Peasants in Warhammer Fantasy are replaced with masked plate-wearing faceless men

>Peasants in Warhammer Fantasy are replaced with masked plate-wearing faceless men
>Normal Space Marines are replaced by Primaris Marines in 40k
>and now in Warcraft the Draeneis are replaced by the taller, superior and sexier Lightforged Primaris Draeneis

Why is this fucking allowed? Why do western devs have no shame?

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only the überdraenei shall survive. they are the Aryans of their species

I want to splooge on her buttcheeks

>>Peasants in Warhammer Fantasy are replaced with masked plate-wearing faceless men


They're taller?

Any comparison photos? I'd love to RP a Lightforged Draenei that promotes racial purity in the deviant culture that is the Alliance

Why are half the allied races so shit?

Draenei gf where?

you think they have a tiny bit of metal covering their cunny?

Age of Sigmar rebooted the WHF universe and turned the setting into good vs evil space marines without guns.

>tfw our based king wants to fuck draenei pussy badly

*dragon cock

a man of culture

This fact engenders undying loyalty in me personally

>not massive horsecock

Why is there always someone who instantly brings up some gay fetish from fan art? It doesn't even make sense. I don't get why you'd want a dick there instead of a nice shaven slit.

>feminine penis
>gay fetish

You're on Sup Forums and they love the meme of space goat horsecock.

I'm right there with you, why would anyone want a giant horse cock on their girl instead of a little feminine penis?

>Re-colour race
>Call it a new race

Fuck out

>having sex with woman


the memes brought unironic faggots

>never played WoW
>been fapping to goats for weeks now
It's a strange feel.

God Draenei are the worst fucking race in all of warcraft. They're just so fucking boring and I'm so glad that we don't have another expansion having to revolve around them. Getting stuck on Argus with all the goat fuckers really killed any motivation to play legion any more. And that's not to mention how the shitty Na'ru ruined the Light.


I hope one of the skin color options for the Void Elf is the same inky blue-blackness Alleria now has.

>The void elves are supposed to be a surrogate for not having high elves or Ethereals
>Love ethereals
>Hate elves with the passion of 7 suns
I will exterminatus this shit.

>master race lightforged draenei
>best dorf race
>elves that are too edgy for the Horde

>tauren with moose horns
>refugee crackhead elves
>based dinosaur trolls

I'm so torn which side to go...

Fucking this. Blizzards Draenei hard on is almost as big as their hard on for Thrall used to be.

Early concept for Draenei had them as redeemed demons called Eudaemon. That was a lot more interesting imo. Really kept hoping for Blizz to reveal the Draenei we play were actually reformed Eredar and their race was always demonic until touched by the Light. But nope.

They have a 2 forms things similar to Worgen. When in combat their skin becomes like Alleria's and switches back after.

So they just become shadow priests in combat?

reminder horde can't compete

not sure which is more pathetic, the fact that blizzard is still stealing ideas from people or that they’re still stealing from the retard foundry that is games workshop

Nice. Can you do like the Worgen and choose to stay in Void mode all the time?

>that kul'tiras human

Fuck is that why Jaina is so fucking tall?

No it didn't, shitposter.

1. WHFB was suppose to be 'The World' as in Earth, fighting. But money forced them to basically go Germans Ft. Elves. Anybody else was shit.

2. AoS was a reboot because WHFB didn't sell. It wasn't even in the Top 5 sellers for years.

3. You did not replace 'peasants' with what you said. Stormcast are literally the Order equivilent of Chaos Warriors, you'd know this if you read anything about it instead of 1d4chan and shitposts.

4. The 'peasants' are still in AoS, they're called the Freeguild. Do some fucking googling.

He's lying.

>Tauren are supposed to be 12 feet tall
>they are now shorter than both trolls and humans
Fuck Blizzard just update the Tauren model already.

Yeah kinda.
Hasn't been said if it's a choice, just that they have it as a mechanic.

They switch to that in-combat apparently. They can switch out of it like Worgen.

>Human male
>Night Elf male
>Draenei male
>Blood Elf male

I wish I had a harem of them, so much beefcake and ottermode goodness.

>Recent QA said that Dark Iron Dwarves have new unique beards and hair that are on fire or have embers flying off of them

>tabletop game
>tabletop game
>video game
what an odd post to make


He wanted to shitpost about the tabletop games. There's several shitposter raid groups on /tg/ but /tg/ has had 3 years or so if it and are largely immune to it now. So they switch to Sup Forums where they know /tg/ users crossboard from.

Just report it.

good taste

I always wanted Nelf-style Elves for Horde and Blizzard listened. Hopefully they can be Druids. Have they said anything about the classes the six sub-races they revealed get?

Only that they would be strict to keep them reasonable.

Nah, no druids.
The Nightborne can be warrior, hunter, rogue, mage, warlock, priest, and monk.

nightborne probably are only able to be the standard classes + mage/pally

>nightborne join the bloodknights

calling it now


If by half you mean the Alliance half it’s clearly because Blizzard hates ally players.

any mention of old races getting more customization options?
yes we already got their classes, search it shouldn't be hard to find


Nigga if there ain't tentacles around that pussy to strangle my dick I want nothin' to do with it.

