
What should the plot of the next Wolfenstein game be about?

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what the fuck?

ah never fucking mind i don't even c

About glorious communism that millenials seem to love so much being spread around america so you fat cunts can experience what real suffering and terror is.

Taking the fight to the white ass fascist nazi pig's homeland

That was already the first game.

Fuck, if it were up to me I'd ramp up with the occult shit in Wolfenstein III and make it Doom with nazis.

I think it's time protagonist should be the communist strong black woman that kills Fucking Nazi white men. Enough patriarchy.


>the next Wolfenstein

Time/AU travel bullshit plot about how the nazis won, plus shit about Fergus and Wyatt and if BJ made the nazis lose, then he'd never met Anya and Doomguy and Ranger are there too and something about all id games being connected and Mecha Hitler.

Mecha-Hitler is bad, go kill him

Killing nazis. With Anya.

A serious 30 minutes speech by Hitler on Jews.

Defeating the evil gamer gators who are undermining the natural matriarchal nature of our species with viile christian magic given to them by the kkk on orders from hitler himself spoken through the us president by his mind controlling alien parasite.

80s Cybernazis, unlicensed Kung Fury adaptation basically.


>next Wolfenstein
>after the new one flopped hard

It's time to let go. 2009 was the best in the series anyways.

How did they not get shot? I thought that Stormtroopers were pathetic, but this is on a whole new level.

>A sequel but with Danger 5 level of campiness

I wouldn't mind that.

It's a Swedish developer. They aren't allowed to do anti communist propaganda.

Already done in wolfenstein universe.

BJ travels to an alternate universe that is essentially ours and kills everyone who isn't a liberal.
Becasue let's be honest, that's where this is headed.


>This is the state of western video games

Killing communists, since their ideology has the highest death toll of any movement in human history


Killing dumb hitler

Why would communists develop and anti-communism game?

> t. Mad pollack
Enjoy my red giant veiny pinus behind your cheek

Having now seen the full context of the jacket and shirt removal, that scene is even stupider.

B.J is dead and the rest of Wolf 2 was just his nazi-killing wet fever-dream before his brain functions stop
Anya not responding when B.J asked whether this was real or not was the biggest giveaway

I like how after she takes her shirt off the blood texture just appears on her back.

your benis is like communism,doesn't work


Series reboot and forget the trash that was NC. Luckily with the abysmal sales figures this will happen.

They won't be Swedish for long anyway, they'll be Swedistan.

It's a thematic callback from New Order when there were barely any transitions so it just felt like BJ was drifting from dream to dream.

Now that BJ actually has something to live for(e.g. he has a new super soldier body and can actually live to raise his children with Anya), it's something he's concerned about, that he doesn't actually know if he's dreaming or not.

Fascism sets out to commit genocide, and it can't even get close to the numbers that communists stumbled into by accident. Weak!

>Jewish American succeeds at foiling the Nazis after he gets a head transplant into the body of an aryan super soldier

Really makes you think.

Am I supposed to get triggered by this or what?

Nah, Wolfenstein has always been about killing Nazis. If you want to go kill commies play Red Alert

They should make a retroactive trilogy out of this with the next game.

Nazis vs America / WW2
Nazis vs Communists / Cold War
Nazis vs Muslims / War on Terror

I literally, LITERALLY, see the next game being Nazi vs Muslims.


First game was good fun.
Second game was blatant propangda.

Thx for ruining entertainment SJW.

But the first game was terrible.

>jumps on B.J stomach first to shield him from a flamethrower
How to kill your unborn baby in 10 seconds

>whites and non-whites team up
>start retaking America
>BJ kills Hitler
>"The flags of freedom fly all over the world."
>Racism is outlawed and everyone lives happily ever after

Honestly the only thing that bothers me about this scene is that they sent Anya to raid the Ausmerzer with BJ instead of Bombate or Wyatt/Fergus.

What the fuck

Dunno about that.
When he asks his friends how they escaped from the garage-slaughter, they just go "oh we got tricks ;)"
When he asks Anya whether he's in heaven or it's reality, Anya never responds.
It's all too good to be true desu

The fucking introduction of the Americans onto the U-boat was the worst character introduction I think I've ever seen in a video game.

Oh look we have this black woman who is meant to be from blaxploitation movies only we have no concept of how to actually write one.


"Aye you can drop that English shit you thick cunt"


Was I meant to fucking like her at any point in the game? I don't understand.

There is literally no difference between the first game and the second except you're a brainwashed Trumptard now.

communist revolution. The terror.


Yaaaaaaaas queen slaaaaaaay

I hate what videogames have become

A baby's not a person until it comes out, so there's no death. It certainly wouldn't be Anya's fault. It's her body and her choice to fight.

he loses his head and then it gets replace by a robot head so now you're 100% robot and that means you're a communist also

>BJ and the commie crew start to take back areas of America.
>commits start to become more and more radical.
>executing citizens who were working with occupiers as they had no other choice
>"with us or against us" rhetoric when BJ tries to say something
>BJ ends up stumbling across a bunch of crazy gun toting good ol boy YOO ESS AYY patriots, who pull his ass out of a tight situation just by coincidence.
>over the top parody of 'Murcica stereotypes.
>"I don't give a hell about any of that eye-dee-logical horse shit, I just wanna shoot some god damned Nazis!"
>"U! S! A! U! S! A!"
>all they give a shit about is freedum, moonshine, and BOOM!
>They whip BJ up in their poorly thought out plan blow up some nazi facility or monument
>shit hits the fan after they cause a massive fireball, and every nazi in a 10 mile radius swarms on them
>Whooping and hollering pick up truck chase scene, where BJ shoots big machine gun at chasing Nazis to save his own hide.
>commies turn on BJ for siding with those "fucking nationalist sociopaths"
>BJ is now stuck in the middle with both sides of the revolution wanting to kill him.
>has to save his pregnant wife from commies, and defeat the latest nazi supersoldiers creation that was developed to fight the revolution.

they also literally pulled the same thing with the courthouse scene

Saying something doesn't make it true, anonkun. II was mostly propaganda cutscenes and it rightfully flopped.

