Name's finally set, new trailer, beta starting december 11. Shirase redesign's okay
Fighting EX Layer
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Thankfully Skullomania can be in a game that WON'T suck.
Looks fun. What kind of character is Skullomania?
A skeleton
Isn't he a used car salesman?
Yeah. That's likely the backstory they'll use for him since it's not connected to capcom
>Thankfully Skullomania can be in a game that WON'T suck.
But it's another EX fighting game...?
He's a Japanese salary man who one day decided to be a hero.
Skullomania is a charge character whose moves revolve around the opponent having to guess what you'll do. He has a slide that can go under fireballs and his big gimmick is being able to do multiple moves out of a Demon Flip. He's basically a corner monster with all of his mixups.
>But it's another EX fighting game...?
Give me a game with what SF5 lacked (good footsies, zoning) and I'll play it.
meme character