Alright Sup Forums, what is the best Fallout and why is it New Vegas?

Alright Sup Forums, what is the best Fallout and why is it New Vegas?

Fallout 2 >>>> Fallout 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NV

Talking about 3d fallout, not the iOS obes. Those are arguably the greatest in terms of story, but they're a completely different beast in terms of gameplay

Let's be honest. If new vegas 2 was a thing. Bethesda will be the one making the game and fucking everything up like they did with fallout 4.

Goddammit fucking autocorrect. *iso ones

Oh yeah for sure. But I want a pure, uncorrupted NV2, made by our Lord and savior obsidian

no, bethesda wants to pretend that the west coast doesn't exist so they can continue to make fallout games without having to read the lore.

f2, fnv,f1 for me.

Fuck off, phoneposter.

>implying bethesda even knows that there's lore behind Fallout

and lets be honest, if theres another offshoot fallout, its new orleans. reused assets cost less and dem croco deathclaws are already in the game.

Ok retard

>tfw putting Twitter in the OP is the only way to have a New Vegas thread
Anyway, OP is correct.

>FONV with scaled enemies
>random loot, instead of unique weapons you get a greater shotgun of lesser 2% poison against brahmin on a tuesday
>one cave and or building copy pasted a million billion times

pls no

Twitter memes are the only way to get anyone's attention


>that tiny 2


Reaction image from a Fallout group I'm in. Your point is?

Why? What would it be about? Everyone is fucking dead

Depends on what path you took

>Reaction image from a Fallout group I'm in. Your point is?
>using facebook
>joining gamer groups
>not using your facebook to stalk your crush in highschool you havent seen in years
ok retard


>Not using Facebook to join shitposting groups
>only stalking one highschool crush and not all 57 of them
Ok retard



it will be shit compared to NV, but will have better graphics so faggots will defend it. screencap this, you know its true.

>Fallout 3
>In development for 6 years
>Turns out ok

>Fallout NV
>In development for 18 months
>Masterpiece widely regarded as one of the greatest games of all time
How did they do it?

Depends on who makes it. If Obsidian makes it, good chance itll be just as good or better than NV. If Bethesda makes it we're all fucked lol

>unironically enjoying shitposting
>implying there was at least 57 girls at my school ;-;

>Stalking one crush
Nah dawg, my high school girlfriend isn't even my main focus on stalking.


>fallout 3
>widely considered as "okay"
Lol that's funny. That's like saying AC Unity was considered "okay"

Appealing to the hipster contrarian demographic. Don't know if you know this but outside of Sup Forums, millions of people love Fallout 3 and 4. It's just Sup Forums that will never ever shut the fuck up about how much they hate those games and how New Vegas might as well be their literal child.

>not unironically enjoying shitposting
>implying I'm implying something

Or could it be that NV was actually objectively superior to every other 3d Fallout?

Fallout 3 is angry birds tier shit.

Let's be fair
Angry birds had a more engaging storyline and better gameplay mechanics

Honestly it doesn't even need to be the original devs. Bethesda has left the bar so low that I'm convinced just about any half competent, middle tier dev team with a moderate budget and a full dev cycle could make a significantly better Fallout game than Bethesda.

Fuck, I bet about three neckbeards coding in their basement fortresses could make a better Fallout game than Bethesda if they just ignore the inbound C&D.

Welcome to the land of imagination user

epic as always, not a circlejerk at all my fellow NV enthusiasts!

That's my point. There are no standards. Anyone could make a good Fallout game at this point, even without Sawyer, Tim, and maybe Chris assuming the bridge didn't completely burn down after he lit it.

i dont like nv though

face it retard, bethesda games are shit. I'm sorry the truth hurts, and that your first RPG was either skyrim or fallout 4, but you have to face up to the facts eventually

>your first RPG
omfg epic btfo, how will I ever recover? protip: i won't. why is NV so good bros? how did they make such an epic time-honored masterpiece? truly it is the Citizen Kane of video games

keep crying bitchboy

You're the one who's crying because you can't handle opinions different than your own upsetting your echo chamber. Moreover, you seem to think that your non-arguments and empty postulating deserve anything less than shitposts directed back at you.

>trying to save face via condescending sarcasm
It's ok that your mom consumed paint thinner whilst you were on the womb little Timmy. Just keep telling yourself that Bethesda games are good and NV is shit

>hasn't made an actual counter argument either
Ok then

>Just keep telling yourself that Bethesda games are good and NV is shit.
Point out where I said this. I enjoy both Fallout 3 and NV, and I'm just here with the hot take that you glue-eating fanboys are never fair when you compare the two games. Several times over I've seen complaints against Fallout 3 that apply to NV and the first two Fallout games just as much, as well as praises for NV which could equally be applied to facets of Fallout 3. Your cult is dishonest, not much else to it.

Really? Cause almost every complaint I've seen about NV is game engine related, which is the fault of Bethesdas shitty gamebryo engine. There's very few to no flaws in terms on story, and is objectively better than 3 in terms of gameplay

People hating Fallout 3 makes me want to check out Skyrim and see if it's really bad or a great game like Fallout 3. Though I hate fantasy settings either way.

>There's very few to no flaws in terms on story
NV has a main story that obliterates Fallout 3's shitty main story, this is true, but I think Fallout 3 has a lot of interesting side quests that make up for the main plot

>Objectively better than 3 in terms of gameplay
In what way? There's not much different about the gameplay except for minor things like crafting ammo types

And at any rate, I'm mostly referring to autists who accuse Fallout 3 of having a "theme park overworld that doesn't make cohesive sense" and cherrypicking shots of bad writing from the game and whatever else, when you could do the exact same thing with a lot of NV locales and writing.

