It's been 3 years. You don't STILL hate her, right?
It's been 3 years. You don't STILL hate her, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
I didn't hate her, I wanted to fuck her
why would you hate trash, you pity it
I still hate there isn't art that showcases those massive breasts.
I never did. Also can't believe ORAS was 3 years ago, where the fuck has my life gone?
I love her
I can't hate a girl who shows off her armpits
I want to impregnate and marry Zinnia
I don't care about her either way, but at least her battle theme was great
>It's been 3 years. You don't STILL hate her, right?
I wouldn't hate her now if a certain Korean stopped doing art because of his shitty government and military.
Her design and battle theme are awesome, so I could forgive her being a bitch in the story.
This. I want her to pin me down and have her way with me.
She had the best music. How could I hate her
Oh damn, I completely forgot about Dating a Team Magma Grunt. Has Gooberman come back from military service?
I only hate her because the writing and dialogue choices only give you two options, to side with Zinnia one-hundred percent, or have Brendan come across like an idiot, just like the rest of the cast.
Also she completely fucks up Steven's plan when she isn't even fully assured of her own, Zinnia sucks.
He returned, but he's not doing DaTMG anymore.
What did he see on the battlefield? ;_;
Reminder that Brendan is for being dominated sexually by Courtney.
>survived on a wheelchair
Kusaka need to keep her alive so he can avoid another ORAS arc bullshit.
what happened, havn't been reading
He could just stop being super-autistic about including everything and everyone even in remakes when he killed them off in the original arcs.
>not showing the Hyper Beam right after
>that feel when no autistic gf
He doesn't have the same liberty when he was doing GSC nowdays
Since ORAS had new and very different designs for the Team Magma/Aqua characters, he made the admins new characters with said designs and explained that the names used by the old ones like Tabatha and Courtney were just code names. However, he actually brought back the original Max and Archie and gave them the ORAS outfits despite both being allegedly dead by the end of the Emeald arc. He explained it by them having actually been sent to the Distortion World (which can sorta make sense since the sword and armor they fought over and which Archie eventually wielded were connected to the Sinnoh legends, but it was still pretty bullshit). They died for real towards the end of the arc anyway so their presence wasn't really meaningful. On the other hand, Zinnia got Fug'd like in that pic, but she just survived on a wheelchair in case she ever needs to be back.
But he still does it, he killed Lysandre and Malva. Imagine if he wants to adapt the Team Rainbow Rocket plotline from USUM, he's going to have to bullshit that Lysandre survived again.
Now with the whole altenative dimension thing, it's quite easy, buddy.
He's Korean?
Great taste my man
Yeah, I guess. Kinda cheap though, this was great.
who is this semen demon
Poor guy just can't catch a break.
Fucking wow, I did not expect this
Was BW2 arc ever actually completed? I remember BW ended with Black disappearing
Yeah, he lives in South Korea. The same place that bans porn.
XY arc was great, too bad no one read it.
Wow, the pokeman mangas are brutal.
Where can I find some good fantranslated Jap scans post yellow arc?
All I can find are some terrible blurry official translated scans
That isn't even the surface of it
There was a massive clusterfuck with Pokéspe during gen 6. BW2 arc started as monthly while XY was roughly weekly but they only got a volume out by the time ORAS came out and they had to put BW2 on hiatus and make ORAS the monthly arc. ORAS and XY both wrapped up shortly before SM came out, so BW2 could finally restart, now SM is weekly and BW2 is monthly and almost over, they found Black's orb and the climax with the Plasma Frigade and Kyurem freezing Unova has been going on for a while.
I’ve seen so much porn of Zinnia like holy shit
You're gonna need to back up your claim.
You have no idea.
I find it especially good because not only did Kusaka take the groundwork that was in the game, he expanded it, made both a climax for XY proper and one for the non-existing Z with Zygarde, and he fully realized Lysandre's character by making the arc in general very depressing for the heroes as well and not sugar-coating all the shit everyone went through, even ending it with them still treated like crap by random people and their feats not recognized unlike the game. Previous arcs mostly ended with the protagonists hailed as heroes, winning important tournaments or contests and the like, XY just ends with them a little bit better off than when they started and occupying themselves with things to take their minds off of what happened.
which pokemon mangas are really recommended? What's your pic related for example?
And now BW2 is on hiatus again.
poke Riyuko is pretty hot but I'd prefer if Platinum would hurry to release the real deal already
It is? Why? Don't tell me USUM is going to be a separate arc, there's fucking nothing in the games to justify it.
