>Sup Forums actually likes this ASSFAGGOT
Sup Forums actually likes this ASSFAGGOT
That's not a MOBA tho
If the main game mode was battlegrounds and it was 5v5 with those shitty powerups removed it would be a better game
yes, its an ASSFAGGOT
ur gay lol
It's more like Wow battlegrounds then an assfaggot
wrong genre nerd
it's more like a wrestling game than an assfaggot
I like the principle of it, focusing on skill based skirmishing instead of rpg elements and macro economy
I don't know that I like the arena itself very much, or that the characters particularly appeal to me. They all seem a bit boring and none of them do anything particularly crazy, which I think comes from them being afraid of making something overpowered or too limiting moving forward, but I also think they're overdoing it. They should unhinge a little.
>hurr durr deer pussy Xdd