B-bbote with yur b-b-ballet!

>b-bbote with yur b-b-ballet!

>try to vote with your wallet
>a whale buys $2000 worth of kikecrates anyway
>the practice is deemed profitable and thus continues

Rinse and repeat forever

>why complain about anything?
>if you don't like the status quo, you're a cuck

Yeah, but you still voted. It's the same idea when you vote in a democracy and another candidate wins: you did all you could, what other people do is mostly out of your control

EA sold millions of people a shit game just to catch a few thousand whales.

>don't eat shit
>someone else eats shit
>this somehow affects me

Either an EA faggot rep or some whale who already spent $1000

It affects me because they keep serving me shit to see if I'll eat it.

>devs wouldn't be able to provide the items you get from lootboxes if they didn't charge for them

>all restaurants only serve shit now

What elae do you want to do? Get the government involved? Are you a communist?

>Check steam
>Fucking furry games
>People are now buying furry shit
>Check steam again
>Lootbox games
>People are now buying more lootbox shit
>sometime next year there will be a furry game with lootboxes

I want to go back to 2010 before this shit.

>vote with your wallet
>publisher gets your vote, twists it to fit their narrative and keep pushing the shit even harder

>complain hard enough on the internet
>shareholders end up hearing it
>publisher is fucked

It's that hard to understand?

My Ideal of voting is to change something, I'f I'm not going to change anything why do even bother with voting in first place? I mean at this point there is not even the placebo effect anymore.

>Democracy is changed from one man=one vote to $1=1 vote
>96% of the population votes not to have their asses raped by EA but unfortunately it's the poorest 96%
>George Soros gets together all his kike billionaire friends to dump all their cash into voting Yes on Proposition Assrape All the Consumers
>despite 98% of people voting against it you now have to bend over and spread your asshole for EA's girth

Not really.
Sup Forums kinda took control of the furries. EA is getting literally yiffed to death.

What else is there to do? Other than whine....oh

No you didn't. It's not even analogous to voting, some people clearly have more votes than others

And it will get worse, did everyone already forgot that fucking EA estated they wante Games as services, and given all this shitstorm they will get away with that shit pretty easily


This is literally the dumbest fucking comment I've ever read on Sup Forums, your either a retard, a furry or both [not that they are different]

Go on any furry community that is not furaffinity and take a peek.
They pretty much all use Sup Forums language, talk about it, have similar opinion on games etc..

How's that called again?

Yep. This is retarded.

>it's a leftists doesn't understand the free market or individual freedom episode

>there charging to much for the star wuars gayme

>Sup Forums language
Are you an r/incels refugee?

I'm just saying it's ineffective and people unironically think it makes a difference

>Why do others peoples freedom matter if mine don't come first!! Why even bother !!! Ugh!

These people are mentally ill user

>it's a Sup Forumstard doesn't understand we literally don't have a free market episode

Why is it always muh Soros and never Mercer or Koch or Walton?

>vote with your wallet
>against millions of consumers who don't care about lootbox shit and will probably buy the game and the lootboxes
EA and Ubisoft will continue to thrive due to this.

>it's a dumb libertarian/ancap doesn't understand that by telling people "it's the free market so you should just take it up the ass or be quiet", they are actually making the free market worse to a point where the government will be pushed towards taking action
>it's a dumb frogposter can't comprehend that the free market can only survive when it's populated by rational actors

Wrong. The furry plague has essentially died down to manageable levels. The actual autistic furfags that insert their donut shit everywhere have retreated into their own small groups and circlejerks. All that's left is the bido gaem furfags that sexualize game/cartoon characters only, which are far less annoying overall 2bh

Because muh librul bogeymen

>its a republicunt that thinks he understands what a free market is episode

>muh pol boogeymen

Totally ok though, amirite

>Oy vey! The loot boxes are here to stay!
>Stupid goyim! You can't make any difference!
>Stop trying to resist, it's useless!
>Not really P2W!
>O-overreacting much?
>Muh evil corporations!
>Nobody cares!

grug think that lootbox fair
grug wagie, he work all day smash rock, it not fair, thog have time for practice but grug not, so grug buy better item and it even out
you just jealous that grug not poor!

t. Hillary supporter

>iuu nid doo boe gyemis
>birass a grimeee

>Day one on disk dlc and season passes being announced a year ahead of the games release date have become such a common practices that no one even questions them anymore
>Having cosmetic loot crates in addition to paid DLC 60 dollar games is already seen as perfectly acceptable
>People still think voting with your wallet works

>bidaeo gayemssssssssss..........
>polllllllllleeeeeee................make biedoa gyemssss bad!

