Is this game an unabashed masterpiece or are there glaring flaws?

Is this game an unabashed masterpiece or are there glaring flaws?

It's a good 8/10-level JRPG that you probably inflate a bit in your head because we get so few good traditional console JRPGs these days.

The story peaks at the start and there's only a handful of good moments between that point and the end
It's a little too easy and some new additions like the return of guns arent done too well
Its a fantastic game but its not perfect

There are glaring flaws, as there are in most games, especially masterpieces. It's one of the best JRPGs in years and the presentation is light years ahead of other games, they managed to make turn based combat look and feel cool.

GO TO SLEEP and the lack of slice of life moments are the only real problems with it

Masterpiece with some flaws

>glaring flaws?
Its pretty stupid how you can't do certain things at night, like watch TV or make curry without your magic cat getting on your case about it.

Literally my only issue with the game. GOTY, and on par with P3, better than P4.

Glaring flaws for me:

>Go to sleep moments; the game should just skip to the next day if I can't do anything
>Amount of text message and public gossip screens that repeat the same shit
>Battle dialogue constantly repeats in each encounter, the lines should have a limit to play once
>Can't skip the fancy victory screens fast enough

The entire story being predictable, meandering, and stupid is a pretty glaring flaw.

Also the Hawaii trip sucked ass.

fuck off weeb