
Let's talk about shilling on Sup Forums because I see this word used a lot when a positive thread about a game is posted and I'm wondering if it really does exist.

I guess my questions are the following:
>do you guys truely believe some companies take the time to shill their games on Sup Forums?
Notable exemples is the Metal Gear: Survive one on the board right now which admittedly could have been done as bait
Assassin's creed origins threads a month ago
Or PUBG threads that looked like a 12yo wrote them

>do you think said company pays employees to study Sup Forums and its "memes" to fit in more

>do we have any actual proof of this happening

Are they hiring if true?

What the fuck is this? Your post is supposed to be one sentence with completely no relation to video games, don't you know how Sup Forums works BUDDEO?

But yes, people self-advertise their crap here a lot.

Yes, hundreds of thousands will see this thread before it 404s, it costs nothing, there is no registration required, both indie devs with a game in a marketplace and AAA devs market here. It's even in their shilling instructions, to be crass and candid here because that's the culture.

>and I'm wondering if it really does exist.
Try lurking more before making a thread, faggot


Absolutely, it's free and quick advertising to a their specific audience. I don't like shills, but I still do get annoyed when it becomes "Anyone who likes things I don't is a shill". Doesn't really add anything to the thread, but everyone falls for it and feeds him (You)'s.

it exists, Sup Forums's traffic is worldwide and our content trickles into social media 24/7.

what you're doing right now is shilling

>a positive thread
You really need to make a distinction here. A lot of you faggots will make a thread saying something like "WHY HAVEN'T YOU PRE-ORDERED THIS GAME" and then when you get called a shill you say "dude I was just being positive lmao"

That's exactly my thoughts. It seems to be some kind of dismissive argument now and it becomes annoying quick. See

>do you guys truly believe some companies take the time to shill their games on Sup Forums?
Yes. Not to the degree some random Sup Forumstards throws 'shill' around though.
'Shill' might as well mean 'someone who dared to say something positive about a game hi/v/emind decided it's bad'.

You left out the Andromeda viral marketing
Or the Indivisible funding campaign which took up half of Sup Forums and permanently destroyed /skg/

The only proof I needed was
which was put up on the hour every hour immediately after Blizzard's first reveal of Overwatch.

of course its real u dumb fuck

Don't forget that one time a mod fucking sticking his own AC3 hype thread

Play cuphead

>do we have any actual proof of this happening

Can't find the source, but I remember awhile back hearing that bioware admitted to creating threads about Mass Effect 3 as a form of viral marketing strategy

Cuphead deserves the shilling tho

I imagine that there is some shilling that goes on in this board, but I doubt it's to the extent Sup Forums thinks it is, and especially in regards to stuff like major Nintendo or Sony releases since everyone already knows about them and has already decided if they want them far before they get to Sup Forums. I imagine it probably happens with AA and below games like EA or Ubisoft games, but still less than Sup Forums thinks and probably around the level of starting threads about their games with OPs that lead into talking about them somewhat positively.

Microsoft really helped that game's publicity

Yes shilling occurs. It's not even in Sup Forums, it happens in other boards as well, like Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Shoot, I think I've seen it in Sup Forums too. Regardless of the actual game being good or not, shilling is still a strong possibility. It's sometimes more obvious in certain cases, like when you can see the same user posting the same thing over and over, regardless of the posts's merit.

Yes much like how other companies help the publicity of games coming to their systems. Also Cuphead is still a good game regardless.

God damned Peach is /fa/ as fuck.

I remember the AC threads a few weeks ago that all had the same OP it was weird and everyone of them got 400 replies