Was this a fair score?
Was this a fair score?
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More than fair. I'd say a 7.5-8 is about what the game deserves If you took the Zelda stuff out of the game that's probably what it would have got from most places.
Did people honestly get mad about this lmao
You have no idea. Also, get the fuck out.
why dude
>people lost their fucking minds over that score
>it's actually still higher than the game deserves
To be honest even tho it was my first 3D Zelda I still felt the progression to be mechanical (especially in the second part of the game) at the time of its release, and it's not my favorite entry in the series either.
The dungeon design
The soundtrack
Are all 10/10. Everything else is like a 4/10 at best. 8.8 is honestly generous
yeah minus 1.2 cause fuck the water level. Great visual design, bad gameplay design.
this isn't OoT
there's nothing wrong with TP's water temple
Nah, way too high. Stopped playing half the way through. I just didn't have any fun playing this.
TP's water temple was beautiful
In retrospect, most people would say it's too high of a score. Same goes for Skyward Sword, though it took a lot less time for people to turn on that game.
>mfw I remember Gamespot forums going absolutely apeshit over this score
>reviewer receiving death threats daily
>had TP preordered for years and was beyond hyped so this score had me a little assblasted
>finished the game and realized the score was more than gracious
>TP really was not as good as everyone thought it was going to be
Might also have something to do with the fact I was growing up. I was a teenager when TP came out and was longing for that feeling Ocarina of Time gave me as a child. I don't think it's even possible to replicate that sense of wonder and excitement past a certain age.
>gives the yearly cash-in a 9.5
What did they mean by this
it deserves an 8.5/10 at most
I posted on gamefaqs at the time and I remember them going so fucking insane
TP is the 3D formula with a few updates, so yeah.
It was a relatively low interview, though not deserving of the backlash. Was a great game, one of the best on Gamecube/Wii. People saying it was too high are edgy faggots trying to rewrite its history.
8.5/10 sounds about right. It was a great game, and probably had the best plot of the series. The gameplay was good, not perfect no groundbreaking, but there was nothing wrong with it and it was fun.
And Midna is my waifu.
sorry meant review, just woke up
Lakebed Temple was actually one of the best parts of the game though.
It was too high, it was a shit game, but people over rate it because "Le Zelda"
Very fair. I honestly don't think TP deserves anything above an 8.5
Zelda is my absolute favourite game series but almost all of them get scored way too highly. Twilight Princess wasn't bad but it was pretty boring. I'd have give it a 7/10 myself. Breath of the wild wasn't bad but the dungeons weere bad and so were the boss fights and the story. I'd give it 8/10.
We've been here for over a decade, user. The ratio of users that were around for that is getting lower every day to the point where we're realistically outnumbered.
It’s pretty sad, what happens when this is all we’ve known, and it’s a completely different place.
it was gorgeous. I think it's more tedious then OoT water temple (in a good way).
I dont get it, gamespot is known for always undercutting their score a bit to seem more critical. Most games were "we take the average professional reviewer score and cut it down with 0.5". Only guy who seemed to know what he was doing was Greg kasavin. That guy reviewed DMC3 and refused to give up on it because he wanted to give it a fair review. What a trooper
Yes, and more generous than what I would give it. I thought it was a great game, just underwhelming and boring in some parts compared to it's predecessors.
I think the game is a solid 8.
But I can see justifications for a 9 or a 7 depending on the taste of the player, but should go no higher than 9 and no lower than 7.
I thought it was a fantastic game and I don't think the score is unfair.
Terrible first 10 hours then 2 great dungeons and some others bad
IMO not. This game was better than shit Wind Waker.
