$15 for some garbage takeaway that I will eat in 10 minutes

>$15 for some garbage takeaway that I will eat in 10 minutes
>buy instantly with zero hesitation

>$15 for a classic game that I will enjoy for many hours
>spend three days assessing whether it's worth it, ultimately decide its not

>American attempts to make a point
>ends up talking about food

>European makes a post about America to meet his daily quota

>Sup Forums instantly derails the thread


>food is a necessity
>video game isn't
Most people's budget isn't unlimited and people think differently about different kinds of products.
What a fucking revelation, I know.

Imagine being at computers. So fat you look and see food.

>$15 for some takeaway
Jesus Christ I never spend more than 5$ on food

>$15 for some garbage takeaway that I will eat in 10 minutes
Is this dollarydoos or what

No. This one's on you guys

Cud be a Canadian.

Ah, I forgot that's not a Burger thing. Dollarydoos it is.

That's still £9, so it's presumably exaggeration in order to bait and amuse.

>Paying $15 for a single meal
Can americans just kill themselves already

Nigger, a good meal from legal seafood's is 50$ and it's well worth it

Americans dont call it takeaway, he's a leafcuck.

>free food at work
>pirate games

Too true

>"fucking colonies!"

Since this is a shit thread anyway.
What do you guys do for a job? I'm majoring in accounting but I don't like it so far. I looking for a job with a good balance of free time and decent pay.

I remember some indie Dev complaining about how people should buy his games because of the low price and that it's more entertaining than a "pumpkin spice latte". Anyone else remember?

Hi Sup Forums

I'm so much worse than that.

I'll easily spend around $30-$50 A FUCKING DAY on cigarettes and then um and ah for hours over spending $10 on a video game. And I usually don't end up buying the game.

Dobson is hated from like 8 different boards

3-5 packs a day? you're gonna be dead in a couple years.

I'll actually eat the food.

not him but $30/day on smokes where i live would be about 6 packs


Garbage takeaway is still food and still vital for your survival, so your mind instinctively places more worth on it than frivolous entertainment.

he has good point tho

food analogy fits perfectly there

I live in Australia. It's more than $30 for a pack of my brand, I smoke around a pack and a half a day. Government taxes the shit out of them.

Food is essential to life. Vidya is not.

Oh nice

>Garbage takeaway
Jesus christ, where the fuck do you live? Garbage takeaways here are $5 at most.




I've felt the same way about microtransactions and skins/that sort of stuff.

99 cents /$1.99 for something normally? Fuck that shit.

But if its a game I really like, I've been enjoying and plan to continue playing, I'll shell out some of my shekels for it.

I bought a Rocket League car I really liked

he's a fat boy who buys the Large meal combo. probably gets a Large milkshake too, for "dessert".

You're spending at least 11,000 a year on cigarettes. You should probably quit.

>muh food analogys are bad

is there any context behind this image? i've always wanted to know what he was mad about

That means you're easily spending 10k a year on cigarettes
Jesus Christ you can get a car for that

Im a cheap motherfucker. I make $25 an hour, but when it comes to games I HAVE to wait for a sale. If its a game I really want I wont spend more than $25 on it. God I want to play The Evil Within 2 so bad but have a terrible saving addiction.

Its just a picture on the internet. Not everything has some story attached to it

If its 30 for a pack of cigs in Aussie land it'd probably be 100k for a fucking civic.

He's probably a "m-muh genetics" fag too

>$15 takeaway
What the fuck must a $15 takeaway be? 3 Big Macs?
>saving addiction
If it interferes with the joy in your life you should probably stop

Leafs don't call it that either.

Am leaf.

I'm gonna try actually. I won a vape and some juice with 3gs of nic in it in a card game. We're starting tomorrow so good luck me.

The reason being is simply because food is a higher priority. It's natural take more consideration into purchasing something like a game in terms of whether it's worth it or not, despite spending the same amount.

Not really. Ciggies are expensive because of prohibition

>admitting to being a leaf

He looks like he's trying really hard to hold in a horrible shit.

Good luck user!

>muh memes
yeah remember the name for other threads so you can spout 'omg fucking leaf' like a good brainwashed Sup Forumstard you are

This is not a everything is expensive in Australia situation, this is a extremely high tax on cigarettes situation. And it's only going to get higher. By 2025 it apparently expected to be around $50 a pack. The government wants people to stop smoking but it can't just outright ban cigarettes so it's doing the next best thing, taxing the shit out of them to strongly discourage the activity.

Holyshit I just had the same thought, I spent 12 dollars on some shitty Panda Express that I ended up throwing away. I'm conflicted if I should buy the witcher 3 GOTY edition for 20 bucks

You're really getting assblasted over a joke, just what I'd expect from a frail leaf blowing in the wind.

Can you guys at least grow your own tobbaco?

