Since it's become increasingly obvious that the mods won't do their job and Hiro simply doesn't care...

Since it's become increasingly obvious that the mods won't do their job and Hiro simply doesn't care, the onus falls on us, the users of Sup Forums.

How do we save our board from the cancer that is e-celeb discussion and the Redditors that insist on discussing them?

make a containment board

We've had AVGN, Spoony, and other e-celeb threads since day 1. They belong on Sup Forums and if you don't like it, then just don't click on the thread you retard.

This quote is talking about people

>The building has had faulty plumbing since it was built, so if you don't like the fact that excrement leaks from the faucets then you can just leave

we split the board into /oldv/ and /nuv/

>Did you hear about poor little Timmy? He's dying from the polio! Poor thing
>Now now, betty, small minds discuss people

>hate seafood
>go to the grocery store
>walk to the seafood section which you could easily avoid
>stick your hand in the lobster tank
>start throwing lobsters everywhere
>manager comes up to you asking what you're doing

That's how retarded you sound like right now

Meta on /qa/ only.
All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/

It seems e-celeb threads need to be self moderated

>food analogy
Every fucking time

I come to Sup Forums to discuss video games. No part of that expectation includes gossip of internet nobodies, of their personal lives and about their scandals.

Why would the mods insult me by deleting my threads when I would NEVER call them "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so hard to be their friend - and maybe someday that will happen!


>being a rulefag

I bet you actually follow the speed limit too, faggot

>e-celeb threads>consolewar threads>>>>>>drawfag threads

>excrement analogy
Truly the exploding cosmic brain of analogies

Obviously we link together in some kind of ring-like shape and masturbate each other over how right we are.

If he replaced lobsters with semen would you understand it better?

I think I'd understand it about the same but feel free to type me one out, it could be funny

gonna make an avgn thread right now

Sup Forums has no less than eight (8) boards dedicated to some brand of shitposting, but still nothing for dealing with e-celebs, a plague upon all of the boards. Let that sink in.

>a single thread about original content is worse than the 5 concurrent, blind, shit flinging threads about how ps4 has no games and the switch is bing bing wahoo
fuck off, at least they produce something every once in a while
e-celeb threads absolutely DO NOT talk about vidya, but only the drama supporting the youtuber
console war threads have no excuse to exist and anybody who takes part to one of those threads should be gassed

fuck meant surrounding

just shitpot the thread into oblivion. this board is already left to rotten and the japanese jew will only care when the traffic drops

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

>How do we save our board from the cancer that is e-celeb discussion and the Redditors that insist on discussing them?
stop talking about them?

Genius minds discuss internet memes.