Yes, they said they want to go back to Trolls and Orcs and give them non-hunched options and might do more over time.

Im happy with lightforged and iron dwarves tho, would have preffered something else but Velfs

Too afraid to look the vagine straight in the eye-balls.

Just put my cock in the way, please, I ain't straight enough for this shit.

gay, greenjesus is an abomination, any respectable orc player will keep the hunch
hope they add more bears for my dwarf

The real problem is everyone wanting it to be a horse cock, instead of a goat cock

Dark Iron gets new flaming beards, dunno if they will make non-flaming variants of those new beards for normal dwarves.

Is there one of these for Void Elf too?

No one knows what goat cock looks like.

jesus, why are liberals so fucking hideous and autistic?


Conservatives get school shooters. We all have our fair number of deranged autists.

I hope we get the Kul Tiris Humans as a sub-race for Human, and/or a faction of Vyrkul that are halfway-affected with the Curse and have shrunk to Tauren/Draenei size. For some others:

Gnomes - Mechagnome
Worgen - Saber Worg-style and Draenor Wolf-style
Tauren - Taunka
Draenei - Broken
Dwarf - Wildhammer options
Goblin - Gilgoblin

>no Wildhammer skins

I don't know why I keep playing at this point.

What? Anduin is actually based and wants to fuck some draenei pussy?

so what will happen to the guys playing horde just because of the belf when the void ones are released? will horde just lose 70% of its playerbase?
even if they don't delete the character it will get degraded to alt now that there is an even edgier variant

casual/erp playerbase can go wherever they want but it's not like it matters. horde will still dominate in the serious pvp/pve scene.

Probably later, they said they wanna do more based on fan suggestion.
So make a forum thread about it, if it makes enough of a stir it might get them to consider it.

aren't most top ranked pvp teams alliance?

I cannot see half of these working, but boy do I want the Wildhammer and Broken.
I am thinking more potential could be found in the Forsaken. Right now we can only play as Undead Humans, but there were plenty of other races near lordaeron who got involved in the ordeal, and Sylvanas is making more. I am sure an excuse could be made for undead high elves like her Dark Archers or skeletons.

this was just a shitty idea. why the fuck would you play a regular draenei now when you can play a better one?

>fully skeletons
holy shit yes, I would never play any other race, ever
everyone complains about the bone parts showing, while I want more of that shit

More class choices.

ok I call bullshit, no way in fuck kul tiras humans are that big

to make all the draenei players pay for a race change
a lot still keep their bc draenei, add that the autistic ones that liked to collect quest items and ammunition in their bank and can't do it anymore since blizzard removed them, no way in hell they are just going to delete them

>straigh troll/orc
>hunch undead and worgen
triggered, fix this shit

>"we get Kul Tiras humans"
>not wanting fucking Vrykuls who have human skeletons

Fuck off.

lightforged cant be monks/ dk/ shaman

>Lightforged draenei have been alive for countless untold centuries battling back the Legion and protecting the world from darkness
>Comes back just for Alliance/Horde petty squabble
I dun get it

never seen a shaman/draenei monk, as for dk the fucking pandas are getting the option, just a matter of time for allied races

Wait, we're getting pandaren death knights?

>shaman/draenei monk
fucked that up somehow, I mean shaman/monk draenei

you have never seen draenei shaman?

>Never seen a Draenei Shaman
>It's in the top ten race/class combinations
I think it ended up at eight, but you're pulling that out of your ass

>call your race draenei
>Not even fucking from draenei
>Invade the orcs home planet and bring the attention of the legion
>Get an entire race enslaved and cry about it when they start killing you
>Basically fully responsible for azeroth being invaded by the burning legion

>implying they won't add Kul Tiras Humans so they can finally add ogres to horde

>Conservatives get school shooters.

Do we know the political affiliations of most school shooters? And why is it that so many mass shootings are conducted by registered Democrats?

•Draenor, not draenei

honestly didn't, its always pala or huntard and most of the time a female one in slutmog gear

>Normal Space Marines are replaced by Primaris Marines in 40k
Yeah and it only take them a couple of thousands years to replace all marines with Primaris.

Wait a minute, is she wearing horseshoes?

the race is called eredar. those that joined sargeras with KJ and archimonde are called the manari eredar. the ones that fled with velen landed on draenor, rejected their old name, and renamed themselves the draenei after the planet.

>Basically fully responsible for azeroth being invaded by the burning legion
that honor belongs to the night elves

>Alliance get bear mode humans
>Horde don't get vrykuls
>No ethereals
>Dark iron dwarves go fucking alliance because muh we can't confuse the community (because giant red fucking names aren't confusing and I can't transform into an ice dwarf already, right?)

those are npcs btw

im really getting sick and tired of people wanting ethereals or those stupid fucking Bird people

Why would Dark Irons go horde when they're made peace and are apart of the alliance now?

Confuse the community doesn't work because the same exact pandas join both factions. It's not even red pandas on Horde and black on Alliance