>Need an active WoW Retail Account for Classic
>$10 Addon to your subscription for Classic ontop of that
Please tell me you aren't seriously going to pay to help Blizzard hide their falling sub numbers.
>Need an active WoW Retail Account for Classic
>$10 Addon to your subscription for Classic ontop of that
Please tell me you aren't seriously going to pay to help Blizzard hide their falling sub numbers.
no source, not truth
Isnt it going to be a one time buy only?
>this thread again
Why are anti-classic fags so insufferable? Is it because they were proven wrong that Blizzard would never do classic servers?
Classic WoW is one of the dumbest long term ideas Blizzard could have. If they try to fix or balance it, fans will riot, if they port it as was, it's gonna be a shit game. And if they try to patch it after release or god forbid make balance changes (especially considering it's current blizzard balancing), fanbase will implode. And then there's the content problem, one of the bigger draws of MMOs is constant new content, in the case of Classic though, what do you do when you beat Naxx or BWL or what have you? Nothing, I guess
Give me 2 good reasons why you would play """classic""" WoW done by modern activision-blizzard instead of a popular F2P private server like Light's Hope
Server stability and fixes.
They without fail are WoW subscribers that feel that classic's existence is a confirmation that their own game is shit.
It's just them doubling down and getting defensive because they don't want to admit to themselves they're playing the trash version.
>no source
End yourself.
>Just realised I'm going to have to Jailbreak Marshall Windsor again
>Not even decided what game it will be
>pricing structure decided
Stability, no corruption, no chinks.
It scares them that there might be a game that isn't full casual out there no facebook games and wellfare epics.
so they're afraid if everyone starts playing classic they will stand out as the casual shitters that they really are.
People think they want classic, but what they really want is that feeling of being teenagers without any responsibilities where it doesn't matter if you piss away 60 hours a week in WoW.
>no chinks
you poor ignorant fool, not even current retail is safe from them. gold and mythic boost spam every 20 seconds.
>Not run by people who are known to be shady as fuck
>Stable servers
>Servers not full of fucking Russians and Chinks
>Everything will be coded correctly
>No chance of the servers just randomly shitting themselves and being down for hours
>No chance of DDoS shit
>No chance of the servers being shut down randomly because of administration drama or legal shit
If it was free because i own it and had a 10 dollar sub also if they made graphics overhaul
>believing kotaku
alright user.
Not saying chinks won't exist, but they won't be 80% of server pop.
Yes but the difference being the administration won't be fucking colluding with them and measures will be taken to actually get rid of them.
chinks will be everywhere, expect tons of lag because blizzard can't run MMO servers at launch as shown by previous WoW expacs, etc.
you're ignorant to think otherwise, retail vanilla was full of chinks that gold spam or farm. only way to escape them is if you played on a super high pop realm thats always locked. meanwhile they infest all the other open servers.
They act like one existing means the other doesn't. I was playing live and on Nost along with several guildmates, but constant server issues and bugs really hampered a lot of the fun on Nost. And with official classic servers, I'm more likely to do both again, but since the 3rd month of Legion I've quit WoW cold turkey.
>Blizzard give us professional Vanilla servers, fuck retail!
>woooooah, you want me to pay for something you invested money in?
>retail vanilla was full of chinks
False, they were a vocal minority.
so this is the real vanilla audience, dumb as fuck people who don't even know what they are going up against.
>w-why aren't you playing on our corrupt chinkfest instead
kys nigger
What are you guys leveling right now? I'm lvling my priest and druid off and on. Druid id 38, Priest is 33. I really can't decide what I want at 60. I've had a druid in the past but I also kinda really want to have a 60 priest; I have yet to do it.
Bitches don't know about my +dmg gear.
>ask for reasons
>get BTFO
>keep crying
Here's a pity (you)
>1/2 of dev team leaves to make torch light
>ignore customers
>patent specific types of micro-transactions
>trading cards
>more ads
>digital representations of trading cards
>loot boxes
>ads for the ads
Quit playing the moment classic servers were announced.
Proof or shut the fuck up OP. Why people are arguing about something that OP pulled out of his ass is beyond me. Until we get actual info why bother getting pissy about it?
why quit? classic servers aren't due for another 1-2 years
There will be a sub involved for sure, you know, for "server maintenance and GM costs."
