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Digibro reviews Mario Odyssey
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digi you are a psycopath and noone likes you
>"There is nothing wrong with feminism." -Digibro
Literally who? Consider suicide next time before making one of these threads.
Fucking who?
>posting anime gandalf
back to Sup Forums
Is this guy actually autistic? He shits on the grass in bonnetton because it looks fake but it's actually supposed to evoke the weird felt fuzz on fancy hats
I like digi's stuff but this video is just him being fucking stupid
it is an ugly game can't wait for the mario asskissers to defend this trash
NIDF is here already
>liking digi
People who don't know who this guy is are part of some force? That must be a lot of people.
Kill yourself fucking retard reviewer.
>Riview odyssey
>Doesn't own a switch
>Uses youtube footage as base of his own reviews
>implying Sup Forums doesn't ban this faggots shitty shill threads
Digibro is such a huge poser cunt
He literally calls himself something like "the most punk rock anime reviewer" when he's just mildly more edgy than the rest.
I don't know who that is
Ew gross. Please stop watching ugly fat neckjbeard e-celebs
gonzo otaku journalist
which isn't a wrong title, but i get what you mean.
OP fuck off back to no one gives a shit here or knows who digi is.
brony reviwer
The only good things that came out of Digi were the SAO 2 Sucks and The Asterisk Wars Sucks, because he actually fully explains why they're completely fucking garbage and backs them up with very good reasoning.
I seriously don't understand why his other videos aren't like that. Its like he doesn't want to put any effort into them at all even though he proved he can do it.
Damn Aris lost weight
Maybe, but you definitely are for even watching.
All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?
He's actually right, Odyssey looks like a generic UE4 fangame , notice no one is refuting his point and just shitposting about muh ecelebs
This is the single biggest "literally who" i've ever seen posted on Sup Forums and i've fucking been here since 2006
I only know who this guy is because of my nigga Mumkey
its because digibro is someone who makes anime videos and not a vidya ones yet OP still thinks he deserves a thread on this board
I actually used to take him seriously, but then I found out his favorite anime was fucking k-on
>i dont like 3D mario games, Im generally not a fan
well I've heard all I need to there.
>not the fact he started as a ponyfag
check the comments on the video, people already made the points there
This can't be real
Thanks OP. Liked and subscribed.
>it's impossible to judge a game off of footage and reviews
Is this satire?
>judging a fucking 3D platformer (a collectathon especially) based on footage
Are you serious? Control is like the most important thing in a platformer. You can't get that by watching
he's actually right, in fact Sup Forums has already been saying the same things. the game looks like some ugly Unity shit and only Nintendo fanboys don't see it
Jesus, no wonder he has that Digibrony vid unlisted.
>e-celeb garbage
>literally who
I hate nu-Sup Forums, why do you care about youtubers so much?
Whatever this literally who rates SMO is now invalidated
>dude this steak sucks
>have you actually eaten it?
>nah bro I just watched someone else eat it
he's not judging the gameplay, he's judging the ugly graphics
>not just deleting it
He's not even judging that. He's just saying he doesn't like it which is??? Especially the cap world one. Has he seen a nightmare before Christmas? The game is clearly using that
PLUS he isn't even consistent. First complaining it's dull and then too colorful? The fuck?
>ugly graphics
Compared to what? Odyssey looks better than previous Mario games desu.
>dude this steak looks disgusting
>have you actually eaten it?
>w-wut? no, I just said it looked disgusting
>if you haven't eaten it, you can't tell
Who is this Sup Forums?
he's literally an anime e-celeb who tries to make controversial comments for attention.
Every time, every topic.
>not liking monochrome aesthetics
Fucking faggot. It's the best style
There's nothing wrong with feminism, but there's a lot of things wrong with feminists.
I don't understand what's wrong with this opinion?
isn't he Sup Forums incanate?
These are the people I share this board with
>there's nothing wrong with pretending the genders are identical when they obviously aren't
drones assblasted because their new favorite game of all time is not praised
It's inconsistent and reeks of desperation
>wtf why is this mud muddy
>wtf why is this world so black and white
>wtf it's too colorful now
Most people on Sup Forums are high school students who only play PC multiplayer games and shit on everything else to fit in
Odyssey is still in its hype cycle and fanboys can't accept its obvious flaws. give it a few months and everyone on Sup Forums will be acknowledging that it's ugly, just like how everyone is finally admitting that BotW is empty and boring
there was nothing wrong with feminism a few decades ago, now the problem is that they inherently have to make up problems because they already achieved their goal in western society. The only thing real feminists have left to do is try and make things better for women in 3rd world countries but they will never do that.
>starts video saying it's not a review
>"god this review is so dumb"
Why are we even discussing this. He has no argument beyond "I don't like it". It's not even criticism. Latching onto this opinion is retarded
>yeah bro I use clickbait all the time there's nothing wrong with that
>there are poeple on this board that actively defend e-celebs
How fucking pathetic do you have to be? Do you think that white knighting your favorite youtuber on a Indian wood carving board is going to make them your friend or something? You children are pathetic. This motherfucker didn't even play the goddamn game in order to make his "review."
You legit don't understand what he's saying?
Who is this everyone? Because I don't see it.
So how many minutes has it been since we've have a mario odyssey asspain thread?
>this thing is memorable because it's memorable??
>this thing isn't memorable because it isn't memorable??
what did he mean by this? he didn't even really go into why it's memorable/not memorable
I am taking what he's saying at face value.
But if I can't play a game I must hate it on Sup Forums or I'll feel left out
Buttmad Nintendo faggot
Just admit you got stomped on
Keep telling yourself that, sonygro. We all know you probably think HZD is a "masterpiece."
But I am shitting on the Nintendo faggots being defensive as well?
How old are you? Why are you defending him?
The game just came out so it's not really possible to know if something will be memorable in the first place
if you were actually taking everything at face value you would understand that you don't understand his opinion unless you agree with him
Then why the fuck is he trying to make that argument?
Wow where are the wojaks and goldfaces?
Wew lad, I somehow missed that
You're bad at understanding
watch the video
>tfw no gf
Anyone follows Digi because he says some insightful things about media every once in a while but regards his views on Anime as mostly trash?
fucking hell
Christ you realize how rare it is to see Wojak just looking depressed and weary nowadays? It's always with those other shitty edits.
Post more. I miss melancholic Wojak.
There's only a few shitposters that force those and they aren't here. And some of them falseflag all platforms, veey evident when they post the wrong wojak.
I stopped following him recently and I don't understand why I watched him in the first place
Today I will remind them
it was a different time
Dats it mane. Let the melancholy flow forth.
I can't believe I actually miss the old Wojak after seeing so many faggots corrupt what he was originally about.
I follow him because he's the only anime youtuber who isn't a normie. Everyone else is a faggot who hates lolis and moe and fanservice.
I've been watching his content less and less since he moved, yeah.
He got a gf now though which kills some of his appeal