What games let me play as a Husky?

What games let me play as a Husky?

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wow. but why?

probably had black owners

>dogs are great animals

What games let's me worship THE BIG BLACK COCK?

Good, small dogs are shit animals.

smart observation!


Wow what a G O O D B O Y E

They are part wolf still with wolf mannerisms and a wolf hierarchy system.

Did it assimilate him after that?

Good. The weak must be removed

>dat left milf

Huskies murder small animals. It's what people sign up for when owning them

Huskies are the niggers of dogs
Pits are good boys

No, but keep an eye on Clark.

It ded

>that puddle of poodle piss


Huskies, malamutes, and plenty of other spitz type dogs have strong prey drives. Unless raised with smaller animals(other dogs included), they will see them as prey, and try to kill them. That situation is entirely the fault of whoever left that husky alone with those small dogs.

pitbulls all need to be rounded up and killed like the abominations they are

huskies are dumb as a bag of rocks, too, like lower end of the doggo intelligence spectrum. they get by on looks alone, like most roasties

>he didn't even know what he was doing!
>he's a good boy!
>just a dog!
>he dindu nuffin wrong!


well on the bright side the husky got put down.
as all violent offenders should get punished with

The youtube video was longer and showed little doggo died.

Did it break its neck? Jesus

I'm not watching this at risk of losing my humanity, but tell me what happens anyways

the era of roasties is coming to an end.

No, it crushed its skull

Husky murders puppy for fun.

doggy dog world

I watched it and kinda regret it. Husky you see on the left in the thumbnail just goes up to the puppy on the right and attacks it, killing it.

Pitbulls are the latinos of dogs.

Just animals being animals

are these horses like gay or what lol

on the bright side it did happen in korea.
so someone was able to eat well after this

Super Husky Adventures on the N64

I doubt that her face looks like that

how thin skinned can you get? its not like the huskie is riping its guts out. go back to r-eddit faggot.

I bet its better with sound


>wow look at me and how desensitized I am, I'm such a cool 4channer

I bet you can "totally handle" looking at gore in general too. Everything thinks you are such a badass.

I've also got a small dog like that, poor owner. If that had happened to my dog I'd gladly go to jail after taking out my AR and unloading an entire magazine into the dogs head.

What game allows me to get SMASHED and SLAMMED?

Latinos aren't "totally ""misunderstood"" but will suddenly spaz out and murder someone while being inbred abominations" at all, though, where'd you get that idea?
That's better suited for american southerners desu
t. someone with a Grandpa and Uncles who fit the bill perfectly

Dogs are the niggers of animals
(Besides actual niggers themselves of course)

poor doggy ;;


This user was replying to someone who literally couldn't handle it, retard

Horny animals don't care about gender.

I have a husky for 10 years now, got him when he was 4 months old.

He murdered 4 cats (probably more), a bunch of birds and a hedgehog so far.

you are negroid

And I'm making fun of the fact he's acting like he's better than the person who couldn't handle it because he's totally okay with watching a dog kill another dog, retard.

nigga I've browsed Sup Forums when first coming here and seen the cheese pizza, beheadings and shit. My eyes learned their lesson since they're all ingrained into my visual memory, I ain't giving myself anymore reasons to give in to nihilism again

Makes me wonder if there's actual studies on adolescents looking up this fucked up shit and how it compares to PTSD-victims who lived through wars

>Gay ass sword

We use guns over here in this real country, son. With bullets that go about 3,025 ft/s.

You literally can’t prove him wrong

>Blaming the dog for being a dog

seeYou don't hold the animal responsible for acting like it would normally, you hold the owner responsible, because in that instance the owner was probably like "Oh sure, we can throw him/her in their with the little dogs, they'll just play and have fun". That's why you see a lot of those kinds of dogs in rescues, because of dumbass people that wanted a dog, picked that breed on looks alone, and did zero research on what they're like. Adog is not a person, it cannot be held responsible for it's actions, responsibility rests with the owner.

>Makes me wonder if there's actual studies on adolescents looking up this fucked up shit and how it compares to PTSD-victims who lived through wars
it's not even comparable you melodramatic retard

huskys are nigger dogs


this is katana. you know what katana can do, right? you know how it was made also? it can cut anything

Plenty of people get dogs like huskies but they need plenty of exercise and needs to be outside. My friend had a husky and he wanted to be outside all day.

nice airsoft FAMAS kid

>totally okay with watching a dog kill another dog, retard.

rules of nature bitch. the puupy should have fought back more if it wanted to live.

happened to my neighbour's cat. other neighbours husky got put down the next week that annoying as fk barking dog

What games let me see the same threads everyday?


The edge is impressive on this one. It was a fight it had no chance. It's like if I came up behind you right now and shot you and said "heh, rules of nature bitch, should have fought more if you have a place in this world"


On a side note, I'm so fucking glad we're finally in the age where people can afford high definition security cameras. Always annoyed me when people would post potato camera footage and you could barely tell what's going on.

>living through war is the same as watching some gore on the internet

both can never compear you fucking cry baby.

Okay we've already brought out the muslims and /r9k/ fags itt, where's the jew conspiracy guys

You all realize that the poodle snapped first and the husky just retaliated by instinct.

that's because it isn't in south america or china.

The cats that got killed were all strays, so nobody really gave a shit.

Where i live there is a big yard that is owned by several families,mine included, my dog is there, neighbors sometimes let their little dogs in too, my dog doesn't seem to mind, he has been playing with them for a couple of years now, i figure if he wanted he would have killed them by now.

Unironically the flash game Every Day the Same Dream

The ending is even fitting as to what you'd do after see the same threads for so long

The video was in south korea you tard. Back to Sup Forums with you.

The fact he can stomach basic animal fights means he's a better user than that other faggot who can't even muster the will to watch. How hugbox do you want this site to be?

>poodle snapped first

>edgefag is a nufag
who'd have known?

not seeing it

Holy shit it's like watching another black attack video

Hope that dog got put down.

dumb frog poster


>its like i came up behind and you right now and shot you and said "heh, rules of nature bitch

"my body vanished"
"now im behind you"
"it was a hologram"

it tried to initiate gay sex with the husky and the husky ain't a fag so he merc'd that gay ass dog

Doesn't look that way.

>Being this triggered over jokes
Go back to your containment website, neofag.

What a good boy

What the fuck. I was in bed last night around the same time, lurking Sup Forums, getting ready to sleep, and I saw basically this same exact thread.

I even remember scrolling through it and seeing someone post “the weak should fear the strong”, and I remember laughing to myself about it too, so I know I didn’t just imagine it.

So my question is: why the fuck does Sup Forums have this same discussion around this same time every day/night?

Which one of you eats-a-large-pizza-in-one-sitting pieces of shit needs to be banished to forever?

Jesus Christ that dog got fucked up.

another nu/v/edditor
bring the whole family along bud

deja vu

so do they feed the dogs to other dogs then eat those dogs?

Are these English bulldog and pitbull mixes or something?

>other horse didnt even get a boner

you better do that to someone he cares about and say the same line while he watches

I just got a half chub from gay horse porn

this is new low for me. Wow