Dungeon design and soundtrack are the core elements of any zelda game, the only other core elements are items and overworld both of which are 7/10 for me
8.8 is honestly about right TP is worlds better than SS and WW and a tad better than BotW
I'm playing the HD version right now and having an amazing time. It feels derivative at times because of it but it really comes off as a proper successor to OoT, taking the same basic formula and expanding it with fun new abilities and set pieces
Like, i was ready for much worse, i always see people talking shit about the wolf form and how it ruins the game, but I'm having fun with it. Although it's such an oddly specific choice, like, why a wolf of all things? I also didn't expect to like Midna this much. Biggest gripe is that Epona controls a bit like ass in tight spaces
How fucking new are you to the internet?
Twilight Princess was fucking boring, 8.8 was too high. It's downright embarrassing how upset people got that it wasn't the greatest game of all time.
>Here's your 5/10 game
>Plus the Nintendo bonus
Every time.
I think 8.8 is about right for the Wii version. It's pretty good.
They gave the GameCube version an 8.9, although I think it's easily a 9/10.
Shit taste in anime and games. Wow.
ZZ is amazing fuck off
There's literally a trope called 8.8
Kill yourself. Eww
No. TP is a shitty retread of OOT and deserves a fucking solid 7.
You have no fucking idea. GameFAQs alone was in full apocalypse mode when it happened.
The hype and expectations for TP among Nintendo fans was unreal.
Game's too easy.
While not a trope, 8.7 too much water is also a meme.
ORAS was really bad, but not because of "too much water".
Jeff Gerstmann is still a threat.
I disagree with it, but yes, it's a fair score. I can understand why someone would give it 8.8, even if it's lower than my personal view.
Yeah, it was a huge deal. I only know about it 'cause I read the TvTropes page when I was like thirteen.
You're moderately old, get over it.
>remember the day san andreas released
>go to gamespot
>"ah, so it's a disappointment. nevermind"
This, both the dungeons and bosses are not the least challenging. I'd still rate it a 9 tho. No 10 because of the empty worldmap, midi music being used and lack of difficulty.
If anything it's too high. Brown and bloom Zelda game with an overly long tutorial section, gimmick items that are used only a couple times outside of their dungeons, and very little visual variety. It's inferior to every other 3D Zelda except Skyward Sword.
Yeah that's fair. As long as you back up why you didn't like a game with reasons that have merit then you can rate the game whatever you want.
It's too low but I wouldn't call it unfair, because it's not off by that much and personal experience will vary. The thing about Twilight Princess is it really picks up in the second half of the game, and a lot of people quit playing by that point. I haven't played breath of the wild but it's my favorite of all the other 3D Zeldas. The Yeti Mansion, Desert and sky dungeons were incredibly fun. I guarantee you anyone who hates on TP quit the game before the Yeti dungeon.
In hindsight, he was way too kind.
If Gamespot didn't use the weird review algorithm spreadsheet at this point it would have probably been 7/10 considering Jeff gave Sunshine an 8.2 and said he hated it whilst playing but couldn't rate it lower because the graphics were good.
>It's inferior to every other 3D Zelda except Skyward Sword.
And Wind Waker
Goddamn look at this faggot. Youcan tell he isn't articulate or thorough.
Should be lower.
fair score, but that text blurb is retarded. literally the only parts of TP that were legitimately bad were the "modern" and "revolutionary" motion controls.
To anyone who rates TP low for a Zelda game, can you honestly answer if you actually finished the game? I can't see how anyone could possibly rate TP below the other 3D Zeldas if they played the second half of the game. The first half is really dull and uninteresting yeah but the second half has the best dungeons in the franchise. When I see people rate WW or SS ahead of TP I cant help but scratch my head. How can someone actually think that?
It's my favorite game but yeah, I'd say it's fair. TP has its flaws but its also a very well designed game at its core. It damn near refines the longstanding Zelda formula to its purest, most efficient form but it was easier than it should've been and it didn't really innovate in any meaningful respect. It was iteration over innovation, and sometimes that's fine but it still bears mentioning.
