OKAMI HD is up for sale $20 bucks is a steal
OKAMI HD is up for sale $20 bucks is a steal
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or just emulate it for free
Well this thread is not targeted at you dumb brainlet
I'm just saying it's been available to play in HD on PC for 5+ years now.
Poorfag detected
So how does it compare to the emulator?
>30 fps
Emulation is almost always worse than playing a native PC version.
So when playing Okami, does anyone else get the feeling that it was meant to be played on a smaller screen?
Like, I've been playing my monitor and that feels like it's still too big, either the text boxes or constant weird zoomed in scenes, not sure, just feel like I need to always be further than usual from the screen or something
It was. It was made for the PS2 where the resolution was low and was generally being played on a smaller screen.
Yeah but still, you'd usually playing a PS2 on a TV, which is kinda huge. But I guess the upscaling doesn't help
I wish I could play this on my Vita (without remote play)
You think that'll stop me
Console games (and some old PC games) often have an issue with large huds and the camera being too close just because almost nobody thought their game would be rereleased at more than double the resolution years later. A lot of PC games had better scaling since they were designed for systems that were different but even some PC games have this issue.
>Giving money to Capcom when they killed the studio that made Okami
I'll check later for the torrent.
Well it's better then EA
On GMG it's 20% off. Also there's a special offer for new users where they get additional -15% with "NEW15" code.
I think the HUD looked just fine on the PS3.
I bought it a long time ago, got to the bridge area iirc, and stopped playing. The game is long as fuck. How far was I from beating it?
I am primed to buy this but the thought of Capcom taking all the money and the original devs having been fired years ago just makes me want to pirate it.
The bridge with the cursed city on the other side? Maybe 40%? The game just keeps going, it's insane.
I'm sorry I can't take advantage of shit like this. When Gamestop went stupid and gave out that 70% trade-in bonus, I got 900funnydollars worth of credit there. So I have to pay full price for shit, even if I got 900worth for 80USD.
>$20 in us
>still $20 in my thirdworld
Meanwhile Nioh, a 2017 game, is sold for 15
I'll pirate, fuck capcom's pricing
Will still preorder DMC5 desu
Nah, that isn't even 30% into the game. Okami is wickedly long.
Damn dude. I think I hit 50 hours at that point, and there's even more? I don't even remember what the fuck happened or where to go, there's no way I can jump back into it now.
>50 hours
That is a bit much, but yes, there is much more.
test2 please work
Pirate for free*.
That's not remotely true.
I spent a lot of time exploring things and collecting shit. It was fun, but the world is really empty.
Better graphics.
Emulation generally runs much worse and is more likely to have visual errors than a native PC version. Of course there are PC ports that are worse but emulation is a poor replacement for a port if the port isn't terrible.
They didn't kill them, they left to form Platinum.
>Emulation generally runs much worse
You say generally but there aren't even enough games you can emulate that also have a port to support your claim. It's wrong regardless, you can emulate on phones.
I guarantee you Okami will run better on emulators when compared to the DX11 version.
I'm getting it either way, but I just hope there's mouse and thus tablet support so I can go full immersion.
Capcom did. After the disappointing sales of Viewtiful Joe, Okami, and God Hand, Capcom decided to internalize Clover with the other Capcom divisions, which resulted in the heads of Clover like Kamiya leaving and starting another studio, which ultimately became Platinum. Since the leadership left Clover, Capcom then disbanded Clover.
Modern ports might not be like this, you're right. But if you're emulating anything from the PS1, N64, or PS2, there are plenty of terrible ports, but there are some that work well too and they run and look better than the emulated versions. Maybe what i said was too sweeping but you should always try a native port if possible and only emulate if that doesn't work well. I've played plenty of PC ports of games that people emulate either because they think the port is bad (or don't want to take the time to fix the issues) or don't know it exists that are much better than their emulated counterparts.
If it sells well, there could literally be a sequel. Kamiya has always wanted to make one.
There is a sequel on the DS.
That isn't a sequel.
>Okami on steam
Kamiya got fired from Crapcom, japs hold grudges and it's very unlikely the original devs will be allowed to work on it. If they were on good terms, capcom would have published Platinum titles.
I see it's opposite of the truth day.
