Why do they always make you kill Hitler in these games?
Why do they always make you kill Hitler in these games?
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it's a gimmick just like the kill cam
>hurr durr y u kill the enemy leader?
cuz Hitler is the bad guy?
It makes sense.
Hitler would literally have you executed for being a degenerate who plays videogames, watching anime, jerking off to porn, having a waifu, etc.
Would you make a WWII game and NOT put Hitler in it?
Any good games where you kill Commies?
Sniper Elite 1 & 2
How many games let you kill Stalin or Goebbels?
because hitler did something wrong
>Hitler would have pulled the trigger I never could
too good for this world ;_;7
Bioshock 2
Both Homefront games if you count North Koreans
Crysis if, again, you count North Koreans
hidden agenda
Because the devs of sniper elite, unlike the devs of fucking Wolfenstein know what players want. Where's my fucking robohitler!
Because WW2 propaganda was so good it's still with us and on repeat 72 years later.
>falling this hard for blatant propaganda
I bet you also believe he was a drug addict who employed mediums to wage occult warfare on the allies.
Who the heck means chinks and gooks when they say "commies"?
Because it's fun.
he tried to kill g-d's chosen people which is the worst thing you can do
But he was high all the time
because he's the leader of the opposite faction?
are you retarded?
Did Mr Noseberg tell you that, after surviving being gassed six gorillion times?
Hi, Russia!
Because American's need an exaggerated cartoon villain to pin their anger towards. God forbid something being morally grey.
Hitler was bad, mkay?
please :)
>everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian
He's the boss of a faction and usually on the enemy side.
Many video games make you kill the enemy factions boss.
Makes even more sense in a game that revolves around killing high profile members of the enemy faction.
People that aren't dumb enough to think the neoliberals telling people to check their privilege aren't communists, even if they like to pretend they are and larp as future revolutionaries
>implying that wouldn't be a good thing
>make game
>sequel is literally the same thing and you kill the same bad guy as before
wow, great fucking series huh?
To trigger Nazi sympathizers. But the real answer is because assassinating the enemy commander-in-chief (Fuhrer-kun) is the ultimate power fantasy for a game that is nothing but a WW2 power fantasy.
No setting that makes sense.
Literally who cares? Killing Goebbels doesn't have anywhere near the same effect as killing the Fuhrer unless you're a lampshade.
This user gets it.
Because he was the only eeeevil guy in history.
And because Jews control videogame companies.
Hitler himself lived a bohemian lifestyle, indulged in all kinds of trendy behaviors like vegetarianism and amphetamine usage, and drew disney cartoons in his free time.
You're clearly misinformed, and happy about it.
hes the final boss in the kill nazi game
To demonise him.
If the youth constantly see him being portrayed the enemy and being killed by the "good" guys then they grow up subconsciously thinking he was the "bad" guy.
Hitler wasn't even anti-semetic when he was a young adult.
Here is an excerpt from his book.
Today, more than ever, I consider the man the greatest German mayor of all times. But, how
many of my preconceived views were upset by this change in attitude toward the Christian
Socialist movement?! My opinions on anti-Semitism also slowly changed with the passing of
time, and this was the most difficult change I ever went through. It was the most difficult of
all my spiritual struggles. Only after battling for months between understanding and feelings
did the voice of reason finally win. Two years later, feelings followed understanding, and
from then on, understanding was the most faithful watchman and guardian I could have had
with me.
During my bitter struggle between emotional ties to what I learned as a child and cold
reason, the streets of Vienna offered me priceless first-hand lessons. The time had come
when I no longer walked blindly through the vast city as I did at first. I kept my eyes open
and looked at people as well as buildings.
Once, as I was strolling through the inner city, I suddenly met a figure in a long caftan with
black curls. “Is that a Jew?” was my first thought. Jews did not look like that in Linz. I
covertly observed the man, but the longer I stared at that alien face, scrutinizing feature
after feature, my question changed from, “Is that a Jew?” to “Is that a German?” As always,
I tried to resolve my doubts through books. For a few coins, I bought the first anti-Semitic
pamphlets I had ever purchased in my life.
