It's been 10 years of AssCreed

It's been 10 years of AssCreed
All the kids in my school growing up wanted those hoods and I remember two kids debating Altair or Ezio.

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Wasted potential: the series

It's one of those “guilty pleasure” games.

The gameplay has barely changed and it seems like the series just keeps getting worse with each game and Ubisoft are arseholes but boy is it cool exploring those old cities

Is Origins any good?


Is the series still popular or has popularity waned?

>Is Origins any good?
Yes desu.
It's a step in the right direction, which funnily enough is a step away from the AssCreed formula of the past few games.

It waned but the 2 year break helped people give a slight shit, ontop of Origins being somewhat well received critically.
The most underrated feature in all the games was the multiplayer, and they fucked it up by adding tons of unlockables and layers of bullshit. Brotherhood's MP is so fucking good

Why does it have a moderate fanbase in Japan?

The assassasins costume in mgs4 was pretty cool looking.

one of my favorite series, come at me
I'm willing to admit that they've stuck with the AC2 formula for too long and Unity's launch was a disaster. But Unity is actually a great game to play now, and Origins is Black Flag-tier greatness.

I never tried syndicate,how was it?What are the main differences between it and unity?

>Unity is actually a great game to play now

How has it changed?

Boring. I bought it day one though and loved it, because I studied Victorian London a LOT,and the recreation of it is beautiful. The game bit is trash though.

Skip it

Play asscreed 1,2, blackflag, origins.

Don't listen to anyone saying they liked brotherhood or shit like that. The story might be interesting but it's just a full priced DLC of 2.

>Mario Rabbids was a success that exceeded expectations
>Hyrule Warriors was a thing
>AssCreed has whored itself out to Metal Gear Solid, Soul Calibur, and Final Fantasy in the past
You just know there's a Frog at Ubisoft who is ready to pitch this to Nintendo in some shape or form

It made me realise that the best way for AC to go would be the way of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. More fantasy elements, played off in a real world.

I mean, Unity at launch was a buggy, unoptimized mess. It's acutally playable now, and IMO the game is great. Paris is beautiful and there's plenty of assassinations, like AC1. It's probably the most "assassin-y" game other than the first one.
Sure, Brotherhood is like an expansion for 2, but you can get it for like $10 today. And more AC2 is good, so I'd still definitely play that.
Syndicate is more arcadey, it's like a brawler. I dunno, it felt incredibly by-the-books but it wasn't bad. It was just.. eh. Victorian London was amazing to explore though.

I was already an adult when this shit bacame popular.

>Mario Rabbids was a success that exceeded expectations

The fact that it's like ac2 is the problem. Because almost every asscreed just does the ac2 formula. Brotherhood had nothing new.

Origins and blackflag change it up.

Sums it up pretty well.
I was rather excited to see Caesar portrayed in a vidya, and was wondering how they would include him.
>He is a moronic caricature only there to show how the Action girl waifu of the protagonist is oppressed by the patriarchy and to be a puppet of the Templars.
>She kills him for being a racist, sexist, cis pig.
T....thanks, Ubisoft

ok black flag had fun ship combat but ac2 did the actual assassinating thing and city design better.


Not every thread is about your shitty fucking Nintendo toys. Piss off.

That's figuratively what Ubisoft said
>- outperformed its own forecasts
>- again confirmed to be the best-selling third party title on Switch

Pic related
Soliani's the guy who directed the game

>Brotherhood had nothing new
Isnt that sort of the appeal? I get that at the time it wouldve been ~$60 dlc, but at least it wouldve played it safe and not stray too far to the point of being a bad AC game

You are comparing full blown cities to small ass islands.

Also asscreed 1 had the best cities in my opinion. You felt like a rat in a maze.

The fuck.
They're contradicting their own lore if that's the case.
ACB explicitly said that Marcus Junius Brutus killed Caesar.

No one listen to think shit eater. Jesus christ aquire taste. Put your fucking foot down more.

Really good.
Really good, although rushed.
Disappointing but okay.
Pretty good.
Surprisingly good.
First mainline AC I couldn't finish.

Best thing about the 2 year gap, is that it made me realise I didn't miss AC at all.

ok the only reason people like this one is because you could basically call in fucking assassins to do all your work for you

ok no this one was a low point honestly its a
at best

ok this ship combat and setting were great, but when it came to alot of the main missions and assassin shit i kinda avoided it, its like its greate when its being sid meiers pirates but gets kinda boring when its being assassins creed

>10 years
>12 assassins

3 at the most.

