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rape soon fellow stalker
You sure they're FULLY MODELED under those clothes?
i fucking hope not
the late thing i want to see is a sex mod for stalker
Imagine if they announced STALKER 2 and then they revealed that there's going to be female and black NPCs, in literally 1 second the series would become from "muh patrician special snowflake game" into "wtf i hate STALKER now, literal SJW cuck propaganda". This place is so silly
Is this out already?
Do they have jiggle physics?
>not wanting to see helpless thots getting violated by snorks and bloodsuckers all day
>Imagine if they announced STALKER 2
they did that already but its canceled
>this hypothetical scenario i created is reality
>black NPC
>in a game set in Ukraine
If it was made by americuckolds maybe
STALKER 2 had female characters before it was cancelled
pretty sure the mercenary factions were mostly foreigners, so it would be reasonable to assume there'd be a few black guys
Honestly black STALKERs wouldn't be so bad if they only appeared as Mercenaries. The Mercenaries are heavily alluded to be PMCs hired by American/Western European interest groups to bring artifacts back for study. It would make sense some of them could be Ex-Military from nations with higher black populations like the USA.
Is this an actual mod being made? Or is this just another reason to shitpost FULLY and FERNS for the HL2 mod?
>Americans trying to blackwash eastern games
What a bunch of sad cucks
is that the fucking female npc from half life 2?
There is a story ingame about a black stalker
> So easily triggered by just hypothetically putting a single minority NPC extra into a game where it would make perfect sense
Um, sweetie...
Leftmost looks like portal2 chell rightmost looks like hl2 npc
So why were there no female STALKERS?
Mercs really are foreigners, mostly from America, EU, and China
the books even confirm it
Are you legit retarded?
Females aren't capable of surviving on their own. They'd die in the zone like children, they dont have determination, instincts or training of men.
Weak. Emotional. Zone would break them.
So why not an asian or not slav NPC? Why are you soyboys obsessed with blacks?
The first poster that brought blacks up was a Sup Forumsack. And he is a massive faggot.
hello /women hate general/
I think left-most one is form F.E.A.R 2.
>slav NPC
everyone is a slav
>states facts
>women hate
t. fat neckbeard who would die 10 seconds after entering the zone
I said not slav NPC
because like you said, they are soyboys, obsessed with their BBCs and everyone has to follow with their mindset
the same reason there are separate men and womens boxing leagues
What happens when you put females amid 100% male criminal population who haven't seen a single female for years?
>they dont have determination
>or training
you reek of someone whos learned everything they know about women from infographics and cherrypicked greentext stories
he would survive longer that a women who would get raped at military checkpoint
r/incels found a great new home.
different user
read his post again
NO NONO you leave stalker alone you glorified asshole!
Quick red pill for you redditors
Think of all the women you know, all the women you come in contact with during work school etc
Ok, now ask yourself could any of them beat you in a fist fight?
Uh oh, it looks like "Fantasy Feminist Land" and "Reality" seem to be two separate things..
Spoken like a true faggot
Most mercenaries must be Chechen or bosnian or something like that.
COC if we count it , SGM 2.2 if we dont
CS doesnt exist in my eyes
SoC - AMK 1.4.1
CoP - Valley of Whispers
>calls others redditors
>reddit spacing abound
>ree /r9k/
I know a nordic woman who's 6ft tall and did shotput in high school. She has broader shoulders than most of the beta posters here and spends her free time doing manual labor.
If there's any woman i know who could survive the zone it would be her.
Call of Chernobyl.
Why wouldnt there be females? Russia puts them in the military so why would a STALKER be so odd
>implying a stalker who hasn't seen a woman in nearly a decade wouldn't think twice about tapping your pudgy ass
>nordic women
They should start stating WESTERN WOMEN because they are useless cunt.
I'm sure some slavic women could survive in the Zone too.
>fist fights mattering when everyone has guns
i'm not sure why you seem to think i believe women are as strong as men. I'm merely arguing that women are capable of living and surviving on their own, which you mgtow dorks seem to this is an impossibility. I hope you realize you guys just latch on to this 'women are worthless' thing just so you can feel that much better about yourself.
>Zone is full of fags
They fuck bloodsuckers instead you pracing homo la la man
I mean she's nordic by ethnicity but she was born/lives in the american northeast.
She also has this scary ability to emotionally compartmentalize everything and be focused 100% of the time no matter what.
In the zone she would be raped and made a sex slave. As all women who would enter the Zone.
Maybe female STALKERs wouldn't make much sense in The Zone but what about female mutants? There were female civilians before the disaster, think about it.
Picture semi related.
He ain't wrong.
WESTERN WOMEN are useless.
what are some of the essential add ons for CoC?
As all __men who would enter the Zone.
ftfy pham-pai
>try CoC
>leave Cordon for the first time
>3 bloodsuckers waiting on Garbage side
It's really nice.
Are you sure it wasn't a guy in a wig?
I'm not sure how to feel for a guy who would marry her.
>before the disaster
you probably haven't even played the game
the second disaster made the mutants
She would probably find a short slav, rape him, and then take his gear.
Or die, like anyone would, because the zone isn't real.
what the hell is this from
Call of Misery Last Days, give that a try.
No, she's a she. One in a million, but girls like her do exist. Pretty too.
You would be the woman in the relationship.
I would know
>Recommending shittery in any form
Don’t do that
thanks user, ill try it out
>AMERICANS applying their shitty imperialism, indentity politics and race revelance to SLAV GAME
Won't work faggots, we are not bunch of cucks like you.
Had the most fun with OGSE for SoC
I mean Misery itself is fucking shit, but Last Days is worth a try.
Please don't put your political/incel shit in a stalker thread
>adding women and blacks to a game is now identity politics
nice victim complex
>You would be the woman in the relationship.
Sorry user but no, I'm slav, not American or Westerner.
Yeah but where did the subjects for the experiments came from anyway?
There were some fetus things in X-18 so they can't be all STALKERs.
That direction is pretty fucking pleasing, can I get a source?
slavs are more closely related to monkeys than the other human races. not sure if we should even call them human.
I like how you ignored everything else.
Adding niggers to STALKER is like adding them to Witcher.
Go fuck yourself and make your own nigger filled game, we don't need them.
As for women, sure maybe there will be slave trade.
um sweetie, not every country is mixed with brown people.
You need to have a wider perspective, I knew this black guy who took classes in Korea and if you never seen his face and just heard his voice and fluidity with the language, you'd never guess he wasn't a native.
hollywood really brainwashed some soyboys into thinking women are capable of anything beside being raped
.t 56% or t.Abdul Al-Hmedi Hamadddi
Slavs are more white than americans or western europeans filled with muslims
>post maidan Ukraine
>implying the zone won't be full of nigger americans
>I'm a slav
Oh okay, let me use language you would understand.
>Ooga booga rape booga
>cyka blat
>where da white wiminz at
>*passes out drunk*
please mods, just nuke this thread
Nice find, shame everyone is going to ignore your post.
i know at least one
she's gay though
the reason there aren't any women in stalker is because realistically there would be very few women who would be allured to such a profession and adding them would mean a lot of dev work
It has the same shitty item bloat, unbalanced economy, lol enemies shoot broken weapons that have no ammo. anong with talking more space compared to CoC while adding worse textures, truly a feat in itself.
Wow go suck his cock then