/ourguy/ Joe warned you guys a month ago about lootcrates, Sup Forums

/ourguy/ Joe warned you guys a month ago about lootcrates, Sup Forums.

Why didnt you listen?


Other urls found in this thread:


What's his name again?

Fuck off with your dirty paco

Frustrated Fernandez

Despondent Diego
Pissed Pedro
Raging Rico
Rustled Roquo
Howling José
Discombobulated Delejandro

>Discombobulated Delejandro
I lold

>sell out
>Defend Anita
>Have Chloe on your show

Why should I care what this fag thinks?

>Defend Anita
>Have chloe on show

Buttmad Berto

There is absolutely no way I remember the exact video but I think it was one of his "worst of x year" videos where he defended Anita, cannot recall the video he did with Chloe but I doubt it's that hard to find.

Gordo Manolo

unhappy papi

Oh also I forgot about his "REEE FUCK WHITE PPL" video he did when trump got elected

Now THAT'S bullshit

Flustered Filipe
Salty Sombrero
Malcontent Martinez
Peeved Padre
Vexed Velasquez
Lambasted Loco
Furious Fabio
Hurt Hernandez
Enervated Ernesto
Suicidal sinforiano
Butthurt Bernardo
Enraged Enrique
Boiling Bartolome
Crazy Cristóbal
Enraged Avocado
Ticked Taco
Querulous Quesadilla
Bitchy Burrito
Enraged Enchilada
Nasty Nacho
Madhouse Manuel
Hissyfit Joaquin
Ravaging Rodrigo
Lamenting Lorenzo
Displeased Daan
Provoked Paco
Turbulent Taavi
Wrathful Walcott
Uptight Ugo
Antagonized Aapo
Irate Isaiah
Fierce Fabio
Incensed Ibrahim
Resentful Radley
Vexed Valdez
Heated Hahn
Bitter Babatunde
Exacerbated Eachann

No it's not retard. Have you been watching him very long?


And I think it's even missing the best part. Shut up.

he opened up $50 worth of crates on his stream tonight

>Watching streams

I just wanted to see how the whole lootcrate thing was implemented without buying the game

>Don't support looboxes!
>Supports lootboxes

problem number one: no idea who this fucking faggot is supposed to be. please don't assume that all of us are neckbearded pieces of shit like yourself living their lives through some fuckers posting youtube shitty videos or streaming on twitch.

>where he defended Anita
He didn't defend her. He just told people to stop sending her death threats because it's retarded. He made it clear he doesn't agree with most of what she says.

He hates Trump but he also called out Libs for having no spine and being pathetic losers. I don't see the issue here.

You don't see the issue with this?


>actually supporting Hillary
>Calling anyone who is against illegal immigration a nazi
Fuck that fat fuck.

dude, he's been one of the most popular reviewers and streamers for years now
just because you're under-informed doesn't mean its some niche thing

Not at all

Not everyone is on your side

You can go advertise your favorite youtube shitbag somewhere else, you retarded cunt.

>calls out liars
>calls out fascists
>calls out single-issue voters for not understanding how their choices affect other people
I don't really see the problem of someone expressing their opinion, no matter how much it offends your sensibilities

You'd think all the 4 or 5 magapedes left would have been laughed out of the board already.

>Let me ignore that this is a video game channel and ignore what he actually said

Fanboy little fag can't let go. Sad. He literally spergs about white people, I guarantee you're white as well and if you are that's fucking sad and pathetic. Any other race being told that by someone else wouldn't be a little bitch like you.

Oh I almost forgot I'm on nu4chan Sup Forumseddit

>Hillary voters calling anyone fascist

Hilarious. I'm not even a trumpfag

What's his name again?

Senor "Sucks Peepee" Pindejo

very good bait

fat though

>sell out
How so?
>Defend Anita
>Have Chloe on your show
The blonde girl? So what?
Your point?

That has to be photoshopped

>isn't entertaining, insightful or funny.
I don't see why you have to spam this piece of shit in here every day. I wonder what went wrong in your life that you ended up watching human sewage embarrass themselves on youtube.

>Not liking someone calling out your entire race and calling people who voted for Trump angry white males or fascists racists etc. Is being a magapede

Kill yourself. If someone said that about blacks people would never have shut up about it, on a fucking video game channel no less.

