>Play Overwatch
>Get banned
Play Overwatch
Other urls found in this thread:
>stop playing overwatch
>become happy
Didn't they add you can get banned for inactivity honestly wtf are they thinking with these bans
I've got no sympathy for this.
How the fuck is it so hard for you retards not to get banned? Don't talk to people like it's Sup Forums. You can't call someone a retard nigger cunt-- It's pretty fucking simple.
pick mercy or lose
You can now be banned for playing as characters or using the ingame voice lines.
>Play Paladins
>Doesn't get banned
>play ranked
>not even a high rank
>play a character I'm good at and want to play
>do well, don't even bottom score
>get banned because the retards on your team are upset you aren't copying the composition of fnatic or cloud9 or whoever the fuck
>Banned for using voice-lines
>Banned for picking a non-meta character
>Banned for false reports
You don't need to be talking like some moron trying too hard to fit in with the Sup Forums crowd, you could literally just be playing the game.
>play overwatch
>pick d.va
>have fun
>playing overwatch
>play overwatch
>someone asks me to play mercy
You know what would fix this whole situation with people not wanting to play with onetricks?
If they just brought back the avoid player option.
Imagine spending all this time making a bigger cast than TF2's only to have most of it be banned
If you bought Overwatch in the first place, you deserve everything coming to you. I have no sympathy for you mouthbreathing retards who only opened your eyes after playing the game for months.
>decide to fill in
>everyone pick tank and dps
>pick ana
>someone else pick lucio/zen
>"I don't like playing mercy, do you want to play mercy? I can switch if you want"
>everyone picks dps and start throwing
I can't wait for the mercy nerf this 100% pick rate is ridiculous
Spamming voice lines. This is the same thing as you faggots crying about getting from PUBG because "I accidently honked near a streamer" when in reality, you're being banned from driving all around the map with the horn constantly blaring.
I sincerely doubt this happened. Surely you have some sort of proof that your ban was for not using whatever characters fit the meta?
In what world is "banned for false reports" just playing the game?
Maybe they shouldn't have made voice lines that imply the target sucks, ie: IS THIS EASY MODE?
>play overwatch
>eat flies
>become froppy
That's not how it works
>In what world is "banned for false reports" just playing the game?
>Do good in game
>Person on other team reports you because they got upset at you stomping
>Banned due to their false report
the moba system is complete trash
>faggot uses the same voice lines over and over during the whole match so he can be an asshole to his teammates without using the chat
>gets banned
>lol you can get banned for playing the game xdd
>play team based game
>no one motivated to work as a team
why did i fall for the meme
Make some friends then faggot.
Reporting people does the same thing, so people just report everyone for anything they don't like.
I honestly think that it being made by blizzard is part of the problem. Like if it was the exact same game but made by a different developer you wouldn't have all the retards playing it.
Wow mute player wow so hard a premade voiceline really triggered me reeeeeeeeeee how dare you callr ez mode
>Having longer wait times is the same thing as not being able to play the game at all
come on boy
>play Mayhem/Mystery Heroes/8 man death match
>have fun because I don't care about all that retarded competitive meta shit
But none of my friends wants to play this shitty game.
>instead of fixing the game, we're fixing the players!
this shit is indefensible, the players are toxic because the match making, SR system, and role select is all shit.
No, I mean reporting someone makes you not get matched with that person, so people just abuse the report system.
I've never thought about it like that, good point user
>Spam voicelines
>get banned
>Sup Forums defends this
im sorry for playing the game you homos.
literally me
I feel better and less angry in general now.
I absolutely agree with you.
instead of banning people, they could, i dont know... put a mute button or create a time between voice lines? fix the game not the payers blizzard you fucktards
Does it really?
>Banning One tricks
>Banned for being away for 30 seconds
>Banned for shit talking
>Banned for not being cooperative
>Banned for fucking around in QPs
Blizzard is so fucking retarded it makes me laugh.
At the end of the day what they are doing with their "Ban system" is just encouraging bad players to blame everyone but themselves.
People don't report people for minor offenses, they report because they lost the game, simple as that.
If you're team gets a W even with an obvious smurf on it no player is going to give a fuck because they fucking won. Meanwhile if someone goes for an off meta pick, picks another players main and refuses to switch, or believes in a different comp working, than teammates will report them.
All these people know about overwatch is that it's a team game, thus they can never be at fault, it's always a teammates fault, when half the time these players are subpar themselves. But why try to get any better when you can so readily report and see results.
Blizzard how is Overwatch a "Welcoming environment" when any ass hat can tell someone to switch, and if they don't abide, they can be reported and banned?
This system just encourages those who whine the loudest to get their way. The same exact way that Blizzard panders to hero changes.
>2 times Mercy
Those are just some changes made this year and all of them had high thread counts on various websites. Blizzard doesn't care, they just want people to not complain, little do they realize they are the source of many of their own problems.
Thank you, and Fuck you Mr. Jeff Kaplan
>you can buy our game but you have to play it exactly how we want you to
fuck off turbobrainlet
No, stupid fuck, it's not that black or white.
notice how the only games that complain about "toxicity" are games with a system that does NOT allow you to leave a game without huge penalties.
we never had this problem in the older fps games with the old lobby systems in place.
the term "toxic" started to describe the phenomenom happening in league of legends because that was the first big game that prevented you from leaving a game at any time.
since overwatch uses a very similar system to this to try and force players to play with each other even if they dont want to, you get very similar effects as the other games who did the same.
lowering the leaving penalty while adding a backfill que for comp is a good idea. make the que give better SR and comp points to balance out the expected loses.