It makes money
Shame the games themselves are shit. AI has been superhuman since the first game so shooting outside of the first shot ain't much fun.
A better question is why don't video games make Hitler a good boss fight anymore.
>shoot Hitler in the balls lol
Fuck that, give me over the top Armstrong-Hitler.
To demonise him.
If the youth constantly see him being portrayed the enemy and being killed by the "good" guys then they grow up subconsciously thinking he was the "bad" guy.
Hitler wasn't even anti-semetic when he was a young adult.
Here is an excerpt from his book.
Today, more than ever, I consider the man the greatest German mayor of all times.
But, how many of my preconceived views were upset by this change in attitude toward the Christian Socialist movement?!
My opinions on anti-Semitism also slowly changed with the passing of time, and this was the most difficult change I ever went through.
It was the most difficult of all my spiritual struggles.
Only after battling for months between understanding and feelings did the voice of reason finally win.
Two years later, feelings followed understanding, and from then on, understanding was the most faithful watchman and guardian I could have had with me.
During my bitter struggle between emotional ties to what I learned as a child and cold
reason, the streets of Vienna offered me priceless first-hand lessons.
The time had come when I no longer walked blindly through the vast city as I did at first.
I kept my eyes open and looked at people as well as buildings.
Once, as I was strolling through the inner city, I suddenly met a figure in a long caftan with
black curls.
“Is that a Jew?” was my first thought.
Jews did not look like that in Linz.
I covertly observed the man, but the longer I stared at that alien face, scrutinizing feature
after feature, my question changed from, “Is that a Jew?” to “Is that a German?”
As always, I tried to resolve my doubts through books. For a few coins, I bought the first anti-Semitic pamphlets I had ever purchased in my life.
Can't have the goyim sympathizing with him.
also, did they had photoshop in 1945?
>watching anime
>having a waifu
Look at this faggot
Yes, they could edit photos back then.
Sorry for deleting the post, I had to copy the book excerpt from a pdf and the formatting was terrible.
Yes I wonder why.
Killing the good guy has become a trend in games recently
Photo editing predates computer software.
Here is the file again.
So deep
It makes sense but in reality killing the faction boss would't necessarily make the faction go away. It might even strengthen them
I don't see how it is "deep", it is just explaining how he came to realise that the Jews were the problem.
lol Nazis are fucking trash, I'm glad the Soviets gunned them all down and fucked their wives
Fascist states can survive on their own.
Communist "states" turn in on themselves and rot away until their people adopt Capitalism again.
Communist "states" are destined to collapse in on themselves.
The only difference between Communists and National Socialists is that the NatSocs eradicate the problem and the communists eradicate themselves.
>NatSocs eradicate the problem
Do you have any historical basis for this?
The Jews getting gassed.
dude every single fascist state got fucked up by non-fascists within like 2 decades
>believing Jewish fairytales
It's going to happen for real this time though.
I think the answer is more likely because just saying "Hurr go kill Hitler" is easier than coming up with an original and compelling story.
Why can't I kill Bormann, Goebbels, Göring, Himmler and all the other wankers?
conspiracy to make people mad on the internet, it’s the only logical explanation
You clearly don't know what that word means
The third Reich took on most of the world by itself.
Italy was fucking useless and Japan were niggers that got American involved.
America could have been a strong ally or at least neutral until the japs went and fucked with them.
I want it to be true.
The less Jews the better.
I don't care if they use the 6 gorillion to milk sympathy from retards.
Turn all the kikes to a pile of ash, I say.
Himmler was a family man and an upstanding citizen, no surprise you cuckolds hate him.
Your co-protagonist (which one depends which campaign you are playing) did this in Red Alert 1.
I don't care about killing hitler or nazis. It sounds fun. However there's really not enough commie killing simulators. There's a certain bias.
Check out the Free Socialist Republic of Germany leaders. 70% of them were Jewish. The rest didn't have a religion listed.
Holy shit Sup Forums was right again.
It's a common power fantasy among non-whites.
