Why does every Final Fantasy character look so Asian?

Why does every Final Fantasy character look so Asian?

Because it's made in Japan by developers with a very Japan-leaning bias?

May as well ask why tornados are loud.

>Why aren't FF characters ugly like Western game characters (female)?

Because they're Chinese


Why don't you use Squall or Cidney or any of the ff9 monstrosities?


Holy fuck are you retarded OP? ffs

i'm going to marry Cor!

So in your eyes, hair color is the only thing that separates a white person form an Asian? Really? Do you not pay attention to facial features at all?

Why tornado are loud though?

>silent tornados
jesus christ how frightening


Lightning is NOT asian

why is water wet?


Why is Op a faggot?

her ass is

they look more like Finnic / Icelandic whites to me.

finally a GOOD thread on Sup Forums

Eeew she looks russian

Notreally she looks like she lacks sleepă‚Ź

Because FF has no art direction.
Wish they made at least one mainline game with highly stylized graphics in Amano's artstyle.



Is Wakka Asian?


Because Final Fantasy games are inheritantly vietnamese.

is that tifa?

dat face....


Why are americans obsessed with races?

i kek'd

My god, why are white people so ugly

>from Nibelheim
>using fanfiction as a source

So uh, is she biracial like Noctis?

Lightning looks Japanese to me.

In game tidus is white while CGI tidus is a chink.

Of those only Tidus looks Asian.

Cloud doesn't really look asian and Noct is only like half. The rest are ugly 3D porn looking models though. Yuck.

Cloud and Tifa only look asian in Advent Children. It's just one of many reasons why the Advent Children designs are shit compared to the originals. They change the character's aesthetics too much.

You could take cherry picked pictures like this of literally anyone and it would make them look ugly. She looks beautiful with a neutral expression, which is the type of expression the OP pics are using.

its like cosplaying
those games are set in a western fantasy world and the japanese devs are aware its strange total asian looking characters exist in it except they make such oriental characters on purpose.

but total whiteness and white characters dont go with their norms and feelings in their everyday lives.
so they make asian looking characters who fit in the western fantasy world and aesthetics. its the product of such a compromise, nothing less and nothing more.

Technically, yeah. He's an islander, or based off of one. Pacific Islanders are somewhat related to Asians.

Cloud barely looks asian, Tif is fucking hideous though.

Luna doesn't look biracial at all

Tifa looks super Asian there user.

So do Yuna and Tifa.

Thats cause they needed an attractive character

She does. Like a mix of human and ayy lmao.

what are your thoughts on this analysis?

>tornado stealths you


glad I'm not the only one that thinks this. Have the game look like a moving painting of his