Was 360 era the best of video games?: Games were better and had charm when compared to soulless current gen games

Was 360 era the best of video games?: Games were better and had charm when compared to soulless current gen games.

>he doesn't think the fourth generation of consoles was the best generation

Of course it wasn't the best, but it was good. Can't ignore it was the same era and platform that started a lot of the cancerous shit that goes on in games today. It had a lot of great games, but for each one, there were two more that were just as uninspired as what we see now.

no way, ps2/gc/xbox was the best era for sure, 360 was the start of the end although there's still some solid games from that era

Fuck that shit, it was a generation filled to the brim with shitty shooters where for like three years everything looked brown.

how come nobody includes the dreamcast?

That's because

>"360 era."
You mean LAST GEN!!!!

Ps1 and 2 are the only consoles that matter. After that all the nonretards became pc players.

oh yeah fair point, in hindsight id still love to play the games that came out but i sunk so fast at the time regrettably

PS2/Xbox was the best era and it will never come back.

You know why



>people are having nostalgia for gen 7
>the generation that introduced DLC, Season Passes, Pre Order bonuses, Microtransactions and day one patches
make it stop

Dreamcast only lasted 2 years of gen 6

dreamcast was basically a gen of it's own.

this, there were a lot of good ideas like dead rising but they all got buried by the massive brown wave of console shooters.

meanwhile games like Full spectrum warrior got completely unnoticed by the public.

What games are you talking about that rise above the problems mentioned in

like half of those existed in 6th gen, kys

It's good, but no. That was the 5th generation, followed by the 6th.

No because everything was grimey brown bullshit and Japanese devs decided to stop making good games for most of the gen.

Any examples of games released recently that actually has "Soul"?
I believe Soul is like a legend in a way. It grows with time.
As an example lets take the music industry.
Kendric lamar is pretty much sure to go down in history as a mid 2010's defining hiphop artist. People in the future will see him as an a legend like Michael jackson or B.I.G.
But he doesn't get that status until his prime has past.