Playing Overwatch is an excellent simulation of life in a Communist country.
I report any person that shows the slightest bit of hostility in hopes that Blizzard realizes how insane this system is.
>tfw passing out from exhaustion in the loot box line
>what the fuck are rules
fucking retard
whats next on the YOU WILL BE BANNED FOR DOING THIS line
christ at this rate the game will die because people will be afraid to fucking play the game without getting report bombed
using voice chat is oppressive to poorfag users without a headset.
Yea, because peoples are just products of their environment. If you force them to be around people they don't like they're naturally going to become upset (toxic). Add in shitty game mechanics, like stun in a fps, and a focus on working with these people you don't enjoy and you have the recipe for a perfect shit storm.
>Calling someone a poorfag
>game bans people for not being polite
Jesus, what a shitload cocksucking blast of cum whore bitch.
Thank the lord I waited long enough to hear about this, instead of jumping in the wagon of stupidity, and buy this nu-male's and whore's game.
Love you, anons.
I mean, the playerbase of Overwatch is like 90% chicks, they don't like when you burst their bubble and invade their safe space.
ITT people whining about how unfair Overwatch is, exaggerating what the devs say, fearing that they could be banned although I'm sure they don't play the game and pretending that calling someone a "nigger fucking cunt" is valid, non-bannable and not at all toxic.
the mercy nerf won't change this, she will still have rez
grow up
>playing blunderwatch in 2017
All the heroes since sombra have been shit
>unironically calling it toxic
>playing ovarywatch
lamoing @ ur lifes
>don't play Overwatch
>don't get banned
>save money, time and dignity
I want to slay that pussy.
Need a dispenser here!
>People getting defensive about others not taking a devs over-protective bullshit itt
You faggots would have an aneurysm within a single TF2 match.
nice reddit spacing.
I wanna fug her
Its a video game
overwatch is good
but it cant be This good. All those shields, piss for weapons, rock paper scissors system
you can hate now.
Who doesn't?
>ive been taking 7 snipers and spies on my team for granted all this time
>Playing an FPSMOBA
>Just play matches, never talk and never type anything
>If I play comp I might suggest a tactic or something
>Haven't been banned so far
Wow, that sure was hard
Still a shit game though
Can someone explain me the logic of playing a character when someone on opposite team picked a HARD COUNTER to him? It's like insisting on making zerglings in starcraft when your opponent has blob of flamethrowers.
Characters ingame voice lines in TF2 are the best mockery from devs
There is no logic. People are autistic.
Weird, doesn't happen to me in Halo 5
holy shit i just got this message from an admin:
Greetings Gamer,
It appears you have been suspended for 48 hours for 'being a bad ally.' As a reminder, in Overwatch, character choice precedence is determined by 'The Stack.'
Oppressed teammates are offered the chance to pick earlier; the better chance you have of getting the character that you want! CIS white males *MUST* offer to fill, and only with meta heroes as determined by a LGBTQ+/BLM Tier list task force that can be found on the Blizzard forums.
Happy gaming! And remember, Play Nice and Play Fair!
Sometimes you just have to sit back and become that 8th Sniper or Spy.
Serious question here.
Why the fuck do people play Overwatch in the first place? It literally plays like an FPS designed for people who don't actually like FPS. Where every aspect of mechanical skill has been stripped out and replaced with meta knowledge and rock paper scissors garbage.
Like, it's bound to be frustrating and miserable right from the fucking core design of it.
except those changes were extremely necessary, maybe a little over the top (not reducing mine damage/aoe size) but still more needed than the other char buffs you listed.
its designed for underage children who have never played an fps
The bullets come outta the slim end, wanker
There are 5 other faggots you can rumble with and your hard counter is never unkillable.
Can someone show me footage of actually useful torb? Because I watched the footage of that Fuey500 or whatever guy and he's garbage. He does no damage, no kills and drags his team down. And that in the games he WINS
>roaming with a group of SMG snipers and mowing down stragglers
I know few finer joys.
Overwatch right now is like a minecraft's server runned by children, women, and nu-males. Sooner you will be banned even for not interacting with the teammates.
>i murdered your toys as well
damn 2007-2010 was fun
maybe they should just put a mechanic in the game that stops you from spamming voice lines then
What Junkrat needed was two Traps so he can be a better defense character, not two Mines so he's now yet another Offense chaarcter.
>Blizzard says Junkrat's biggest problem was his mobility
>they give him two Mines so he can "fly around the map"
>people instead use them to spam instant death on most of the roster by running up to them and shooting+throwing Mines or spamming Grenades and Mines into a cluster
Bad enough he can't hurt himself anymore which was what made people use him as a defense/long-range character before and not simply run into the enemy spamming shit everywhere.
He's useful in certain situations. During the OW world cup a torb on a payload did a nice job of distracting the enemy team for a checkpoint.
From what I noticed, distraction is the only things they are useful for. I mean one rocket for turret, another 2 for torb himself, but those are 3 rockets which didn't hit useful character like soldier.