You cunts are a right bunch of fucking sooks.
Go legally fuck a dog.

Fuck no, what do you think this is, a free country?

>The government wants people to stop smoking
Don't kid yourself, user.
It's mostly just a tax on our poor people that they say is to get them to stop.
They don't give a fuck.

I don't pay this much for food in a month.

No. Very illegal. Jail time and big fines for that.

don't you dare drag us into this

>See game on sale for $30 after a month of release
>Want to play it, but nope, still too much
>Wait 6 months for it to go to $20
>Don't want to play it any more

>garbage takeaway

OP is likely an Aussie cunt with that language.

Don't be a retard. The smoking rate has practically cut in half since they started jacking up the taxes so high. and the plain package and warning labels have nothing to do with revenue raising for the government. They DO want people to stop smoking. Maybe it's just because they want to reduce the burden on public health care or something but it's still something they actually want.


Leafcucks talk the same as Americans dumbass, and their dollar is bad but even 10 leafbucks is expensive for takeout.

This is clearly an Australian post.

If you say so.

You're already spending that much money on pointless shit you don't need, your brain is trying to keep you from being even more retarded and wasting more money than you are already doing with your shit-tier habit.

>spend 40$ on a 2 way taxi trip
>15$ entry to the club, assuming the bouncer doesn't kick me out
>60$ to get myself drunk
>optionally 5-10$ trying to spend it on a woman
>don't get any action
>spend extra money buying overpriced shit from the paki store cause I'm drunk and have a false sense of hunger
>end up fatter, stupider and hate myself more
>basically the typical friday night for normies


>spend 100$ on gachas, skins and other promotions
>I get to enjoy this for years to come

Even a brainlet can see which is better.

>See a game on sale I really want
>Buy it
>Never touch it

Fuck bro why do i do it

When you have money and aren't a pleb you can afford to go to actual restaurants.
A meal from the capital grille is 100 buckeroonies. And it's delicious

UX Designer

You'll work hard on the job but you don't really have to take it home with you and the pay is great. I got an entry level position this year and started at 73k

>wasting money to have good food you could make yourself
No, user, you are the pleb.

we still call it takeout

Ordering Chinese takeout would be around $20 give or take. Take out doesn't automatically mean rock and roll McDonald's

t. Assblasted poorfag

Hello Australia

No, I just enjoy cooking.
It's much better to cook than to be lazy and over pay some asshole to make it for you,
You get to know exactly what's in it and you don't have skin, hair and whatever else from dirty foreigners, not to mention to fun of the act itself.
I'd say bitches love it, too, but I'm socially inept.

>Dirty foreigners and bad health standards
See user, if you went to a proper restaurant you wouldn't have this problem. Also lunch and dinner is where you make the most business connections, if you weren't an autistic shut in you'd realize these benefits

>bunch of new games come out
>spend the next week in agony contemplating if I should buy them while factoring how much money I have in the bank (pro tip: barely any)

>immediately impulse buy $50 japanese toys for children

I have a problem

Sorry, I thought food was for enjoyment, not stroking other people's egos in the hopes of finding a slightly better job.
I suppose we've just got different priorities.

>buy kebab for 16 mutt dollars
>still money left for both rent, alcohol, weed, snus, games, traveling and savings acoount

Here a normal huge chinese noodle-chicken/duck meal is around 5€(~$7?), tough they're so fucking large you don't have to eat anything for the rest of the day

What fucking 3rd world country do you live in where Chinese Takeout is $20?

$5.25 for a pint of Orange chicken with a side of White Rice and a fortune cookie.

hi welcome to chink takeout
h-haha the number 25 again with white rice please...

>american calling anyone else 3rd world


>it is a "necessity" to spend $15 on fast food

>stuff is more expensive due to higher wages and higher living standards
>"t-third world yurocuck!!!"
seeing the fat chink nuke your shit will be fucking glorious, my mutt friend


>Ordering Chinese takeout would be around $20

are you sure you aren't ordering takeout from a japanese steakhouse? its 5-7 dollars for like two pounds of tso's where im from.

this except
>$15 for a classic game
>pirate it with zero hesitation while eating the $15 takeaway

>800 dollars for leather sneakers that I might wear once a month
>they look great, let's do it

>400 dollars for a video game console with many great games that I'll use every day
>naw I'll wait for another price drop

I actually order from a hibachi place, I dunno if that makes a difference. Food is really good though

I hope to God that this is bait and you aren't wearing that shit
people are laughing behind your back, man

>being this much of a fag to spend 800 on shoes

>800 dollars for a pair of leathe Y-3 Qasa rip-offs

those look fucking hideous, are you trying to look like some sort of techwear skinhead?

>The usual again?
>y-yes please...

I've never spent more than $50 on a pair of shoes and they've all looked better than that trash.
I really hope you're joking.

>Not raf velcro high-tops in black
C'mon now