>Doesn't know who Anita is

Sasuga newfriend

>if you're against Trump you must be for Shillery
you're pathetic
I wrote in myself for president


>isn't entertaining, insightful or funny.
I don't think that was the point of the video

>>Not liking someone calling out your
I don't like him because he's an insufferable cunt who uploads unwatchable trash to youtube, his political opinions are irrelevant. You're a sycophant and I hope he's paying you something to go to these lengths.
Have fun being human shit who finds enjoyment in angry Joe's videos. But for fuck's sake, go push your audiovisual diarrhea somewhere else, you fat embarrassment.

You forgot to mention that he knew nothing about youknowwhat and kept spouting nonsense just to be a part of the controversy.

Harrumph Jorge

Then why even bother watching anything he uploads? Go play some videogames, you neglected shithead. Nobody cares about your youtube drama.

>You'd think all the 4 or 5 magapedes left would have been laughed out of the board already.
I'm surprised you didn't kill yourself after election night.

go back to your reddit

Not him but he never supported Hillary, he supported Burni and he screams about from the top of his lungs how the left should basically be broken down. He's just like every other Burni supporter who felt 'forced' to vote for that snake in the grass bitch.

Just because people genuinely hate you chucklefuck right wing faggots doesn't automatically make them a leftest cucks you retarded shit

>He warned us guys!!!
>Paco himself didn't heed the warning of every doctor on the planet about maintaing a proper diet

Why would I take anything seven dollar man says seriously?

>Then why even bother watching anything he uploads?
because maybe there is value to listening to someone other than to be entertained

I'm surprised you're still living in election night. That was more than a year ago, but you haven't managed to move on, or pay attention to what your little embarrassment has been doing.

E-celeb/twitch/cocksucking/dankfacebookmaymays board for the under 15 audience when?

I don't know how you can't like Peturbed Alejandro. He is just a fat mexican sharing his opinion about games in a humorous way that tries to use his "popularity" to stop EA and other fucks from fucking up and he did it from the start (often it didn't work). He is a good guy.

>That was more than a year ago, but you haven't managed to move on, or pay attention to what your little embarrassment has been doing.
This coming from the user that couldn't stop himself from mentioning trump supporters early on in the thread. Take your own advice, moron.

>Political views are irrelevant when he makes videos about it

You also think I watch this guy's videos? Are you retarded? Congratulations you tried to seem superior to two parties and you ended up looking even more stupid because of it.

Watch the videos nimrod. It's even worse than that.

You think Bernie Sanders is any better? Fucking Christ I hate you deluded Reddit fags.

Love how I post one pic of a cute girl and I get banned in 10 minutes but eceleb trash shilling stays up for hours.

Trumps a fag but goddamn the salt he continues to cause to this very day is tip top kek.

i wouldnt be surprised if this was actually what happened but im honestly sick of people using internet deaththreats as a way to gain sympathy unless its a doxed threat (which she has caused against people) it literally has no value. Just like the EA dev who complained about 7 death threats and 1600 'personal attacks' it basically has no meaning

>not insightful
I'm not surprised fans of this shithead are as retarded as he is. This idiot is rotting your brain, go listen to people actually worth listening to, and stop advertising him for free. I'm sure he probably has a subreddit where you can circlejerk with other mongoloids.

>He is a good guy

Fucking kill yourself and leave here to go back to circle jerking on Reddit about your "EBIN ANGRY ARMY"

Prove he isn't.

If he generates left-wing salt that gives us amusement, then he can't be fag, user. Pendejo Pedro, on the other hand, is a total fag.

>Doesn't know who Anita is
I'm a newfriend because I don't know who someone is? Are you ok user? I also have no idea what that whole Gamergate thing was, never opened a thread about it, does that make me a newfag too? To this day I still don't know what the ice bucket challenge was about, does that make ma newfag at life? I've been on Sup Forums since 2006, and I have no idea how to trip, I assume you have a problem with that too?

Instead of sperging out because you have internet culture mere mortals like myself don't have, just answer the fucking post. People like you are the problem.

Now you're pretending I'm someone else. Do you people ever do anything but deflect or change the subject? I know most of you are angry teenagers who can't get their dick wet, but still.

Any nigga what wears spray tan and a toupe is a fag. So sayeth the lord. Read a bible cuck.

>lol he trole you
That's a fantastic reason to support someone. If you're 8, I mean. Which all pedes are, mentally.

Obvious newfag

>Fucking kill yourself
You first faggot. I'm not even him but you're the biggest fucking cancer on this thread right now and it's made even worst by the fact that you're a namefag too.

