Dragon Ball FighterZ

Jump leak by the end of the week

Who will it be?

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Give it to me straight Sup Forums

What are the chances of her being among the 8 DLC characters from the Season Pass?

0% chance, you retarded waifufag. Kefla will be blown into irrelevance after Saturday.

gotenks obviously has to be one of them
and then maybe dabura or kid buu

id say she has an okay chance, but i really hope she does something cool in this weekends episode

> being this mad

0, by that point the ToP arc will be over and they will add characters from the next arc.

New top tier incoming

Any new character from this arc showing up - 25% chance
Anyone who isn't Jiren - 15%
A character we only just saw - 0%

There simply isn't enough time for them to have been planned, even Black or Zammy don't have an amazing chance

Kale is better.
