>tfw never bought microtransaction loot box texture packs
>tfw not pathetic enough to do so
Who else
Yet you still bought Overwatch.
YOu want a cookie?
Nope but it's the best image for this topic.
I'm convinced the only people who gamble for skinpacks are 15 or so. It explains why YouTube marketers make shill videos, opening multiple packs with fake reactions y'know? If not 15, maybe they're just mad gay. I dunno.
I want a blue peter badge pls
Damn, you're clearly a superior individual
>ywn be giga w o k e like OP
To anyone who actually buy this stuff, why? Genuinely curious.
instant gratification I imagine. they cant be bothered to farm the same skin even though it doesn't even take that long
But half of those rare skins look ugly as sin, man. Especially from what I remember from playing CSGO.
>10+ year ago
>play CS1.6 and CS:S
>bored of default weapon and player models
>go to FPS Bananna and some other sites
>download cool looking custom made model, animation and texture replacement
>for FREE
>even make some of my own, learn some stuff about how to make normal and specular maps in the process
>fast forward to now
>pay 5 bucks for a possibility of a cheaply made retexute
>learn nothing
>lose money
What a time to be alive
I dont get why the boxes in OW are usually the ones that get people the most angry. You get them at set levels rather than randomly (its not random its a set algorithm worked out specifically to get you to keep playing till the next box drop) and its free to just open it and see what inside, its not a box that drops into your inventory that costs money to open and you have no way to remove.
Valves system is legit worse in almost everyway for getting people to shell out cash, people just mind less because of the trading card, trading, jew marketplace.
If I had to guess, it's cause of OW being more popular than CSGO.
Its babby's first game to include lootboxes
Meanwhile they have been a cancer in korean MMOs since 2007
OW loot boxes have never bothered me.
My main concern is that other company from seeing their popularity and profit will start implement them more often in worse ways, and ways that don't just affect cosmetics.
They got the idea from iphone games so it'll happen soon
Wasn't this in MMOs in general since Everquest 2 or something?