You play as a disabled mulatto jewish transgirl whose goal is to kill Richard Spencer and his legions of literal cyber-nazis. And you have a grappling hook.

>set out to commit genocide

Gegen die mauer, Lügenpresse

Why does every Sup Forumstard complaining about the game act like the communists are some enormous rebellion enclave and not just one guy hiding in a bank and making moonshine, and who barely poses any threat in a combat situation?

he's literally right next to them how in the fuck did he not get shot

stupid lazy devs

In the next game you kill Trump and it's very clearly Trump and not just some guy who looks like Trump.

>commies turn on BJ for siding with those "fucking nationalist sociopaths"
Where does this come from? Even in your contrived narrative I can't see the actual reason for this.


They didn't play it.

>when they make you try to hate nazi's but you fall in love with their look

Wolfenstein 3: The New Capitalist

I can see BJ losing more of himself in the third game.
Like losing a hand, and getting a hand cannon/chainsaw replacement that you choose from. Then in the final act of the game your body gets destroyed somehow, so you put the head on a robot and control it from there

Wolfenstein 3 will have a black protagonist, mark my fuckin words

But that would be anti-semetic.

>mfw they implant BJ's head into a black guy's body

Fun, campy and not taking itself super seriously?

Given the homage nature of a lot of guns in the game, like Laserkraftwerk Mk 2 and Ubergewehr basically being Nazi versions of Doom guns, as well as New Colossus implying the damage done to the Nazis, by BJ killing Deathshead is much worse than implied, I see the Nazis being desperate enough to summon demons like Spear of Destiny/Wolfenstein RPG, leading to enough implications of a shared universe with Doom much like the original 3D.

take back europe, starting with scottland because fergus is a bro.

also a story element that blascko is a prototype ubermench soldier because his dad let the nazi experiment on his pregnant wife with genetic manipulation.

>people who are patriotic redneck Americans
>can't see why a communist would label them as nationalists

The whole point is although they have a common enemy, the ideological difference would cause a problem.
People already shout "nationalist" for being patriotic, so it's not a far push for people already fighting one group of nationalists to look at a different group of nationalists and see them as a threat.

This isn't some Sup Forums, pro-right shit, it's about adding a new story element which fits with the action movie tropes, IE war movies with gun ho American soldiers, and make BJ an unwilling enemy of his former allies, for the sake of drama and new twists.

That is actually a pretty good idea and not unlikely either.

>play TNO
>let Fergus die in the first chapter
>later realize what I did was a mistake because he was literally the only good thing about the game

cybernetic zombie nazies in space

>adding a new story element

It's a fucking contrived story element. BJ already disapproves of the single communist in New Colossus but gets over it because he needs his help.

The MachineGames trilogy has so far been very good about avoiding obvious cliches and developments(e.g. nobody of note ever betrays the Kreisau Circle).

but that's what Wolf 2 was about
At least for that one part

>communism as necessary evil

you're so brainwashed you don't even realize the nazis are the lesser evil - they followed the geneva conventions and killed far less people than the communists by several orders of magnitude.

the only reason the actions of commies are forgiven in the public school curriculum is because Russia had a bullshit redemption arc where they teamed up with "the good guys" America and Allied Europe.

In reality, America and Allied Europe sided with the ultimate evil and sold their souls to global bankers out of spite.

VIDEO GAMES you dork ass loser.

>avoid cliches
>in a game that revels in being like an exploitation movie

Top kek.
Please tell me how sassy black Afro revolutionary is a new and original idea.

gassing the 6 gazillion

It should have none to a bare minimum story, like every single game before TNC

>the only reason the actions of commies are forgiven in the public school curriculum is because Russia had a bullshit redemption arc where they teamed up with "the good guys" America and Allied Europe.
Wrong. It has nothing to do with eternal ebil Russia, but everything with the commie kike controlled media and jewpig libshit commie fucks having almost entirely taken over academia in the past 70 years.

that was the easiest decision I ever made in a game.

It should start with a mission to break into an abandoned Nazi Moon base to find the access codes to the secret Nazi Mars base.

The same plot as the original Wolfenstein 3 game. Let us play as a Nazi.

I was hoping you'd say it so I wouldn't have to.

So Mecha Hitler is the final boss of the last game right?

Probably pull some shit with mecha BJ too.

>twist is the final level is a gigantic nazi super weapon housed in the eye of jupiter

Killing commies after you kill Hitler.

They shoot down orphanages and schools because there isn't a single brown kid in them and nazi are evil since birth

The final boss is a 4 hours long cutscene where half of it is cut by a ear piercing DAYUUUUUUM

I only play super serious mature games for super serious mature gamers like myself. We must ban fun because it kills the seriousness at hand. I am glad to see Sup Forums slowly evolving into srs business discussion forum.

09 is unironically the third best is the series.