There was more than one Caesar...

they should have never did the modern plot, other than that its an okay series with good games and horrible games.

I was so exciteded during the first few games thinking we'll finally get a gigantic payoff with desmond assassinating fucking ayylmaos and rebuilding the modern assassin order

Good job, Ubisoft.
Fuck established lore: Gotta have that empowerment of the strong wymyn of Pock taking down the evil wh*te baddie talking about privilege.

I'm not even going to pirate Origins.

I laugh every time people say that the AC series doesn't change. For Black Flag,they had to model the entire caribbean...for unity,the whole of revolutionary France, modelled and scaled...for syndicate, the entirety of Victorian London.

In mario games, they recolour buki-buki world yellow and call it a day.

>the entire Caribbean
>the whole of revolutionary France
>the entirety of Victorian London
Don't be thick.

Been replaying the series the last couple weeks.
AC1 is flawed but I think it might also be the best one.
It's got some really philosophical shit going on along side the Abstergo mystery and the Apple.

ACII has a better soundtrack with better cities and better characters, but the story is a meandering mess for the most part where literal decades pass and little changes. All of the sub-systems they add are completely superfluous and the graphics noticeably worse, which is ridiculous. The mindfuck when Minerva speaks to Desmond through Ezio was some excellent shit though and I can't think of a single other game where I get to fist fight the Pope.

Brotherhood has such a strong opening, fixes the fuck out of the shit graphics, and Cesare would be a 10/10 antagonist in the hands of better writing. The story becomes a literal string of errands but I must admit the ending Apple section when you're meeting Juno and then the section when Desmond and friends explore the ruins themselves is pure fucking magic. It really woke me out of the sleep-walk the game had me in. Rome is goddamned incredible though. Probably they're best city to date but I'm only four games in so far.

Currently playing Revelations. Opening is weak so far. Ezio looks cool in his old man Middle Eastern outfit. AND WHY THE FUCK DOES DESMOND SUDDENLY LOOKING LIKE A JIHADI ADAM SANDLER

Paris and London weren't as big as you'd think back then. And it's all pretty well scaled.

Shit, I spent hours wandering through Hyde Park when I first played.

Nobody cares oldfag.
Inb4 "you cared enough to comment"

could be worse. the mc could have been black. it's still a good game though so you're missing out.


Also Brotherhood had some bloody good execution animations.
Shit like kneeing some dude in the nuts, causing him to double over in front of Ezio, who just plants his palm on the back of the guys head and pulls the trigger on his hidden pistol. It's so brutal and efficient.

>implying chucking a 2-hand sword to insta-kill fools wasn't the tightest shit
>implying getting a weapon better than yours just by disarming guards wasn't the 2nd tightest

Truely amazing when it first came. Felt so fresh and new.

A great follow up, improved on everything, great main character

>ac brotherhood
More is the same of two. Adds nothing new. Same repetitive game play. Was a glorified 60 dollar DLC at launch. Expands on a story that is not important.

Same shitty game play as 2. BUT NOW BOATS. Boats are enough to save the game. Exploring is amazing. Ship building is great. YOUR CREW SINGS! BEST ac

Every other ac especially 3, unity, syndicate are boring as fuck recycled garbage. Just playing the same fucking garbage since ac2. If you like this please learn to set standards higher. You should ask more than story with a new game. It's lazy.

I was quite fond of the two-handed sword execution where Ezio sticks it right through a guy's face and snaps his neck.

What you said sounds horrible...

Game is easy enough making us killing machines.

do you people not see Brutus getting the last stab in? Did Brutus not kill Caesar because Cassius also stabbed him before?


They introduced that one in Revelations.
There's also the classic Altair spin.
Swinging his sword up and to the left with the tip first to slap the defenders weapon out of the way, using the momentum of the sword to do a full spin while aligning it to being it slash down from the top right across his chest, and then stopping when the point is lined up with his gut, and just shoving the sword forward into it.
It's so fucking smooth.

but did you pirate
black flag?


Yearly releases hurt it for me. Still working on catching up through the post-Revelations releases on PS3. By the time I finish I figure Ubisoft will have released a Unity+Syndicate+Origins retail bundle on PS4.

