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Video Games #3969
Video Games
What games have the best dinosaurs?
What upcoming games are capable of saving their genre single-handedly?
It's ok when valve does it
There is literally no good reason for this cunt to be in bloodborn
Hey Sup Forums what's your favorite video game?
ITT: legitimately bad games that you like
Why is Free Cities the only AnCap city controlling game?
ITT: Games only you played
Game's story has prominent anti war message
Petition to make ESRB declare lootboxes as gambling
What are the keys to success when streaming video games on twitch?
Its been a few years since pic related, does it still hold true Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums, what does it mean?
I got this today to upgrade my PC (Master Race)
Anybody have knowlege of the chances of a Nier remake/remaster for multiple platforms?
Is this good enough to start with in Dokkan Battle?
I bully guys who play girls in video games
Die in Weeping City 6 separate times
One of these, keep it vidya related
Semi-Unpopular Opinions
The Switch: Docked or Undocked
It's interesting how three little words can destroy the entire "lootboxes are gambling" argument
Just vote with your wallet, user
Skyrim xbox one mods
Welp, that's it. I'm never leaving the house again. Yes, I went to Gamestop to pick up the new Mario by myself...
MMO Marvel Heroes shutdown
Monkey boss
Is this the ugliest console of its time? It looks like a CD player or cable box from the 90s
Duel Links on PC
Valkyria Project
We will never get a game that looks like this
No force
What's on your wishlist?
C'mon lads, is there out there a more beautiful console?
Whats the scariest moment in videogames?
Would you buy a MediEvil remake pack, Sup Forums?
There are people who prefer this series over Ace Attorney
Do card bonuses actually affect gameplay to the point where skill doesn't matter and I'll never be able to beat a...
It's been 3 years
3x3 Thread
Post kino fights
Not even Michael Fassbender could save this movie. What the fuck went wrong?
Thrones of Britannia: Total War
Hey user your date is here
Is this any good? feel like playing a crpg and it looks like fallout
When is the Switch getting hacked?
How is it
How did this mediocre game have the most patrician soundtrack of all time?
The birth of steam
Why aren't you playing a """"fun"""" free game, Sup Forums
Can someone invite me to one of those memey dark souls steam groups so I can invite people I cheese for extra salt?
War on lootboxes
Some guy managed to buy, finish and refund forces live on twitch
God Eater was complete garbage
Hi, I'm still the best Persona game
How do you go from this
What are some truly awful, utterly irredeemable, unironically 0/10 games?
Why do men who play as girls in video games make them look prettier (or rather sluttier) than real girls do?
Do you guys ever take your PS4 outside to do some comfy gaming in the outdoors?
DOA Xtreme Venus Vacation
Piracy is _______
Micro transactions aren't even that bad...
What period of gaming do you miss the most?
Not maining a paladin in every RPG you play
Any games with alternative buffing items that aren't potions? Stuff like sodas, milkshakes, and others
Jap games are full of STRONK WOMYN, gay shit, trannies+futas, male villains, nonwhite protagonists
So, who the fuck created Simon?
Deepest lore revealed on Super Bomberman R
B-bbote with yur b-b-ballet!
When will we have a Reddit vs. Sup Forums tourny again? What game can we play...
Tfw can't enjoy games with ludonarrative dissonance after finishing Nier: Automata
Black video game girls thread
What is your go-to soda for gaming and why is it not pic-related?
Loving it so far, but this has got to be one of the aesthetically chaotic games ever
Don Corneo - Final Fantasy VII
Tfw your grandpa eats your gf's ass
If you aren't playing
What is your favorite perk/map?
Wait a minute... Is that..?
Are there any other games that are on par with VTMB in terms of atmosphere and writing?
Under "games preordered" you have not listened any Fallout or Elder Scrolls games. Care to explain?
FINAL FANTASY VII: Episode I [Written Transcript]
Sup Forums here, what’s a fun game to play on my PC while enjoying a joint?
Screenshot Thread
What version of Minecraft is the best Sup Forums? I'm feeling nostalgic
Valkyria Chronicles 4?
Alright Sup Forums the only Sonic game I played was Advance 2 back in the day...