Your post upsets the wannabe nazicucks.
>Himmler was a family man and an upstanding citizen
According to a certain board, family man and upstanding citizen goes hand in hand with authoritarian sociopath and mass murderer.
Of course edgy teens want to be like him. While they are the two latter, they utterly fail to be the two former.
I don't even go to Sup Forums but bet they didn't teach you about the German Revolution of 1918 in school, eh?
Want to know how I know you didn't do any research on him?
Killing Jews isn't murder, it's self-defence.
>I don't even go to Sup Forums
>Killing Jews isn't murder, it's self-defence.
>Fascist states can survive on their own
Not in reality.
I regularly visit Sup Forums, /tg/ and /k/.
If you don't kill the Jew, he'll plot your downfall.
Better to kill them all before they get the chance to scurry away.
But they can and the third Reich would have survived (and won the war) if Japan and Italy hadn't been so useless.
left wing propaganda to disguise how much worse communists were while they go out protesting with commie symbols
Didn't it come to your mind, that they plot your downfall, because they don't want to be killed?
>would have
Toppest of keks
>t. totally not Sup Forums
The Jew is everyone's enemy.
They were constantly given amnesty and betrayed that amnesty at the first chance.
Catholic, Muslim, Hindu or Athiest.
The Jew is an enemy to everyone and ally to themselves, alone.
Can't be Sup Forums if I never go there.
I do visit /vg/ at times but, for vidya, Sup Forums is my go to board.
You figure if the Nazis were such good problem solvers they would've not done stupid shit like make tanks that fucking sucked compared to the far cheaper Soviet tanks or work all their laborers to death because "muh hard work". Really if you read into how the Nazi economy and bureaucracy worked, you'd be amazed that those fucking idiots managed to cling to live for a decade. Fascists are incapable of doing anything right because their framework of how the world works is insufficient and incorrect.
You do know that Moscow would have fallen if Hitler hadn't told them to go after the oil?
Hitler was great at uniting the people but he should have left the military matters to the more experienced.
Hitler should have been assassinated, then a much more militarily competent leader would have taken up his mantle and the people would have united under the new leader due to the indignant outrage of the assassination of their beloved leader.
>Fascists are incapable of doing anything right because their framework of how the world works is insufficient and incorrect
>their framework of how the world works is insufficient and incorrect.
Go on...
>the third reich would have survived if two other world powers had put their own ambitions on hold and dedicated all of their resources to preserving the reich
some master race those aryans are
>hitler wasn't a drug doing degenerate
nice lie
>ITT: historic revisionism, fanaticism and general stupidity
If the Holocaust never happened why did none of the Nazi officers deny it happening while on trial????
>he still tries to post this sped up webm to prove his retarded claims
lmaoing@your life
Fascist states die along with their leaders.
It has a weak ideological framework and is only cut for one person, whose death throws the entire state in disarray.
It's a delusional, psychotic neo-nazi. He's detached from reality.
>haha this out of context and sped up video will surely prove my point
Serious question, are you Jewish?
>he gets triggered because his loser hero was a methhead
>no game that allows a you a third party to assassinate all leaders od the Allies and Axis for a secret organization.
just because it's sped up doesn't mean his behaviour isn't of that of someone on drugs. I could ask you the same since you ask like a jew
and I'm a pureblooded white hungarian, you 56%er, hitler was a degenerate and so are you
>Takes on the whole world while being weighed down by two incompetent "allies"
some master race those aryans are
Can't be helped, the Jews must always be the victims because in their corrupt and degenerate minds they can do no wrong.
I never denied it.
In fact, I'm in favour of it.
Kill them all, I say.
Ad-Hominem, because everyone you disagree with is a psychotic maniac detached from reality.
Hitler was just getting excited.
Look at sports fans when they watch their teams play.
i don't think you know what that word means.
watch the real video and you can tell he's just excited. you might be retarded, mate.
>arbeit macht frei
>meanwhile hitler literally never worked a day of a real job in his entire life
If you're detached from reality then yes you're a psychotic, this is a fact.