It's thanks to you WoW faggots we're swimming in DLC, lootboxes, and physical DLC.
>stable server
>actually accurate to how the game is supposed to be
>not riddled with bugs
>no staff-condoned chink gold farming
>progress won't be reset every 3 months when the server dies and a new one takes its place
Do I need to go on?
>stop discarding my server, please, pretty please.
Yeah, no.
ignorant blizzdrone cucks I see
have fun with your classic servers with the overwatch audience
Because it's run by corrupt fucks and is overpopulated by chinks. Not to mention I can't be arsed to grind hours and hours on end to get pre-bis before I can apply to a guild when I know it's all in vain because classic servers will be released.
Have fun with your shitfest that is private servers, how many weeks until the current staff is outed for the 5th time doing corrupt shit only for you to swallow their cum once again once they open another server called Cum's Hope?
why are you posting elysium drama when elysium is dead? everyone is on light's hope now.
Nobody is arguing with OP, people are replying to another guy who posted a good question and then turned into a little bitch.
You give the players other options by creating a server ot two for TBC if Classic is a success, then allow people to roll characters over to the new server from Classic. Repeat for Wrath later.
All Blizzard needs to do is create the illusion that they're catering to the "old version is best version" and "progressive content" crowds and re-release another part of the game each year.
Same people behind Light's Hope you fucking nigger.
>corrupt fucks
What are you talking about.
Not him but you are a naive idiot if you think any private server is any different.
>Private server owners are panicking about their money making schemes getting shut down.
Nice shilling but it won't work.
>he thinks people would pay $25 a month to play vanilla
Nobody is expecting a F2P model but you are retarded if you think that's a good idea. What that'll do is make is so only the VERY dedicated fans will be there past month 1. It will discourage people that never played it from checking it out and blizz is probably needing some part of that market to be successful. If the subscription is practically nearing half of a AAA game people will be very quick to cancel once they've gotten what they want out of it
Why do people love Vanilla so much?
I want a server with a realistic population and not risking losing my character. I didn't bother with Elysium after I lost my Tier 2 60 on Nost but the last few months were insufferable. Vanilla WoW was never meant to handle 6k+ players and it breaks so many of the open world aspect. Gathering and farming becomes next to impossible, you spend more time waiting and fighting over mob spawns then actually doing quests. It just becomes a frustrating an unfun experience.
Russians and other 3rd worlders are also blocked behind a paywall and in a different region, Chinks will still be around but nowhere near as plentiful or in the fucking pockets of GMs.
>In b4 just play PvE it has a 1K pop
Not an option I want a PvP server.
Have you completely missed everything that has been going on the past 3 months, let alone past 2 years?
Elysium was corrupt, Light's Hope is corrupt. The servers are dog shit.
muh nostalgia
I know about about Elysium, but what's this shit about Light's Hope.
I dont want to get into a server just to get my shit erased after a few months
2 of the admin's on Elysium were taking bribes from the Chinese and generating gold for them to sell. They aren't with Light's Hope obviously though.
The same people behind the server minus a few, still corrupt shitheads.
light's hope has different owners and they took the good devs and fired the corrupt devs. elysium is dead.
light's hope has more active players than your high pop retail server or any other private server atm
Nostalrius and Kronos along with dozens of other private servers attempted to recreate vanilla wow and were hugely successful. I played on those both and it was fun as fuck. Now take that, add professional level polish and stability, along with a paywall to keep out chinese farmers and 3rd worlders, it sounds pretty great. If they add a few graphical updates and some minor QoL changes, the game can easily be as great as all tthe nostalgiafags claim it will be.
you have to work for your rewards, and you have to work together. that's basically it.
actually had world pvp, which is a decent draw in itself
Where is the source for the initial claim though?
>implying things have changed since then
This isn't my first rodeo, buddy. I've been playing on private servers since 2011, and it's always been the same shit. I bet you newfags don't even remember ScriptCraft or QUALITY-Gaming. You don't know the Hellshit limbo like I do.
No more ever again, thanks to based Blizzard.
>different owners
>fired the corrupt devs
>Whitekidney still there
Keep shilling your corrupt chinkfest garbage server.