New ARMS character
72 decides what game I play and finish for the next week
Most Anticipated Game
This is the greatest Lego video game ever made
IF video games are not art, doesn't that make them just expensive toys?
I'm getting a PSN, somebody give me a gamertag
"Oh boy, I can't wait for my boss fight!"
Why is the lootbox controversy suddenly exploding now when we've known about the cards being in crates for months?
Playing Mario Odyssey on my flight
Despite the forced diversity this is the best bf game since bfbc2
Injustice 2 is out on PC. Give me one reason you're not playing it, Sup Forums
So... is SE ready to go or are we still stuck with the original
I've looked through your Sup Forums post history with Warden...
First time playing new vegas with its dlc
Why did you stop practicing?
Filename thread
Sup Forums music
*blocks ur path*
What did he mean by this?
What is the biggest mistake a developer has made in a game EVER, and why is it flying mounts?
Skyrim VR
Steam Avatar r8 and h8, go!
It's obvious why boys like Nier: Automata so much. Why do girls love it as well?
ITT: Games that LITERALLY only you've played
Super Bomberman R Update 2.0
What are the complains to the game other than SJW?
Which type of armor do you typically go for, and why?
Was it kino, Sup Forums?
Now that the dust has settled, can we admit that, while BotW was pretty good...
Step aside!
Remake when?
I've just finished Fire Emblem Awakening, it was good. One of the best games I've played in recent times even...
Left my torrents open while I went out for groceries
Friendly reminder that Pokemon is going to save the Switch
Hori, what the actual fuck?
Shameful vidya DLC purchases
Why is the community for this game so fucking terrible?
This is your squad for today's mission
Go to fighting game tournament
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
The state of western gaming
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
ITT: Games only you have played
The Absolute State of WoW
2 > Andromeda > 1 > 3
Game contains secret scenes
Post women that are better vidya programmers than you
What a piece of shit, thank goodness shes not in any new games
Were video games really better in the 90s/early 2000s, or is it just nostalgia?
Lookin' good!
Anybody play nioh? if I always wanted a Souls game in a Japanese mythos setting, how much exactly will this satisfy me...
Last of Us Sucks
Battlefront 2? More like Pay for what you want you!
Monster Hunter
Realistically how much money would it take to literally be an "idea guy" and pay a bunch of people to design and build...
Had a much better library than the original playstation and saturn
Why is New Vegas generally considered to be better than 3?
.hack//GU Last Recode
Friendly reminder that Redguards split an atom and caused a literal nuclear Holocaust on their home continent
This is the best controller
Can someone redpill me on "early access" games? The whole concept is confusing to me. It doesn't make any sense
Why didn't you pre-order us Sup Forums?
Twitch is full of Sluts streamers
I exclusively listen to anime and video game soundtracks
Team Dark is the best thing about Sonic
When is the 3ds sucessor going to come out??
ITT games with really satisfying swordplay
Why do people get mad when they die to a bodyshot in TF2...
Fighting EX Layer
Will this series ever be good?
What are some games where I can fight for the working class?
What the fuck is wrong with japan
How did you resist falling for Ann?
Sequel when?
Should I get DOOM or Super Mario Odyssey? I know it should be obvious, but Odyssey looks kind of boring...
Conception II
The year is almost at it's end. What is your GOTY?
How pathetic is it that Nintendo are able to create a true sense of SCALE on “sub-par” hardware?
>Platinum thread
Which makes the most sense?
Where is it?
Horizon Zero Dawn is GOTY. Vote for it
Would VR boxing games improve your boxing skills in real life?
ITT: IP’s you want to see as games
Who's your favorite fighting game character Sup Forums? Mines is Urien because of how /fit/ and effay he is
Switch owners
Vidya moments that give you gooseflesh
Post your top five favorite games
Where can I find mods? How to install them?
Hey, where is that shill that keeps promoting Gothic 2?
Is this game an unabashed masterpiece or are there glaring flaws?
Why are videogames so obsessed with sex?
Why the fuck is Sup Forums full of commies? No one is forcing you to play it, poorfag
Which games feature historical revisionism, Sup Forums?
This is Celica
Hope you didn't update your Switch
Sometimes I even look like this!
