Walk into GameStop

>walk into GameStop
>see this
What do?

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Get sober

R leave

What's the appeal of this?

Beta fags think being bullied by woman means she love you.

Sorry, I only shop at LoliStop.

>go backstage at Valve's E3 presentation
>see this

>Um excuse me, Mr.Manager man, your employee is harassing me.

Y-you t-tooo

grab the copy of catherine and run


>I s-said I'll b-be r-r-renovating your s-sh-shit-hole.

"How about you come with me and we play some lewd games as part of foreplay before best sex of your life?"

throw my pocket spaghetti right in her face and run away.
fuck that bitch for being so rude to a customer.

It's out.

that comic was gross, and i don't use the word gross lightly


Well, senpai's manga is actually that bad. Isekai "gets away" because you can fill the lack of visual gaps with your imagination.

>chapter 1 finally got properly typeset

Take out rope lunch non white

>Go to LoliStop
>loli cashier starts shilling Hyper Light Drifter to me

That's the color of an american "white".

Holy shit, 774 is doing legit, non-h manga now?
What an absolute fucking madman.

>Hyper Light Drifter






What happened to him

Search Lemonade on the panda.

Stare at their crotch the entire time.

Fell into a lake and drowned.

guys, how do I get good at looking people in the eyes

Sauce on that dumb bullshit you just made up?


Good shit



he was on his way to train on an isolated island with the qt grill he was mentoring

>he died a fucking year ago
What the fuck, how did I not hear about this?

>Crimes on the Phoenix Light Rail skyrocketed since then

Stare at people from behind a window, like when you're a passenger in a car or on public transportation. Don't stop even if they try to look away, you'll be safe but able to practice even on intimidating people.

Who's the dumbass? I got you to google shit for me.

hi i came in last night and i bought four games, none of them work. take them back and give me my money or i'll tell your manager that you encourage people to buy new games.

I usually just look at their nose or forehead and that's good enough.

>What do?
Reverse NTR.

He was totally going to bone that teenage girl.

He was merely going to teach her how to chain Scottsdale Rapes into Perfect Storm.

>Abusive femdom relationship that works because there's genuine affection behind it
This is 8 billion percent my fetish.

That's incredible. Normally I'd want the H, especially from Nanashi. But this is almost better without any of that.

thanks amigos

>walk into GameStop
Woah there buddy.
Let's keep these hypothetical situations in the realm of possibility.

Anime adaptation when?

>pedos are now comitting physical crime through online games

Stare at the bridge if their nose

more like JAV adaptation when

whos the bully now

wake up

Sauce please.

>walking into a GameStop

>everyone keeps posting the first draft

The artist fixed some lines. This is the one he wants spread around.

Why are people this threatened by femdom that they need to do lewd art of the opposite?

If she only bullies you then it is love

>nothing changed except smaller chest
yeah nah

that's still femdom

I was hoping it would freak out and slap her or start spazzing out randomly

>lolis are now working on inventing robotic anikis to headpat them instead of strong independent older brothers

I like Takagi's style of cute bullying way more than Nagatoro's outright abuse.

As long as the development goes both ways it is okay.

Takagi is the casual's idea of what femdom is while Nagatoro is actual femdom.

That's like saying being tied down and gagged is the casual's idea of BDSM, like you have no legitimacy seeing it as a fetish unless you make it hardcore and painful, impenetrable to anyone who doesn't heavily fetishize such severity.
If you define 'casual' as 'attractive to people with no real fetish for it', sure. But if you see that as a negative that's just your own hot opinion. Arguing which fetishes are hotter is pointless when everyone has their own idea of hot.

Nah it's the opposite, Nagatoro is just a cunt. Takagi is in control, while Naga just insults and harasses her beta toy.
Takagi knows what she wants and accepts her feelings, Naga is in denial and gets flustered anytime senpai does anything.
Takagi is masterful at playing mind games and hasn't lost once, against much fiercer opposition, and even the readers themselves

Why did Yupiel disappear from panda?

It didn't.

Psychological manipulation > physical intimidation

>implying nagatoro doesnt do both

>beats the shit out of him for no reason
>actual femdom
Hey man if you're into that stuff then good for you but don't try to claim that it's the only true form of femdom.

>Make robot waifus
>Complain when lolis make robot headpats
You made your bed

English and jap were expunged.

Isn't swimming a basic thing parents teach their kids?

buy RE5

Him and Zyzz are bros in the afterlife at least, right?

I'd imagine trying to swim in Jinco jeans and a trenchcoat would be pretty hard, getting real for a second though, it's probably some nasty undercurrent that got him.

>As Jacintho was trying to get to the kayak, he yelled “No!” and disappeared under the water
He knew how to swim but the water spirits got him.

When you live as far from the coast as many americans do it's common not to see large bodies of water that you can swim in.


first english chapter expunged, second still up regularly
jap does seem to be gone, I suspect because he was picked up by an official magazine and they grabbd the rights to him or something

>being in love with a girl who hates your guts and gets off on abusing you
We're reaching critical mass of cuck protagonists

>hates your guts
you're reading the same thing I am? This is just tsundere pushed to the extreme.


>insult and abuse a shy guy, but she totally loves him
Yeah I'm sure. I guess wifebeaters are also tsunderes

There's a difference in intent between a bully and an abuser. Plus there's also the fact that men and womesn's roles in society are different. A female bully (who is also younger than the man) is cute in a weird kind of way because she shouldn't have power over a man, in a traditional relationship.


She doesn't just beats him up, femdom is complete domination, both mentally and physically. She does both where as Takagi is just being manipulative. In the end, it's all about control and Nagatoro is just that.

i want a girl to bully me into a better person


don't we all

L-leave me alone, I just want to buy a game

a chad is already fucking the girl that he was training with

I would like this more if the MC was much less conventionally attractive
I mean come on he's totally cute, you can't pull off the insults of the game/VN on such a cute face