Don't m-m-m-misunderstand my flames -- I just meant fun and games

Don't m-m-m-misunderstand my flames -- I just meant fun and games.

Other urls found in this thread:

sit on me

it’s all fun and games till you lose a roll of the die

>detailing the cloaca

Can a human and Dragon love bloom on the battlefield?


thats forbidden love

According to Drakengard, the answer is yes

Man if that lineart started digitally I'd love to know those brush settings.

Aside from this I have nothing to add to the thread.

hes not really a bad guy is he?


Yea, that's what I said.

I thought no one was really a bad guy. Weren't they just influenced by the Devil?

They were all degenerate gamblers.
The """""good""""" aka communist ending means that all their debts got basically nullified.

your not me

So you go around killing innocent people?

what would his voice sound like?

Why is he so thick?

artist draws fat furry porn for a living

don't ask me how i know this

>tfw you get put on the hot seat



What made him the most difficulty boss for most people?

i wonder if he is pregnant haha

IIRC he's the only boss where you can actually fuck yourself over by continuously shooting.

It's easy to get distracting by his cuteness

what would he sound like, who should voice him?

>mfw no flash game where he sits on you and smashes you flat
>or eats you

The tail.

Asuka from eva.

How so?

The sexy belly

the sound effect for his transformation makes it sound like he's rather deeply voiced

This guy gets it.

Did you play the game? His fireballs split and are near impossible to dodge at the final phase if you hit a few in a row.

>dragon appears
>Sup Forums instantly turns gay

Arnold Schwarzenegger

I agree, this is shit.
where are the female dragons?

He spits out fire balls encased in bubbles and if you hit them while they're tracking you then they split into 4 faster attacks that go in different directions

He’s not, people just forget to use the tracking shot and to stop shooting while he’s shooting the splitting fireballs. Do that and he becomes trivial. First two phases aren’t even worth mentioning.

Female dragons are often too human like or have disgusting human features

>that wiggly tail
>not worth mentioning
I bet you wouldnt even steve irwin it up and wrestle grim's soft tail and belly, faggot.

I had an easier time using the roundabout since you can focus on dodging and cloud hopping without having to adjust for actually facing the boss for 1 second of damage

>Screen scrolling level with random platforms

The mobility is the hardest part of this level, and it's not consistent across multiple attempts. Also, sometimes you get bad luck and platforms don't spawn where you need them to, which often results in a hit.

The dragon itself isn't that dangerous, aside from the split shot on the third form. The real challenge in this level is maneuvering to avoid taking a hit

>basically the one creature that symbolizes ultimate stability and masculine alpha-status beyond all human levels
1. Sup Forums is full of insecure betas who would love someone in their life to bring absolute stability
2. If that someone brings stability, he will also take control of user's life to some extend. To override insecure sense of competitiveness against other males and society, the Sup Forumsirgin needs a creature so powerful, traditional and masculine that it is practically mythological and non-human, a dragon perhaps.


But really i just want to pet cute scaly creatures and rub their snouts

>disgusting human features
You've got too far, you faggot.

randomised platforms means RNG can fuck you. also the fireballs in the last phase are near impossible to dodge if you shoot too many

>it's about time for everyones favorite part of the broadcast, and I'm talkin' about beating my wife!

Post it


What's "it"?

frost my flakes daddy

shouldn't that guy be the engineer?



fuck you dehduhdehdhuhdehduh fuck you aughAAAAUUUUGHHHHH


It's a love that crushes like a mace.


To be fair Tony is highly fuckable

I see that.

>mfw no games where dragons and other large enemies can smash you flat

>thoroughly enjoy the concept of dragons
>2017 Sup Forums now has furfags in every single dragon thread

Remember when dragon threads were comfy without a bunch of attentionseekers shitting it up?



They have always been here.

>people are STILL thirsting for the tiger D on his twitter.

it was neve rlike that, newfag

>or farts on you

there's this at least

>that image

I don't understand the company's reaction to this. I'm pretty sure 99% of these people were being ironic for the lulz and only started ramping up the degeneracy once they realized they could get a response. The PR people at Frosted Flakes are stupid.

looks like a typical pencil-esque type pen setting with a chromatic aberration filter slapped on top.

that was /tg/ not Sup Forums and that was almost a decade ago buddy

>be a drawfag
>draw character in the same style and pose so it might as well be the existing art
whats the point?

>when this stupid screencap you made for bait threads gets posted by other people
feels good man


>OP image
>same style as cuphead
nigger you're fucking blind
it's on-model, but that's a completely different artstyle

youre the nigger, it looks completely traced with some added texture and filter shit

/tg/ has wanted to fuck dragons since as long as I can remember, too, pal.


He's one of the easiest bosses if you use the charge shot

None of them die except Goopy and Kahl's robot

Wally got eaten

You are gonna need to backup those claims my friend.

I just want to snuggle up against a dragon's warm chest and belly while he holds me and pulls himself into a curled up resting position, his head behind my back, my head on his neck and his wings blanketing us both while wenlazily rest all night together next to a fireplace after having shared a few bottles of wine

You have absolutely no fucking clue how art works if you think that's traced.
First off, that pose and face is not something that Grim Matchstick ever once does. Second, the way the eyes, face, limbs, hell the ENTIRE FUCKING BODY is drawn clearly put more focus on keeping the sense of mass consistent, where cuphead's artstyle throws consistency out in window in that regard for the sake of appearing like 20s-30s cartoons, which did the same. The tail bends and twists but still visibly shows "folds", which it doesn't really do in.Cup since it just sorta morphs. The shading is done largely with hatching, which indicated that the drawing was probably a pencil sketch that the artist gave some color to. Judging by the way some of it fades out and how some of it is overlaid with a much more digital bit of shading (see the scales) I'd imagine the artist drew Grim entirely as a pencil rough on paper, then scanned it and inked/colored it digitally. There's plenty of detail and shading to the drawing that Cuphead simply doesn't do for the sake of making it easier to animate, and you're fucking retarded for not noticing.

That's exactly what happened. Look up internet historians vid on it.

>dragons aren't real
>vore isn't real

>he didn't beat wally

I did, the birds carrying him start salting and peppering him, and then he doesn't show up at the ending

He got ate



WHy is there no Todd Howard edit of IHNMAIMS's box art?

What the fuck



Excuse me but what the fuck is this?

Also this bitch doesn't know shit, regret/sadness and unwilling pred are fucking HOT

post hot masculine dragon lewds

ahit hurta

but you just did