How is your game coming along? You *are* making a game right...
Lord gerstmann destroys battlefront 2
Excited to play Mario odyssey
This is Isabeau. She is a samurai prentice of the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado. Say something neutral to her
The first three Smash Bros games were all fun in their own way. Why isn't this one fun?
Protagonist thinks killing is badong
Greatest Castlevania ever made?
Thank you so much EA
How does this make you feel?
Any gw2 players?
Ok you won Sup Forums
Remember that were police, stick with the prod
Did FFXV "save" Final Fantasy? Is SE on the right track again or no?
The current state of video game journalist
Hardcore Risette Fan trophy
Why do games have to be rates by the ESRB...
Why did Kantai Collection die?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Hype thread
ITT: "villains" who did nothing wrong
L.A. Noire meets Blade Runner
ITT: We post our Dokkan battle teams and rate them
V.C thread
I want to play Silent Hill 2. Never have before
Did ARMS fail?
Was he /our guy/?
Which is the better game, Sup Forums?
When will this fucking shit game just die off like that cancer it is
What would a videogame about Calvin and Hobbes be like?
Welcome to a world of 900000000000 objectives/opportunies/targets for a single level
VR is the future
Pc version fucking when? emulating it is terrible
A Hat in Time
DAMN, son. Blizzard Grames laying down the LAW
How the FUCK is an early-access game nominated for a GOTY award?
Fire Emblem
How did a package like this end up moving 150 million units in it's lifetime?
Explain to me why this gaming series is popular?
Why is this game reviewed so positively?
Is this a good game? I know it's nothing like FE, but does it hold up on its own?
This is fake right?
Is this true?
Favorite box arts Sup Forums
Fallout New Vegas
Have you ever pulled a prank on someone online? Can be griefing, or scamming, or just being an obnoxious cunt
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds
Best level in any stealth game ever
Is Jayce still OP?
This is Fidget. Say something nice to her
The virgin Venosaur
Game of the month?
Are there any other games out there like Persona 5
Name a better race in TES than Khajiit. Ahnassi to this day remains the undisputed best love interest
Based Belgiuim is going to save gaming
Hispanic vidya character
Hmmm, it's almost like having a company is about making profit
Ayo rude boi, that switch looking real good, beg you let me check that real quick
Just saw this ad for Wolfenstein 2
Why are you on Sup Forums when you could be playing video games instead?
Are there any mods that make fallout 4 not shit?
Games that feel like a dream
>$600 GPU can't even handle 4K60fps
Remember when numale and women didn't decide what goes on the cover of a game?
Mfw onii-chan buys me a new geimu but it's turn-based
ITT: Post the very best video game map
Tfw awful at video games
You didn't let Wrex live, did you?
Who the fuck buys this shit? You'd think if you were that far gone you'd only buy hentai shit
I want to stop playing video games, get a job and gf + friends
Will it be the STALKER 2 we've always wanted?
This is your healer for today
There are people browsing Sup Forums right now that paid 59...
What does Sup Forums think of him?
What went wrong?
Why cant girls get into games like dudes can?
What are the best horror games?
This is William-san, the world's first European samurai and Japanese culture enthusiast. Please...
Virtua Fighter™ reveal next week
The state of Xbox exclusives
Unlocking Everything in Battlefront II Requires 4528 hours or $2100
I am a being of solitude
ITT: moments where a video game series became completely irredeemable
So... why did she need help from Gerald again?
How high IQ you need to understand this scene?
Final boss shows up out of nowhere without any explaination of what the fuck just happened
17 years later
Its out
Play Battlerite
Is it ever acceptable to play a game just for the cute girls?
Why is Reddit making better memes than you guys
Who else excited for tannenberg tomorrow? Also Verdun/Tannenberg General
Brutal Doom v21 Alpha
Mods pls
Which series will Nintendo save next?
What comes after Mario Odyssey? I know the game just came out, but it's such a big ass Mario game...
Have you ever liked a video game so much that you decided to make an abridged series out of it?
Prostag ma?
Describe your sex life with a video game screenshot
Oh cool, arms is getting another update!