If you work in marketing or are involved in marketing in any shape or form, you deserve to be dragged out to the streets and burned pubicly at the stake.

Then I'll go to the market and cook my own food.

You are already eating shit by playing games with lootcrates. There is not a single game worth playing with lootcrates. Anyone who thinks the government should regulate them plays these games and has garbage taste.

Stop trying to regulate how other people spend their exposable income because you play shitty p2w games you stupid commie.

>exposable income :D

>continuing to voluntarily support and pay corporations to take advantage of you

>more people implement video games where the main goal is too eat shit because eating shit games make more money
Yeah totally doesn't affect me as a gamer who doesn't eat shit.

its actually not all you can do, raiseing a shitstorm helps trumendusly

Why are you playing shit eating games in the first place? Even in the midst of all this faggotry, there are still plenty of good games that don't do this bullshit and they're usually fairly priced to boot.

>wabs inbieeeeeeee??

>its a fatally retarded frogposter episode

whats happening to baldguy!!

A truly Free Market is as much a fantasy as 'true Communism'

Why do you keep going to the EA restaurant? There are plenty of restaurants that don't serve shit

>Why are you playing shit eating games in the first place? Even in the midst of all this faggotry, there are still plenty of good games that don't do this bullshit and they're usually fairly priced to boot.
All you just fucking said was "vote with your wallet"

>took control
By becoming the furfags? Have you actually looked at this place?

And there'll be less and less of them as time goes on and they realize that serving shit is way more profitable

>game has lootboxes
>don't play it
>they make lodsofemone anyways and continue to push out lootboxes forever

>pretty much all use Sup Forums language
How is this a good thing? Sup Forums says the dumbest shit, regurgitates the dumbest memes, and when a janny/mod actually steps in, they cry because they don't get their way

>less and less
Name 5 companies worth a shit that do this

I'm not the guy you were talking to, I'm just questioning how this shit will affect you when a) you don't want to play games about eating shit and b) there are plenty of games that don't focus on eating shit that are generally worth your money?

It feels like the people complaining about this shit the most are the same morons who would buy the games in the first place.

>STILL trying to make these a thing
Kill yourself already redditfag.

>worth a shit
There's none you retard and that's the fucking point
More and more companies are turning to this bullshit with their games
Valve, Blizzard, hell, even those tiny niggers who lucked out with pubg realized they could make a million bucks more if they just included a few shitty cosmetics in a crate rather than actually fixed their fucking game
It's become a replacement for actual development and actual content

The only companies that do this shit are companies that people already "hate" anyways, so what's the issue here?

Just treat it as a Litmus test for mediocrity and start investing time into emulation and independents.

dey.. makin me pay to much for star wors gaem

>Valve, Blizzard, hell, even those tiny niggers who lucked out with pubg realized they could make a million bucks more if they just included a few shitty cosmetics in a crate rather than actually fixed their fucking game
So companies that were already shit to begin with?
>It's become a replacement for actual development and actual content
Yes friend, because EA, Valve, Blizzard, etc. were really bringing their A-game before they realized that loot crates were free money.

>ahuh! dis ib breddit shib!

They were and you know it
WC2, WC3, early WoW, D2 were all godly
HL series and TF2 were top of the fucking line
Now both companies only make retarded crates instead of games
Even Nintendo has started to get in on this bullshit with AC, don't pretend it's not a problem just because you didn't like the great games they used to put out

Being retarded doesn't make you a bogeyman

▲ ▲

You're arguing a slippery slope fallacy and then saying it already happened, so what's to care about now?
It seems you only take interest in the shit companies so you have something to complain about instead of supporting the good companies with a damn.
Have fun being you user

wtf how do u do those??

I played too many mobile games and realized they were less of a game and more of a investment simulator and never paid for it, now when I see this kind of shit I can't really give a shit and expect everyone to not fall for it too. Obviously won't happen and I doubt exploitative shit will stop unless some bigger fish decides to step in. I don't like government regulations or appealing to "Think of the children", especially involving children, but right now these at least makes me hopeful next year's games won't all be shallow with lootboxes up it's ass.