After playing BotW I actually appreciate this more now. It's a relief going back to actual dungeons and to not have your weapon break every few hits, and not to have to make a bunch of recipes to travel in certain areas
>and it didn't really innovate in any meaningful respect.
Grinding through a dungeon on a top like you're playing Tony Hawk wasn't innovating? Flying around a temple in the sky like Spiderman with the double hook shot wasn't innovating?
I don't get it either. The temples are outrageously superior to the temples of every other Zelda. Sometimes I feel like I didn't even play the same game as others because they say its so mediocre. Aside from the Forest Temple, which I found just meh, most of TP's dungeons are sublime.
Twilight Princess, is a really weird zelda game. The things it did, were replicated in other zelda games like Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild, it was really fit the style of the franchise and gave people what they wanted. Just like how the things OoT did, carried over into other Zelda titles, Twilight Princess' influence is long lasting. If you compare Wind Waker to Twilight Princess, Wind Waker is a more rounded game, but what Wind Waker achieved isn't held in high regard or duplicated by its own series.
If you played Twilight Princess, you'll love it and remember for it a long time BUT, while you're playing it at the moment, you get whacked truck loads of repetition and busy work that serves no purpose other than to be there. I personally love Twilight Princess much more than Wind Waker, yet if people were to say that Wind Waker was the better game, I wouldn't be upset. Wind Waker actually is a better gameplay experience and ends just as it is getting annoying.
also the ball and chain has been a weapon enemies have since LttP its about time you got to wield that beast yourself
its a great game, though definitely with its flaws. the HD version fixed some of em, but the wolf sections still blow and some parts of the game arent well thought out (castle town residents dont care about the pyramid around the castle), but it does a lot of things right. Id say an 8.5-9 is fair
id say 9 but 8.8 is totally acceptable. only thing i didnt love is the tear of light collections.
That would translate to a 4/5 pretty much. I would honestly say it's a 3/6 on the Wii version and a 4/5 on the cube. The game's high points are great but it's low points are also terrible.
>The dungeon design
Nah, it was bad
How to spot someone who quit before the second half
BotW clearly is partially inspired from WW. But yeah, i agree with your view of the game overall, i wanted to love it because the game is gorgeous and the idea of navigating the sea was great, but when Ganondorf came in and went "It's just a bunch of fucking empty islands" i couldn't agree more. Near the end of the game i felt no incentive to completely unlock the map
Not really. They're novel dungeon gimmicks and I love them dearly but it's just doing what Zelda always did, just really fucking well. Especially the double Clawshots, that was literally just giving the player 2 hookshots. The closest thing to innovation the series showed was the wolf form, the shield bash/mortal draw and being more narrative heavy than any Zelda before it. That's about it, it's just a really good Zelda otherwise.
True, but TP didn't really do much with it. It's a very powerful weapon but it does little that your sword probably couldn't do faster or more easily.
This zelda was so fucking long. It was amazing.
When I was making my coffee, I came to the realization that there has only been one other game that I have ever played that made me feel the way Twilight Princess did, and that's Alien Isolation. Both are really damn good when you start of, but at some point in their length, you're hit with incredible fatigue and are just desperate to get to the next interesting segment. I completed Alien Isolation in 26hrs and my exhaustion at the time made me feel like it should have been ten hours shorter. My Twilight Princess save file says I beat it in 86hrs and I "feel" like it was 30hrs too long.
The Lakebed Temple and Arbiters Grounds were the best dungeons in the game. City in the Sky looked cool, but had shit music and wasn't that fun. Twilight Palace and the snow castle one were lame, honestly.
They all just felt too linear.
>People saying it was too high are edgy faggots trying to rewrite its history.
I think you don't know what that means.