Remaster of an old game
Which subrace are you going to unlock and level first?
What does Sup Forums thinks about don't starve?
Fishing levels?
Tfw there hasn't been a single AAA game made in the last 5 years that I've actually wanted to play
A thread died for this
Give me your hottest opinions on this franchise. What's your favourite game...
Who is the best member of S.T.A.R.S.?
Japanese devs have xenophobic tendencies...
"oh you like video games? me too!"
Why are fighing game players so retarded?
Name one mech in any game that is better than Jehuty
So /fgg/ made a list of the 20 best fighting games of all time, what do you guys think of it?
Why don't we hunt whales?
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links arrives to PC Steam on November 17
Did you ever get mad when somebody stole your games? or were you happy because they'd be able to enjoy them too?
Never played a video game with a loot box option
What are the chances of pic related winning best narrative...
All right losers what am i in for? I plan to play normal difficulty first...
Who was in the wrong?
You guys wanna order a pizza?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Genuinely curious. What's the appeal of these types of games?
Xenoblade 2 previews thread
Man, Sup Forums is more shit than usual with this EA spam. Let's discuss some shit you're doing now in vidya...
What's the game with the most replay value? I'm looking for games to sink a 1000 hours in
Final Fantasy
What games depict hell properly?
Switch doesn't have any gam-
Harassed EA's employee was fake
Holy shit. The pot calling the kettle black
It's the 11th anniversary of SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, also known as Sonic 06 and Sonic Next Gen. Say something nice to it
Was 360 era the best of video games?: Games were better and had charm when compared to soulless current gen games
Shoots the delivery guy
Resident Evil Revelations Collection
Who's gonna take the gold home?
OKAMI HD is up for sale $20 bucks is a steal
AMA with Battlefront II devs
You guys... are the best
EA dev who claimed to receive death threats was a fake
Eternal reminder that Makoto belongs to Eikos boyfriend
This whale is the lead writer of Destiny 2
I'm near the end of FF9, which is the first turn based RPG I've ever played...
Have you ever pretending to be girl in a videogame and roleplayed as the gf of someone else??
How do you justify piracy Sup Forums...
Dont get why you all love this so much, is boring af
Did you buy her game yet, Sup Forums? You aren't gay, right?
Why is it okay for FFX to be linear as fuck but when 13 does it, it gets shat on?
It’s up (on YouTube)
Sup Forums, it sure is boring around here
Dragon Quest 11 brought me back to gaming
Interviewer for job: "So, user, what are your hobbies?"
Roblox is better than minecraft and blockland
What is the worst moment that still haunts you everday?
What the fuck happened to them?
Switch or PS4?
Dragons dogma dark arisen
Filename thread, strictly vidya. A little vidya discussion wouldnt hurt either
Darker Side Of The Moon pt2
Post them dark souls webms. Demon's souls and bloodborne too
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Puyo Puyo. The strategy is extremely subtle...
What MMOs use, and what kind of, methods to make people not play the game too much? Care for player's health and stuff
What's your favorite jrpg?
So even if its years off...
This one is cool because it's an owl, and owl's are cool
Who cares about lootboxes?
Blizzards own character/voice lines are all super "toxic" (no matter the game)
Persona 5
Would you pay a monthly sub fee to play Classic WoW?
Did vidya help you find your girlfriend or boyfriend?
Fire Emblem
ITT: Games that got diversity right
You need to choose
Action combat
REAL horror games don't have jump scares!
Unlocking Everything in Battlefront II Requires 4,528 hours or $2100
Why do we hate it again?
Super Bomberman R 2.0 update
It's really sad that crappy games like BOTW or Oddysey gain GOTY
This will make more money than every Nintendo game ever made
My, you're a tall one!
The Senran Kagura Burst remake will have tan options, for example, this is untanned Homura, discuss
So it's agreed that BotW has best soundtrack of 2017, right?
Was PS2 era the best of video games?
Hi, Sup Forums
How do I save her ass?
You are Wojak, the Level 1 Wizard
This is a SEGA MMO in 2017
Game lets you befriend/date your party members
So I suddenly became my exiled demonic Aztec God Emperor son during the early game while slowly building up my Irish...