Go fucking spurg about right wing shit on Sup Forums you fucking cuck

Already have. If you don't think his little "wahh angry white people" schlick is bad then you're a fucking Reddit nigger.

You think the newfag /r/the_donald fags want anyone who doesn't watch their cancerous ecelebs or circle jerk trump? Fuck you nigger you're the same Reddit cancer as they are in different form.

We aren't talking about politics we are talking about games you Sup Forumstard. I couldn't give any less fuck if the USA is getting shafted on by Trumpetty or Shitlary and i don't give a fuck about what Youtuber endorses who.

If you don't like how gaming is going. Quit. Move onto another hobby. Pick something else up. Unless you are one of those really fucking unbalanced no life losers were this is all you have. Then at least you have the backlog. Unless this is your main source of entertainment.

Literally not an argument. As expected from an anime poster.

>Now you're pretending I'm someone else.
Ok, so like that other user, you lack an eye for detail.

>Do you people ever do anything but deflect or change the subject? I
I'm not the one who brought it up. Moreover, it's very related to what we're talking about.

> I know most of you are angry teenagers who can't get their dick wet, but still.
And there's the strawman and/or personal attack against the board. You argue like the typical left-winger.

>I don't care if some YouTube says fuck my race !

Exactly what I thought and the "Sup Forumstard!" Shit confirms it. Fucking Reddit nigger.

>Ctrl+F Reddit

fef kill yourself

I got the feeling that he kind of lost that rebel vibe, he still does his schtick but I think he must have accepted some money under the table for certain things

people make the mistake thinking that a hobby or the thing you spend your money on for entertainment. That the company or the people that sell these things owe you anything. They don't. They just see you as a consumer. A hole that they can toss things into and get money. You don't owe them shit, nor they owe you anything. Don't like it anymore, don't like how things are going. Quit.

>Sup Forumstards SEETHING

Based Reddit in ya head rent free

And I'm sure you're the model of human perfection, user :^)

>That's a fantastic reason to support someone. If you're 8, I mean. Which all pedes are, mentally.
Hi Joe.

> Ree stop talkin about thing I don't want you to talk about

>This guy whos literally permabanned from Sup Forums and who's been banned on 8 c multiple times for daring to criticize trump is a Sup Forumstard!

Literally kill yourself Reddit newfag. You're in good company here though judging by the state of this fucking board in particular.

Seven Taco Paco

He basically said, one time, in one video out of hundreds, to fuck off with all the identity politics bullshit, and this he aimed at gamergate 13 year olds concerned with their e-wars, not any of the activists you identify with.

Since then he hasn't been political at all and in fact expressed his scepticism about blacks and females in CoD WW2

>tfw joe is still assblasted about the election and posting on Sup Forums to vent his frustrations

What's the matter, Joe? Is your abuelo stuck on the other side of the border?

>Literally fuming

I could fucking cook Eggs on ya fucking fivehead ya fucking pinhead

Yes I am. I have money and bitches and perfectly groomed hair and I'm ripped as fuck and my shit smells like fresh pastries also my dick is 10inches made of chocolate and I jizz cash.

>Yes I am. I have money and bitches and perfectly groomed hair and I'm ripped as fuck and my shit smells like fresh pastries also my dick is 10inches made of chocolate and I jizz cash.
Then what are you doing posting on Sup Forums?


>Literal Reddit fags are blatant on nu4chan

Don't worry no one will call you out besides a few of us idiots still hanging around on this shithole that should've died long ago. The rest are all of your epic Reddit bros.

I fucking hate you

Shitposting. What else?

>I-i-i fucking hate you!!!!

Sup Forumstard literally on life support how will he ever recover

>y-you're Reddit
The absolute state of neo/v/. Let me guess, you're circumcised, right?

Meh, it could use some work.

This whole thread is a shit show and all of you should be ashamed of yourselfs for letting a tripfag b8 you

>implying we are not baiting the irrelevant fag while he thinks he is baiting us

enraged enriquez

He's posting Reddit images and defending his all mighty eceleb, just like you he's a newfag fuck. Don't pretend like you aren't faggot.

>tfw i don't watch ecelebs
>tfw i don't buy western vidya
>tfw i don't buy nintendo products
>tfw i know i'm better than 98% of Sup Forums

>Doesn't even know what a trip is.

Another uppity fucking newfag