Never played a video game with a loot box option

>never played a video game with a loot box option
>ignore everyone losing their mind about it
>that's just some shit games that Sony ponies and xbots deal with
>I'm a Nintendo bro
>decide to buy rocket league
>having fun
>unlock box
>oh this is cool.
>click on prize
>do you want to connect to Nintendo eshop?

Gaming is dying. Before long everything is going to be loot boxes and dlc

In rocket league you can disable lootboxes, theres a setting to make it so you dont get them thus, making them non existent to you

I'm fully casual weekend gamer
The fuck are loot boxes anyway?

Let me guess. You open a chest and there's a box in the box that requires real money to open?

If so I'm not surprised in any way, shape, or form.

the game is like 10 bucks you fucking fag

you play game
get a box as a reward
you can pay like one dollar to open the box
inside the box you can find a hat for your character to wear

yes this is what's apparently killing gaming

for of and secondly loot boxes dont really do much though in rocketleague, everything is just for looks cant get better items anyway. I really dont mind it especially since its just a cheap game. Ive sunk in an insane amount of hours into that game so spending a few extra buckaroos too get a car to look nice is really no biggy to me since the game doesnt suffer at all from it being there, is really solid and also just cheap.

>nu/v/ defending lootboxes
Just let in all the redditors and gaffers already, this places is dead.

because paying $15 for map packs was so much fucking better

kill yourself retard

it does matters? I just grind for boxes and then sell them just to make some nickels back.

Was the game free-to-play?
If so I don't have an issue

Was the game $60 up front?
If so, fuck that bullshit

Where did l even fucking imply that you fucking brainlet. DLC that are not the size of a decent expansion belong in the trash along with your lootboxes and yourself.

It's a slippity slope you fucking retard. Games are being completely built around them now. Fucking cancer that you are.

can we just have neither of those anti-consumer practices?

>it's a "Sup Forums doesn't understand business" episode

Greed, bro.
Give it 10 years and see what kind of bullshit will come if you let "business" go unchecked

>its a corporate bootlicker doesn't understand we are talking about the game side not the business side.
How do you not forget how to breathe daily?

You want cheap games, with no microtransaction cosmetics, and free content updates, yet you complain that developers are greed because they want to have jobs?

Okay kid.

>10 years from now
>normal mode too easy? For the low price of $10 you can unlock hard mode

Games are this jewish because they are following the modern hollywood practice of a few AAA titles a year with marketing budges that are bigger than the one for the actual game and you would know that if you weren't such a retarded underage faggot.

Wrong person

When did $70 become "cheap"
Also pic related


At least you knew what you were getting.