Why is this acceptable?

You literally can't get these items in-game without purchasing this shitty promotion. Why is food dlc still used by companies in [current year]?

Who cares

is it a multiplayer game? No? Then fuck right off that shit don't matter

>actually playing Asscreed

it makes them money. Wait a year or so and all content locked behind this shit will be released as a "free update" like with unity and their shit toy dlc

they're shitty items in a single-player game that will get outpaced by random drops you'll get less than two or three hours into the game.

it's literally fucking pointless.

This shit is fucking retarded, yes, but Assasin's creed sucks, and monster sucks. So fuck it.
It's a scary thought if these practices came to other games though

sipp thread

>that first sip of the day
>about to goto sleep
>take a sneaky sip


So don't play. It's not hard; it literally requires zero effort.

and why not? why shouldn't people be able to access all the items in a single player game without having to go to 7-11 and buy a fucking energy drink? oh wait, you're 15, you can't answer that.

This isn't about this game in particular you dumb shits. It's about the use of food dlc and how it's a worse practice than amiibos

Because it doesn't matter. It's just a stupid weapon.

*keeps grinding Deadmines for that weapon*

They're not the best weapons in the game so it literally doesn't matter.

>ITT: I accept buying an incomplete game that requires me to buy a limited promotion of a shitty drink in addition to buying the 30 fucking dollars season pass
You fags are the reason why lootboxes are still successful

passive people like you are the reason governments are corrupt and get away with it. you are a pussy.

because anyone halfway competent can do it without that weapon? Even if you're a completionist autist just disregard them and consider it complete without them. problem solved.


Someone add a "drink dlc" to this

Is Zero Ultra actually decent or is it just as sickly sweet as regular Monster?

Tfw can only drink regular Red Bull because its 0 cal version tastes like sweaty trucker's taint.

>I need every costemic possible to be able to enjoy the game
No, you fags are the reason lootboxes exist. If no one put any value in cosmetics they would not be profitable to put behind a paywall.

you don't have to be a "completionist autist" to want to try out every weapon in a game. stop trying to justify these petty cash grab practices. there is no reasonable justification for not releasing a game in its entirety. the more people who buy into your logic, the worse gaming will get, until it eventually no longer exists.

what game?

and as far as i know, destiny is the game that started this, with red bull

thanks consolefags

i hope some of the people who supported this practice drank energy drinks until they died desu

the real answer is because you're all a bunch of stupid buycuck consolefags who will continue buying games no matter how shitty they are because you're fucking losers and you have no other choice

>Game has cosmetic lootboxes
>they in no way give any players an advantage
>you can sell them for money to buy other games

>"wahh this is a problem, THIS is why games are full of shitty pay to win microtransactions"

what a fucking retard

dude. they're just a fucking reskin that they had artists shit out while they were waiting for the rest of the game to finish.

stop trying to justify petty cash grab practices.