Is Deus Ex the greatest RPG of all time?

Is Deus Ex the greatest RPG of all time?




>listen to the ching chong women
>thought she was telling the truth
>majestic 12 soldier coughs

Yes. Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers

I didn't have that happen on my first playthrough and it was really neat, had a feeling of unease going through her apartment until I found the room with the MJ12net computer and thought "oh fuck".
It's a shame they didn't account for the soldiers making subtitled noise.

Is Jock the most based character?

real talk, I love how deus ex lowkey predicted a lot of the stuff we live nowadays.

Personally I aspire to have the same kind of knowledge as Tong and Alex. It will take some time, but it'd be fun.

>al talk, I love how deus ex lowkey predicted a lot of the stuff we live nowadays.
That's one thing I appreciate from cyberpunk in general. It's the Sci-fi genre that does the best "near future" predictions with technology and society.