I think it's just an easy reason to shitpost at this point, it's going to bring back more subscribers to the game which means more money which can only benefit players of the current games. Either that or they are afraid it's going to detract from the current WoW.
if you actually played on nost, your tier 2 is still on light's hope.
Where are my Light's Hope bros
>they pick engineering/mining while leveling thinking they're gonna be like mr gadget or some shit only to find out they'll just throw a couple of grenades at mobs, stop leveling engineering at like 80 because it's getting expensive as heck, until they hit level 50 at which point they powerlevel through it, and waste hundreds of gold making all the cool trinkets they are now never going to use
The game was rough and inconvenient in a lot of ways, and that resulted in an environment that created a close-knit community.
Hopefully dead from cancer because they support corrupt garbage.
>Either that or they are afraid it's going to detract from the current WoW.
See, I think this should be the opposite. I could see more people going back to WoW for classic and then playing live on the side, it's a win-win.
I didn't transfer it in time you had to manually transfer, Nost shut down the transfer after like a week or two without any notice before they left the project. That's my fault yeah but I'm not bothering to get into vanilla again with official servers coming.
why are vanillafags such insufferable cucks
mad blizzdrones that they have to wait 1-2 years to get half the population while still paying to play
you can stop trip fagging now you cancerous nigger
kill yourself
>it's a win-win.
Exactly even if players don't go over to retail it's still a win, Classic server's won't need on-going development most likely either.
me :(
>look at me I'm playing on a corrupt garbage server filled to the brim with chinks
>implying 9k pop vanilla is fun
Stop projecting your misery onto others.
They already stated there would be no additional cost.
And when the official server comes out everyone is going to flock there and you'll be left holding your dick in your hand
Are you too poor?
>filled to the brim with chinks
>chat is entirely in english
It was my first true community driven game filled with a sense of adventure, exploration, personal and group achievements (not popup kind), secrets, a great atmosphere, amazing music. Even just moving around was fun.
Fucking hell i played the beta with a friend and all we did was get to like level 10 and feed fish we caught to my bear in dun morogh
>Implying playing with nearly 10k players is fun
Stop deluding yourself it's not, it's fucking awful.
t. played on Nost when it had 12k peaks.
>chat is english
>therefore everyone on the server must be non-chinks
How can you so incredibly retarded? Stupid fucking nigger.
nice fake playercounts
>when the official server comes out everyone is going to flock there
wrong. the minute they announce it's not F2P then it's dead on arrival.
Are chinese characters still blocked like Nost? The chinks had their own chat channels there.
yeah just like Elysium and nost
i honestly feel sorry for you
>Implying I didn't use the everloving fuck out of Iron Grenades in PvP
>Implying I didn't farm up EVERY ONE of those Reflector Trinkets to beat my Mage friends in a duel
>Implying I didn't use those rocket boots like they were going out of style (or was that TBC? I forget)
Engineering was great, even if only for the Grenades.
I swapped around the reflectors, Tidal charm, PvP trinket and LGG for PvP and it was fantastic.
>retail chat is in english
>believing Blizzard will give you access to vanilla servers without buying the newest expansion
Reminds me of this.
I will pay for it because the pre WOTLK game is one I enjoy, can still put many hours into, and have the ability to pay for because I'm not a teenaged chump.
Just leave the thread already. Why do stupid people like yourself feel the urge to comment on things they are clueless about? Exactly what do you get out of doing something so retarded?
No point playing a buggy server with 1.12.1 class design and itemization that trivializes all content except for Naxx, especially one that is infested with more chinese gold farmers than actual players and has a proven history of corruption.
>ahaha they'll never pay to play!
>any minute now they'll stop paying
People who have nostalgia for vanilla are also in the position now to have this thing called a job
>Are you too poor?
>Im-fucking-plying all the nuBlizz faggots won't vacate the servers within a few weeks and leave us with all the good players
>hurr durr population
No one gives a shit about your corrupt server that's going to be dead within six months. History has repeated itself time and time again with private servers and it's never going to change. They're always either ran by malicious Ownedcore fucks only in it for the money, in which case they implode from the corruption and fraud, or by well-intentioned retards like Nostalrius or Corecraft, in which case they implode from DMCAs or not wanting to deal with the corruption and fraud festering the private server scene. Hint: Elymeme and Light's Hope are ran by the first group of people.
It's time to let private servers die, user. They've served their purpose.