That game was called TF2

>WC2, WC3, early WoW, D2 were all godly
Yeah, over a fucking decade ago.
>HL series and TF2 were top of the fucking line
Yeah, over a fucking decade ago.
>Now both companies only make retarded crates instead of games
You say that as if they've just started sucking ass through a bendy straw dude. Valve has been shitty ever since Steam became successful and Blizzard were the ones who started this shit in the first place.
>Even Nintendo has started to get in on this bullshit with AC
And y'know what, after they got reamed by fans and critics alike, they haven't done shit like that since and actually gave us a console and games worth owning, because contrary to what Sup Forums says, Nintendo is a good developer.
>don't pretend it's not a problem just because you didn't like the great games they used to put out
Keyword here
>used to

I still have fun these days but it just annoys me how much focus is given to this unapologetic jewery. It feels like these companies could have done so much more but they found an easy out, so they never bothered, and I'm left with only indie and small companies putting out games I like instead of these big companies I used to love
I do appreciate the well wishes though user and I hope you have a nice day too

>Keyword here >used to
How can you miss the point this hard? That's exactly what I've been saying
They used to, and now they don't, because they've seen they can make easier and easier money. This bullshit is the latest and greatest example of shitty practices replacing actual games

>a game comes out that's so offensive with its implementation of something, so egregiously condescending, that no one buys it or even looks at it
>it fades from existence
>it never happens again, because people remember the shitstorm and would never risk their product in such a way

Remember something like BMX XXX? Yeah, neither do I.

The real problem is, you're voting against the lowest common denominator, a battle you'll never win. Don't buy Assassin's Creed? Too bad: a million casual fans will. The analogy to voting is fine--you're simply voting against the majority, every time.

>i don wanna by gaem cud whin id do by duh gaem i wuh ha do by mor lood boksus whin uh olridy payd for duh gaem

>playing video games

And as I said, actual games are still being made by devs who still give a shit and most times they're generally better uses of your money than most of the AAA games being shat out for the purposes of turning a profit.

Even if every AAA dev decided to become the worst thing possible, there are still plenty of games that I can buy or download that will occupy my time more than whatever seasonal cash grab is being shat out by the powers that be.

It only affects you if you're the type who would buy these shitty games in the first place.

Then attack the whales. If they want to take power away from other consumers then they can take the backlash from it.

Because Sup Forums talks about him a lot and I get all my political information from Sup Forums infographics.

>And as I said, actual games are still being made by devs who still give a shit and most times they're generally better uses of your money than most of the AAA games being shat out for the purposes of turning a profit.
Even if every AAA dev decided to become the worst thing possible, there are still plenty of games that I can buy or download that will occupy my time more than whatever seasonal cash grab is being shat out by the powers that be.
Of course that's true and I'm not even trying to argue it's not, like I've already said I ended up turning to smaller devs who still have a care for their product rather than their bottom line. I still lament that shitty, low-effort practices like loot boxes are replacing actual development.

>It only affects you if you're the type who would buy these shitty games in the first place.
They wouldn't be half as shitty if they weren't infested by jewish tricks, that's the thing. I was interested in shadow of war until I learned about the loot box bullshit, for example. I thought its premise was interesting and the gameplay might be cool, then I saw they want to charge you extra to expedite your gameplay and that's not something I want to support

You need to accept that there will always be whales and people that cater to them. You cannot stop it. You can yell and complain and protest and bitch on Twitter all you fucking want, but they're not going to drop a profitable business model for your whiny ass. The only thing you can do is educate the people playing them in how they're being manipulated, and 99% of them won't give a shit.

Maybe take some solace in the fact that this market is limited. Stupid people only have so much money and attention to go around so not every game is going to be able to get away with it.

How stupider can Wojak look?

>duuuh, smaller debs wud neva be like aaa guize

Attack of the Wojacks

Depends on whether or not you decide to model


Day of the Harpoon when?

>I still lament that shitty, low-effort practices like loot boxes are replacing actual development.
I do too but at the same time, I wasn't really planning on buying Battlefront 2 or WoW classic or Overwatch or any of the other shit that does this stupid bullshit.
>They wouldn't be half as shitty if they weren't infested by jewish tricks, that's the thing.
Most of this companies haven't put out anything decent in over a decade and even without Loot Boxes, Battlefront II is still a pretty mediocre game compared to the games that preceded it.

I thought that was the day we kill all the fat people?

They generally don't, because unlike EA or Activision, they don't have the clout to offset bad public press should enough people raise an issue over it.

Jesus Christ, how many of these are there?

Yea man, none of those smaller devs have adopted the cancerous practices of the industry at large.
No way are there small indie and AA games that have loot boxes, shitty DLC practices, and microtransactions.

You're right

Night of the Plastic Grocery Bags then.

Not the ones that are worth buying games from at least.