Because 99% of the people who see this won't know what this is, a small introduction. >What is it? Top Down shooter featuring very heavy metal machines of war. Think Future Cop LAPD with a 90's DOS esque isometric view. Widely panned by people who have never played a game with tank controls in their life. It's also the hidden gem of 2016. Seriously, play this shit. It's like Crusader meets Desert Strike and you can strap two space GAU-8s to a literal tower of cars. You get many toys that would be considered war crimes by moral people. Good thing we don't have any of those here.
Also yes, this game got released last year and the devs are still pumping out free updates with bugfixes and more content.
Let's talk the new Brigador update.
>new vehicle >new endgame missions >new pilot >new portrait for kennedy spits >horns >signs now emit light when destroyed
What are your thoughts on the new missions? I thought the spacer one was kind of neat. I liked how all of the missions featured super heavies. Even with Precursor James on, you very rarely see Citadels, so it's always super dreadful whenever you see that gigantic tower looming over apartment blocks.
It sounds like someone wants to sell me something.
Joshua Evans
It isn't fun to play because it isn't fun to control. Don't bother with that "buh buh buh git gud tank controls" shit. If I wanted to push around a shopping cart full of bricks I'd just go do that.
Adam Rodriguez
its not a twin stick shooter. you have to actually be deliberate when you're driving a 1000 ton armored behemoth.
if you wanted fast, agile and strafe, you should've gotten into a light spacer agrav. Try out the hoker with double donkeys and an AK Pulse.
game sold like shit, devs got sol on marketing despite spending quite a bit on it, and this is a top tier game. if i can get one user to by it, ill consider that my contribution to making the indie scene less shit.
Matthew Lopez
It has absolute controls enabled by default now (and it always had those as an alternate control scheme), though they're objectively inferior if you want to get the full potential of your vehicle.
Also agravs are simplerto control.
Gabriel Flores
this. also the speed is defaulted to 80%. these changes were made with the launch of Up Armored. It's honestly better to just tough it out and learn the tank controls though.
Joshua Brown
Shit flopped because there's little content. You can clear the story missions in 2 hours.
Then all that's left is the half baked free mode where you grind unlocks. Problem is the progression there is completely backwards. You start with the fuck huge unkillable juggernauts with cannons that level an entire block. Then you grind 5 million dollars to buy a light weight speeder that dies in a single shot and has the killing power of a mosquito.