I just bought this game and all DLC. What am I in for?
What video game would you play before your death?
What does your choice of armor say about you?
Xenoblade chronicles 2 thread
Life is strange
Will you be playing it?
What's your favorite character creator Sup Forums?
Defend this
Sell my console and gayman pc
Is she a virgin?
The last game you played now turns into hentai. What fetishes does it have? Is it hot?
Just refunded Star Wars Battlefront 2 Deluxe Edition, did I make the right choice guys?
Get in here faggots, we need more players
When did you realize she was the superior one?
I can't appreciate stories in video games. What is wrong with me?
Have you ever won a console? Like "Answer this question and get a Switch this Christmas!"?
Is Deus Ex the greatest RPG of all time?
The Game Awards
LA Noire Switch
The state of modern RPGs
Why don't you own a Nintendo Switch home console?
What are some video games where you can file frivolous lawsuits and demand $300 million from people for making fun of...
"A gang of beggars surround you with glass shards for weapons"
Should Metroid Prime 4 get RPG elements?
What's he up to?
Is it worth playing? If so, will I need a guide?
Literally impossible
This is now the lead writer for the next game in your favorite franchise
When did Boogie became such a faggot?
Please give Battlefield 2 a shot
Doki doki katawa club
Oh fuck you just landed a crit post your smirk face when
Worst taste than Sup Forums desu. Is there a reason why the last guardian is not nominated for anything?
ITT: Autistic things you do while playing games
Oh shit nigga, what's your main character's ability
Darker Side Of The Moon
Dragon Ball FighterZ
What's the secret to getting good at fighting games?
Fighting EX Layer Beta
All these games are piss-easy even if you aren't mixmaxing...
You gotta admit though
Was it good when it launched?
Artificial Difficulty in games
Wow people complainting about videogame triple aaa shitty jew business practices like its something new
ITT: Tropes we like
Okami HD on steam requires 34 GB
Media Create
Will Kat get a third game to make it a trilogy? It’s gonna happen, r-right bros? ):
How do we kill them?
Listen up, kiddos. Take this advice from an ADULT who owns his own house and doesn't live with mommy and daddy
Which one for PC?
Is it possible to invent a new genre this day and age?
Operation EAutism
Design a White girl
Resident Evil Revelations Switch features trailer
He's literally a yellow sphere that eats food, why do you like him so much...
Accused of sexual assault
680.000 downvotes for the Battlefront 2 fiasco
CD Projekt are good gu-
There are people on this board who unironically think that this is better than dark souls 3
What was his fucking problem?
Hello there traveler, you got any plans for later?
Has a game ever made you mad?
Lootboxes are OK as long as they don't directly affect gameplay, are cosmetic and you can earn them for free
Final Fantasy XII HD confirmed for PC
Make the credit earn rate 1/10 of your score like in nuFront 1
Sup Forums are you receiving? We're still here
Wat means
Pillars of Eternity 2 Beta comes out in a few hours. The models look great
Sonic can never work in 3D
Where am I?
Why are Nintendo so good at making chocolate women?
Worth buying this just to experience the DLC? I've already played DS2, but the bosses in the DLC sounds fun...
Make RTS great again - Shitposts per minute edition
Tell me about your best memory from old WoW, Sup Forums
The majority of Sup Forums will be supporting EA Star Wars Battlefront 2 for sur-
Wants the least amount of censorship and meddling possible
Game of the year
You can play the cartridge version straight out of the box while downloading in the background
Post the ones you couldn't have saved, Sup Forums
People legitimately care about the Game Awards
Sister wants to watch you play
He plays video games to have "fun"
There's a big shitstorm over loot boxes but can we agree that as a replacement for paid DLC it's not actually a...
ITT: say something bad about your favorite game
Gen 8 switch Pokemon discussion
If you can't afford to put $2000 into a game in 2017 then you should honestly just kill yourself
Who /literally never bought DLC or microtransactions/ here
What are some games that let me beat the living shit out of people in a brutal fashion? No fighting games
How goes your season?
Recommend me some good jrpgs that aren't final fanasy
Joseph Anderson's top 30
How the fuck did atlus get away with this ((design)))?