It's a comfort food game series for me. Isn't terribly offensive, and it lets me have some faux-historical fun while stabbing guys in the back.

can you even still taunt people anymore like the first game?

I thought only the 2nd game let you do that.

One of the best trailers ever made.

Brotherhood robe was and remains the best robe

>Just waiting to do an instakill counter over and over again

Jesus christ, the first AC was so bad.

I love the crunching noises.

it started with the first game. you could taunt guards to pull them or just piss them off in a fight to come at you heavy for even easier counters. i think they also dropped the buttons relating to body parts system 1 had as well. you could stun a guy and hit y/triangle for head and a/x for legs and altair would kick the legs and break them.

Now this I will grant. It's some excellent shit.
Of course it kinda helps that Ezio in Rev is an old man out of his prime.
Old me are my favorite characters. They're not as lively as they used to be but they're still deep in the shit and the best at what they do despite their age. Isaac Clarke, Joel, Ezio, 76. The more older male protags in the world, the better.

I'm pretty sure buttons=body parts carried on until 3

Actually the first had the most challenge.
The Hidden Blade was indeed an instant kill, but didn't let you block or attack. The timing wasn't particularly hard, but the 2nd game let you do both those things and kept the leathality. Counter timing in general became much easier from 2 onward. That's not to say the first AC was hard, just the hardest.

You have to be at least 18 years old to post here.

also lots of great color combos you could buy from the tailors.


Such arrogance. It will destroy you, child.

Being more challenging than some other games that also aren't hard doesn't make it good. When the clear best option is to stand still and counter with your sword again and again, the game is shit.

Which is a shame, because I loved the setting and I actually quite enjoyed the stealth. That combat though, jeez.

>Altair and Ezio standing second to GIRL and literally who

>Sup Forums's irrational hatred of ellipsis
>proof that autists can't understand contextual clues

Renind why Mario games are rehashes and shit like this isn't.

Fucking THIS.
It should be Altair dead center with Ezio on one flank and Haythem Kenway on the other.

It isn't irrational. Children and redditors use ellipses, and neither of those belongs here.


>aya front and centre

fuck off, you played as Bayek for 99% of the game.

>Children and redditors use ellipses
>"the omission from speech or writing of a word or words that are superfluous or able to be understood from contextual clues."

You lost this one, friend. Better argue the toss for the next hour or anonymous weirdoes on the internet might think you're weak.

>most recent game
>two most popular characters
the real question is why Adewale is there

They're the most recent, and ubi wants to shill their game.


>No spirit Desmond spreading his arms over the top of them.

Nice reddit spacing.

i like your use of neoGAF capitals

Origins is really good and i lost interest in ass creed a long time ago, i only got origins for the setting but was pleasantly suprised by the game

>It's a step in the right direction, which funnily enough is a step away from the AssCreed formula of the past few games.


This series would be a lot fucking better if each game was a standalone story.

And I like your use of tumblr lowercase

He's there so that the total number is 12
That way the Origins protagonists are in the middle

I don't think anyone is trying to claim Assassin's Creed isn't a series of rehashes

>he uses latinate characters, just like GaiaOnline!

first game was the only decent one. it was a fun game with flaws that i hoped would be ironed out for the sequel. but they couldn't have fucked up any bigger if they'd tried.

it should've been a trilogy like they originally planned. but then they turned 2 into half a dozen games. 3 was a fucking joke. the sidescroller spinoffs were absolute garbage and wasted the new and interesting settings. and by now it's beyond saving. a total trainwreck of a series. just fucking die already, ubi.

Good thing you deleted this

The problem is that the sequence is contrived as fuck. Brutus and Cassius were already there ready to stab Caesar.

If they brought along Aya to kill Septimus and make sure Caesar's Assassination went along smoothly, that'd be fine, but Aya's there for no reason other than to cement her as an important character.

Who rushes their shit more and gets away with it?
AssCreed or Pokemon?


AssCreed might be bad in many ways, but they don't sell the same game twice with different titles.

Doesn't Asscreed release yearly?

>if each game was a standalone story
Most of them are though. Only the modern shit advances with each game.

They washed their hands clean of Desmond after 3, build up a character for 5 games just to have him do fuck all and die

I stopped playing after bros

Did they ditch the mcguffin shit?