But Jap game devs are often buddies with each other no matter what company. Like Nagoshi and Kojima used to be drinking buddies in the 90s.
I have heard that Capcom and Platinum have been on good terms recently.
We could see a collaboration.
>I guarantee you Okami will run better on emulators when compared to the DX11 version.
enjoy no paper filter, no overlays when drawing and wrong colors
That was fixed years ago btw. Also the HD version has an incorrect paper filter and wrong colors.
>That was fixed years ago btw
no it was not
But it was.
no, unless you mean software mode which looks worse than just hooking ps2 to hdtv with component cables and is very tasking on cpu
It was fixed in hardware mode, bud.
Will have to see how it looks in motion first. The emulated version is absolute eye cancer because of all the blur and ghosting. If this isn't then I'll probably pick it up.
This meme again. Kamiya left Capcom. He didn't get fired, and he still has friends that he regularly drinks with.
>Of all the publishers, not just Japanese publishers or partners, I can say with confidence that Capcom still holds a very, very special place in my heart and I love them dearly. It’s one of my favourite companies.
>was fixed years ago
could you show some proof?
nice ghosting, what version of pcsx2
I don't know, the webm is old. The original game has that ammy ghosting as well.
the graphics are unacceptable for a 2017 release.
This isn't a Nioh thread...
>original game has that ammy ghosting as well
it wasn't visible though, that's probably a cause of upscaling like tales of symphonia on dolphin
okami has timeless graphics
>it wasn't visible though
Yeah it was I always liked the effect. I also liked that normal people couldn't see it, really drove my immersion.
>PS2 game with higher quality assets
>34 GB
That's a steal desu
>with higher quality assets
>Yeah it was
but it was equally distributed on all edges of the character model unlike in the video where it's offset to the left from the model
Small question, when people say this is like Zelda (TP), - does the game have standard dungeons with bosses?
The game sounds pretty long, what do you do during all that time?
You really like arguing don't you. I don't remember it doing that.
Yes it does and there are a lot of little things you do during gameplay like finding collectables.
I have a god tier PC but I'll just buy a physical release on the PS4.
Same with Ace combat 6 when it hits.
Nice, nice. I tried playing this on PS3 a few summers ago but the game didn't run well and going back to the sub-720 games on last gen isn't really fun.
You're making a huge mistake.
>slightly higher resolution textures for a PS2 game
>somehow this is enough to make the filesize like twenty-five times larger than the original version
4k memes are doing this
Is there going to be a physical release on PC too? some games I like to have the box of
doesn't really matter if not
I am hyped to play this again over winter
>resolutions affecting file sizes in any way
Some of the best textures we've seen in the past 10 years were from games 10 years ago, games most hardcore gamers were playing at 1680x1050.
You look around for secrets in the game world. The is extremely easy though, it was probably designed that way
Actually it's 17GB, but in comparison that's stil a lot.
Will I be able to somehow run this on a dx10 machine? :(
get with the times
>Storage: 34 GB available space
Straight from the steam page
Maybe when modern games start being good.
>slightly higher resolution textures
That's not how that works. Anyways assets also include things like audio my man
>Emulation generally runs much worse
We are almost a decade past the point where it's actually difficult to emulate PS2 games.
>hasn't played many new games since DX11 took over
>thinks he knows fuck all about modern gaming
Yeah, but Steam is retarded and it needs double size the game to install it.
First 17GB to download, then additional 17GB to move to games folder and then remove game from download folder. Even on Xbox store it says 16.98GB.
>up for sale
>release date December 12
I've played enough that doesn't require dx11
What's the first thing you're going to do when you boot it up?
woof woof woof
>you'd usually playing a PS2 on a TV, which is kinda huge
At 480i.
Oh man, can't wait to buy a rehash of a rehash.
Holy shit when did Okami HD come to the PC?
announced last month, coming out next month
Now I hope they'll bring DMC1.
Already have both DMC:HD and Okami on PS3.
For you
>Crapcom making a big deal over the third re-release the same game
$20 yeah BIG fucking deal
HOLY SHIT! I've been looking to replay this, but I don't have my PS2 anymore. Like a godsend, just 11 days before my birthday too.
Does the Playstation 4 version support motion controls?