This is Abigail, she has neon powers. Say something nice about her
Battlefront 2 - 3 hour cooldown to earn credits
What makes FF8 the best?
Did he deserve the ending he got in Odyssey?
*Drools* Models for Pillars of Eternity 2 are looking real good, senpaitachi
So when do we have the Sup Forums vs Reddit match?
What are some games with stellar writing?
How do so many people get access to cheats
What the hell?
Has there ever been a game with actually decent breast physics...
FFXV Comrades
Guys, guys! Reddit found a solution to the greedy publisher problem!!
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Super Bomberman R sold amazingly (500k plus)
The fact that this is running on actual mobile hardware is incredible
Well Sup Forums, is it GOTY in your mind?
Did Sup Forums ever apologize?
Friendly reminder to hit up Best Buy this Black Friday and pick up Disgaea 5 Complete for the Switch if you haven't...
ITT tropes you hate
Install another game
Assassins Creed
Realistically what could EA do at this point to get you to buy their new star wars game
Persona 5: Rise of the Old Hags
Paying a sub on top of a sub on top of a game with paid DLC and microtransactions
Why do they even make these shitty games? Who buys them?
Sup Forums you have sinned
This guy is now the main villain of the video game you're playing currently. What do?
Why arent you playing Starcraft 2 right now?
"..and then he said videogames music is better than Katy Perry!"
That abhorrent UI
Deadpool is being removed from online storefronts soon...
We did it Reddit! Frick you EA I frickin hate you!!
Well, Sup Forums?
It's not fair bros! Why didn't we get high elves?!
Tier set bonuses removed, essentially making them the same as any other armor
Well, Sup Forums?
Is Cold Fear worth a go?
Your reminder that all this lootbox bullshit is their fault
"Nintendo Switch has no ga-"
Where's the penis
People who still say KYS
This game is fun
Starcraft 2
In the midst of the new game's backlash, what do you guys think of the 2001 classic Return to Castle Wolfenstein?
I miss Molyneux
The very first lootbox and you gobbled that shit up
Spread this around, it's time for a change
Discuss best saints row game
Do you have a favorite developer?
ITT literally impossible bosses
ITT: Overrated shit
Please give me your most comfy game. I am sitting in my room, its a gloomy rainy day...
Idk if its because ff15 was so bad but this game aint looking so bad now
Best DLC coming through. Dean Domino is the citizen kane of kafkaesque video games
Final boss is other player
Lemmie get some Bloodborne memes, Sup Forums
Is multiplayer even good or active?
Do you play viday with your gf/fiance/wife, Sup Forums?
What games let me play as a Husky?
That seems unreasonable...
It's been 10 years of AssCreed
We did it Sup Forums!
I've finally been mindbroken into liking bloodborne
Are you enjoying rocket league on switch?
Worth my time?
Was it really that bad?
So wacky xD
What's the craziest mod you have ever played?
Again, why does Sup Forums like him?
This unfinished trash is a contender for GOTY
/ourguy/ Joe warned you guys a month ago about lootcrates, Sup Forums
What will a 2019 version of this image include?
The Great Debate continued
Why haven't you played Misaki's game yet?
What went so wrong?
Final Fantasy 12 news in a week
You don't actually listen to video game music right, Sup Forums?
Filename Thread
I wanna be a bad guy. I wanna fuck people over and not give two shits
Fact: MGSV is the worst MGS game
What are some good video games set during the Vietnam war/1960s era?
Dokkan Battle
Blizzbabbies will defend this
Will Canada ever make a good game in our lifetime?
Are there any other games that do women and minorities justice...
Was her game good?
Doki Doki Literature Club
Have any of you seen a little girl?
Just failed my driving test
Which is worse?
What makes Dark Souls series so successful?
Is this even fair to ban someone????
You wanna play through NG with the kickass scythe? Too fuckin bad! You can only get it from the final boss! In fact...
Soul Calibur 6 announcement next month
Physical DLC
Sup Forums actually likes this ASSFAGGOT
Boss is a updated model version of you
Confess your sins
Atelier Loli
How the fuck do you reach champion, I've been stuck in Diamond 3 for almost a year now
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...