I agree with Alien Isolation but most people feel the opposite with TP. Its first third is both generally weaker and MUCH slower than the latter two-thirds, and from saving Midna onwards a,) the overworld finally opens up properly, b.) the dungeons improve in quality, and c.) the pacing speeds up considerably, especially now that the bug hunts are over. For a lot of people, TP doesn't start until Arbiter's Grounds, though for my money I'll take even TP's first 3 dungeons over most Zeldas' first 3 dungeons.
other than some of the slower parts of the game ( collecting the tears, most of the inbetween with new areas) and the 70% of the wolf parts, game was pretty good. last zelda game to really feel like a zelda game.
i liked SS concept of using 1on1 sword stuff...but all the damn backtracking and emptyness of the skyhub ruined the game.
HEY NERDS: I'm going to replay Twilight Princess. How do I make it good?
Right now, I'm thinking:
>1440p on Dolphin
>3 hearts max
>some kind of postfx to fix the weird colors
>high res textures if I can find good ones
the game was a solid 7.5.
this is probably why reviewers are scared to actually rate zelda games properly, they dont want to suffer the shit storm from hardcore fans.
like botw. that game was FAR from a perfect score. mainly because theres no actual dungeons. just shitty puzzle shrines around. they fucking wasted all that spacious area just to put shrines around. why cant i stumble into some intricate dungeon from exploring into a deep cave?
was that too much to ask for?
emulate TP HD and do hero mode
If HD is any indication, increase the damage output times 4 and remove heart drops. I'm telling you, it makes TP feel SO much better when attacks actually hurt and you can't just mow down grass to fix it.
I played ocarina of time and I'm like halfway through twilight princess and I gotta say I'm enjoying this more. It feels like an improved, upgraded version of OOT. That and Midna is bae. Its pretty much the main reason I bought it.
Yeah man, reviewers secretly hate Zelda games but live in constant fear of having too many mean tweets thrown at them, must be nightmarish
If BotW had a slew of Hyrule Castle tier structures to explore then I would've probably loved it.
you can still like a game without saying its 100% perfect, dumbass.
But TP didn't excel in any of those elements.
>probably had the best plot of the series.
It's incredibly cheesy
What was so special abound grinding? You could only do it at specific locations and wasn't that great when the novelty wear off
>Twilight Princess' influence is long lasting.
What are you talking about?
Hero mode is just a dumb excuse from TP apologists.
It doesn't make the game better at all, probably because it isn't balanced.
>If you compare Wind Waker to Twilight Princess, Wind Waker is a more rounded game
I have to disagree with that, WW and TP are polar opposites. TP has a great main quest but subpar overworld exploration, while WW has more interesting overworld exploration but its main quest is a mess. I think it hangs on by a thread every time you're trying to actually progress its (admittedly solid) story and you're oftentimes just better off fucking off and charting islands instead. Its dungeons especially are, in my opinion, the absolute worst in the series on average.
>Expertly designed """"puzzles"""
That part never gets old.
>It doesn't make the game better at all, probably because it isn't balanced.
You have to be shitting me. Vanilla TP is the one that's not balanced, enemies might as well be hitting with Nerf weapons while Link cuts through everything like a knife through hot butter, and that's with the goddamn Ordon Sword. Master Sword is straight braindead tier. Hero Mode, especially with the Ganondorf amiibo, actually does balance the game out - enemies actually hurt and you can't rely on hearts as a quick fix, you have to come prepared with potions or fairies. Hero Mode was, by fucking far, the best thing HD did for Twilight Princess.
I've played both recently and i disagree, exploration in WW became a chore way too fast for me, because the distances to cover are so long but the reward is (usually) so disappointing
All 3d zeldas deserve an 88 desus
Objectively TP is probably like an 8 but I fucking hate that game so 8.8 is way too high. I'm not a huge Zelda fan at all but its the only mainline one I can think of that I just flat out hated. Even Skyward Sword felt like it was trying something even if it failed miserably.
It does become a chore but it tickles the curiosity and it's still better than anything the main quest throws at you, save the underwater Hyrule bits. I guess what I'm getting at is that WW simply isn't a very good game.