story, music, graphics is all meaningless shit.
Of all games to be called comfy I would really not say Breath of the Wild fits that bill
>it's a good game because of *long, indepth analysis of mechanics and aesthetics*
>It's a good game because it promotes my gambling addiction
Stop liking what I don't like REEEE
>it's good because it's fun
>i'm over the age of 14 and i still play video games
>it's good because I like it
Wojakposters should be shot or alternatively fuck off back to plebbit
what would you rather play:
>a bright pink, girly-looking game with "kawaii anime uguu" sfx and visuals
>yet another yellowish-brown military game number 9 mil and 7
>""hacker"" simulator with a 90's neon aesthetic
now for the twist: mechanically, all three games are the same FPS with the same weaponry, the only difference is the presentation
thus, gameplay is not the only thing that matters.
>i'm over the age of 9 and i post brainlet wojack edits on Sup Forums
Why is Spurdo in the attic by candlelight? Shouldn't he be shitposting with Pepe?
>It's fun with friends!
spurdo ids hiding :-DDD
Exiled by gondola
gam comfee
gaem gud
>story doesn't matter, just gameplay!
i like how his neck goes directly into his skull
good job
big berry
that man looks very dead.
what a glorious way to go, though
I honestly don't care if a game is good or bad, only if I have fun playing it.
It's not like if my taste is driving the industry.
This is both comfy and horrifying.
>I honestly don't care if a game is good or bad, only if I have fun playing it.
I want an answer, did he die?
wew that pepe is comfy, he is living the comfy life.
>calls me a brainlet
>can't even link his post
>I like the atmosphere
His post to mine. Now you're just arguing with semantics.
>comfy isn't an argument to describe a game anymore because i said so!!!111!!11
there's litteraly no other words to describe a game with a good combination of athmosphere and music
a good game for you it´s like a good woman for you: you just can´t establish a very well known universal standard to judge.
Comfort and relaxing video games that's not stressful enough
Im pretty comfy right now
>no matter what flaws you point
Maybe not everyone cares about that shit you dumb nigger
>play a game
>beat it and enjoy it
>read a spergpost on Sup Forums about all the things that they find shit
>still enjoyed it
>this triggers people
wojack didn't deserve this fate
this is what happens when you try to mess with /fit/ with your shitty "I envy you brutes" arrogance.
a meme buzzword for retards
When exactly did Brainlet Wojak happen. It seems like he popped up out of nowhere three months ago.
>dumb pc fags lmao who needs native 4k and fps higher than 30
the only good wojack image was this one because it was used to be ironic.
If you can't understand what comfy means I honestly feel sorry for you
word for nu-males beta cucks to justify why they play a shitty game
Brainlet is easily the best meme of 2017.
It's natural evolution of this
can't wait for brainlet wojaks to be all over normie twitter
If you cant understand what comfy means I honestly feel sorry for you
Is this mass effect?
found the retards
God I wish that were me.
if you find comfy in a videogame and not instead in real life then i feel more sorry about you.
If you can't find both I legitimately feel sorry for you
It's easy to pick up whenever and has a nice comforting atmosphere.
>brainless wojack meme
When will Reddit take this meme so Sup Forums will drop it? It's really fucking stupid. I remember when Sup Forums actually made OC memes instead of just passing shitty Wojack edits off as OC.
>shitty __________ edits off as OC
Nigger do you know how memes work
It's no use, a new reincarnation will be introduced sometime soon, just like with crying wojak, intelligent wojak, pink wojak and brainlet wojak, there will be a new one.
Who wants to put bets on what it will be?
At least these were clever. The brainlet edits feel like secondary efforts made by redditors that didn't get in on the joke the first time around.
>I remember when my memes were more intelligent and refined
>fucking reddit
No john you are the meme
Well shit, nigger, if you wanted to bust out some classics you only need to ask.
hey guys
Only redditors mention reddit you niggerish memelord
>I remember when Sup Forums actually made OC memes
>It has good "gameplay"
>mentions it twice
mention it first*
>it's good because nintendo made it
fucking this
when, and why did fat girls start to get popular?
t. oldfag