ORAS were easily the worst remakes ever made and this bitch the most forgettable.
I also would like to know whic pokemon mangas are brutal and like a good read.
Pokemon Special (Adventures) as a whole.
No, Kusaka said he received USUM 3 months before everyone else so he can make a single manga.
t. i'm a huge fucking autist
White had a surprisingly hard life.
That's a relief. Then why is BW2 on hiatus again? Maybe they just couldn't get the chapter out in time this month?
Read Pokémon Special/Adventures, opinions vary on each "gen" but overall its a pretty great series and it does "story oriented Pokémon" much better than both the games and the anime.
As for where to get it you can try your friendly online reading website like Mangafox or the following link which has everything:
Which was worst: Tepigtorare or Rockboy?
Much appreciated.
Good thing the story changes between SM and USUM were minor, it will avoid another clusterfuck.
RS > GSC > RBG > DP > XY > BW > E > Y > P
never hated her, i fapped to her the instant boris made art of her
I can't hate her, she's too hot and her theme songs are bretty gud
Yes. I can't stand her.
There is abvery good doujin of her, but that doujin is literally the only one that exists (or at least scanned) which is all about her. Japan HATES zinnia, characters that debuted mich later than her already have more fanart.
I prefer Courtney.
shes a good hate fap i give her that.
White getting cucked got resolved by the end and her Tepig came back to her on her own free will, which was a culmination on White's development.
Rockboy fucked her up for two years to the point that Bianca mentioned that she had it the worst after he vanished and was still in a state of JUST even though she looked fine, and it STILL hasn't been resolved.
Pic related is literally how BW2 ended before going into hiatus AGAIN.
>the SM/USUM arc will end before BW2
But seriously, even though there's clearly less than a volume left, at this point I'm really expecting it to finally end close to the release of gen 8 assuming that'll be Fall 2018.
>doujin is just a generic rape one
>not a cute vanilla
I'd say all the "main" arcs are pretty great in general and the filler/3rd version/remake ones kinda suck. FRLG was alright though, and Emerald would be better if Emerald was anyone else or not a shitty character.
Art is top tier, plus she pretty much ended up reversing the situation and fendom everyone.
Fuck gen 3 and everything to do with it.
>Fug just missed his tail and instead of fucking her pussy he impaled her belly.
Bad fug, bad
Anyone willing to give a quick rundown on BW2 manga?
DPPt are the best arc, mostly because they have the best MC
Some faggot called lack2, who is some OP secret agent from the police, is looking for a plasma girl that happens to be whit2, a girl with a shitload of battle potential but hold back her belief in N's ideals (which were bullshit created by gethis). Long story short, nobody cares about them and ended up frozen in the bottom of the sea.
>Long story short, nobody cares about them and ended up frozen in the bottom of the sea.
My sides.
Say how is Hugh in this manga? He ever get the cat back? More active with the plot against plasma or he sucks too?
High is like you would expect: muh revenge! Muh sister's cats! MUH RAGE!
But gen 3 gave us the best gym leader
Is he at least entertaining or likable in that sense? Better or worse than the protags?
Last I saw that guy with the Dino saved his sis I think.
Man I am missing the fuck out of Black, what went wrong
>Be fug, going "ahh, shit bro"
>Some faggot kid and his wild girlfriend wants to ride me to stop some meteor from fucking the planet.
>"Sure, why not?" And let them ride my back
>then some bitch appears, knock the faggot and his girl out of my back and demands me to let her ride me
>"Fuck you bitch, you ain't boss of me!"
>fugged her so hard that now she is crippled.
>3 lake defence
>They all decide to split up and cover one lake
>All pumped up and shit
>Next morning
>Realize this is the first time they've been separated from each other since they started journeying
>They all start bawling their eyes out
OT3 was really great.
>that volume when they discover the truth about each other and are separated
I got legit feels from it, shame the Platinum arc was so underwelming.
>best gym leader
But Whitney is from Gen 2, though??
He's better by virtue of knowing that one of his female classmates(Whit2) is a team plasma member and is stuck on hate mode for the most part trying to figure out who it is. Other than that he's still more or less the same as his game counterpart.
Really best chemistry, without looking forced
>offmodel fan art
Figures the paizurifags would have the worst taste
That's not Rock girl
Happy now? Still great
RGB and BW were also pretty good with each other.
Yes, using offmodel to defend your waifu is haram.
Well I never really hated him so there's that.
I just hope that motherfucker's decent throughout when I pick up the series again