>this bait
On the off-chance that you unironically enjoy(ed) fo3, what do you think makes it good? the fact that you're shoehorned into "saving the wasteland", the fact your mutant sidekick can't take your glory away from you, or the fact that the 'sacrifice' you make is undone in the dlc?

I liked the world and the atmosphere. The gameplay was very addicting and the world and characters gave enough substance to not lose interest.

FO 1 and 2 are 9/10 genre defining games
FO 3 and NV are fucking boring, ugly, and basically the same with shitty writing for both and even worse gunplay, also NV is unplayable without community fixes
4 is an abysmal RPG but a decent open world FPS

def, not F4.

>Play Fallout 4
>"hmm it's pretty good"
>Come to Sup Forums
>Realize the game is a bad fallout game
>Still have fun

alright. I won't tell you what to enjoy. Kind of envy the fact that there's people who can find joy playing video games still, even the likes of fo3.

Because Fallout New Vegas reused a lot of FO3 assets? Because they already were given a engine fine tuned to a fallout game on a silver plate?

>NV has a story that obliterates Fallout 3's shitty main story
How? It's fucking trash.

even skyrim can give the elder scrolls shock to a newfag. it's much more unforgiving than the 3D fallout games, despite the fact that it plays very similarly. be prepared for many deaths and the inability to decide which combat skill you should use.


>Fallout 2 over Fallout 1

FO2 drags on so much.

>you've been shot in the head
>yes, yes, sarcastic yes, talk to you later

Shadman fallout art is pretty good.

First half of Fo2>Fo1>Second half of Fo2>>>>>tactics>>>>>>>>All 3D fallouts

Shadman is fucking garbage

>this but with Fo3

thats a man

I’m with you, I enjoyed Fo3 more basically because the atmosphere and the green tint the game had. It’s also why I didn’t like NV that much, it was too bright and more in the orange side of the color spectrum. I don’t play games for the story(I’d read a book if I wanted to a story) and I don’t care about the “choices” in NV since they’re still limited as hell. All I care about is exploring and the environment. Which is why I enjoyed 3 more than NV and why 4 is my favorite since it was the best looking one.

People who want NV2 are just Bethtards who want to be edgy. Id like Obsidian to make another Fallout but in a other area in another year

I got FO4 for free yesterday at FUCKING GAMESTOP because I had a coupon so what am I in for? Is it really as bad as I expect it to be?

Guy who likes Fo3 here
It's bad. It's really really bad

>Bethesdas shitty gameboy engine
>fine tuned
>implying bethesda didn't already have said engine when developing fallout 3

Just play it, fag. You shouldn't ever listen to Sup Forums's opinions.

>Fallout 2 over fallout 1
>Fallout 2 over NV

Fuck. Well at least it was free. Though I could have used that coupon for something that wasn't shit I guess..

It alright for a single run, but you'll never want to replay it ever seeing as the game has fuck all for branching narrative.

It's bad, but not as shitty as 3. Its a good game if you don't treat it as part of the Fallout franchise and just play it, keeping in mind it's basically its own standalone game

Fallout 2 has it's flaws but you're a retard if you think it's worse then NV

BoS>>>>>>>>>>>literally everything else

FO2 has way too many memes and outright bad dialogue. NV never dips that low.

Fo2 is unstable in its quality but as a whole it's wayyyyyyyyyyy better than new vegas

Because all Obsidian had to do was writing, then reuse 70% of assets? Hell they even couldn't QA the game lmao.

>Nobody's dick is that long, not even Long Dick Johnson, and he had a fucking long dick, hence the name
You were saying?

>Dialogue characterization is bad

It's still shit Borderlands-level dialogue

Bethesda wanted to do the QA.

Because every character needs to speak like an intellectual even when it doesn't suit them.

You don't have an argument, just a cherrypicking.

>this is shadman

holy shit

>every time someone says Fallout 2 is shit all they can sputter is 'm-muh pop culture...'
>Constantly cry bitch tears whenever someone points out Fallout 2 objectively does 99% of everything better than fallout 1
How do F1 fanboys have their nostalgia goggles glued on so tight?

>FO3 isn't far and away the worst game in the entire series by any measure on any platform by any developer

just when you think it can't sink any lower in its own infuriating mediocrity you remember its existence is directly responsible for every one of NV's flaws as well. pour one out for every obsidian dev that had to slave over fucking gamebryo against their will knowing the end product would be a shadow of a shell of its potential

>you don't get it! It's MEANT to sound retarded

Shadman is a decent artist when he has a style to work from.

Fo2 is better than Fo1 but it does pretty glaring flaws and gets boring near the end, but Fo1 stays good throughout

You're just making exceptions when it suits you. No one said Cass had to be intellectual, but that dialogue line in particular is an honest attempt at humor in the writing and it is shitty humor. It's shitty writing. New Vegas has many instances like it. I agree the game is better than Fallout 2, Fallout 2 is probably the worst game in the series besides Fallout 4 in my opinion, but your specific grievance doesn't hold water.

I was about to write this. It's another problem of "fanbase forces artist to stick to a style because they pay his bills"

Yeah, but New Orleans could be interesting. We've had 3 games in the desert, and 2 in an East coast urban center. Hitting the swamps would be a neat change of pace, assuming it's not ruined by random bullshit like FO4 was.

>Fallout 2 is the worst game in the series
Seriously never post on this board ever again

>literally looks like a cartoon version of my sister

just put freckles on those faces and that's it

I didn't enjoy the setting or story of FO4 but the gunplay felt eons better than 3 or NV, it's really hard to go back and play those games nowadays, despite NV's setting appealing a lot more.