How far can you get guys?
How little self respect does a person have to have to do something like this?
How far can you get guys?
How little self respect does a person have to have to do something like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
I kinda wanna play it just cause I tend to root for the underdog, but I'll probably wait for a price drop or if it goes ftp
>C. Uck t-shirt
Are people now using it as a badge of honor like LGBTQA?
>not available in asia
I'm literally not allowed to play this game
Enjoy your 8cm penis
Did someone shoop out his brows?
Seriously? I found that really bizzare because Nexon published it, speaking of which they are why I will not touch this game. I don't care if they just published but I refuse to play anything Nexon is involved with.
they wouldnt play it anyway, dont like western made characters. they prefer anime looking characters
>How far can you get guys?
The thumbnail gave me all the info I needed.
That's some obnoxious hand gesturing.
this guy must have some shares of the company or some shit, how low can someone fall
>Wearing a shirt that reads KEK
What does A stands for? Anything?
Oh there is no way in hell I'm watching that
How do you think whoring works?
The amount of stuff you are unwilling to do decreases with the amount of money you'll get.
Oldest profession in the world.
I don't want to burst your bubble but the shirt says FUCK.
Still a stupid and edgy thing to do.
i bet it was just a ruse for some literally nobodies to adopt the wrong opinion for views, congrats my dude you got played.
he still looks and sounds like a massive fag though
>cliff bazinga
>Dog is still there
this game is on a free weekend and has 300 players
>not even f2p can save it
"Agender" I guess.
I hate when normie faggots are calling themselves geeks.
I feel like this one of the few videos that actually goes into some of the actual gameplay problems, especially when it came to the super early alpha and beta days. I think there were occasional threads on here with similar complaints.
>wanting people to break the law
>trying to revive the narrative that breaking the law is cool and not a dead and awful idea
reported kys
Essential JUST core kino
Asexual, where you feel no sexual attraction, but there's debate over whether or not A should be included or not.
It might be asexual. I personally like stopping at Q as a catch-all, but I guess some people feel they are being erased/underrepresented
When your bodycount compared L, G, B and T is 1:1000, I'd say being thrown in the catch-all letter and not getting your own is fair representation.
honestly they should just call themselves Weird Boys
Autism is implied though.
So that how sold out youtuber looks like
that whole fake it till you make it saying, but thus guy in the video overdoes it with his inability to keep his hands still for more than half a second, just seems so unnatural and like he's trying to put on an act of being more than he is