Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem Heroes, Book II.
Just a couple of weeks away.

I'm still butthurt about getting no Halloween unit. There is literally nothing worse than getting cockblocked by the normal version of the limited your trying to get

I'm honestly more excited for the Legendary banner. Especially given the fact that Reds and Colorless got some god tier units without the usual hell to sift through
>Ayra, Celica, and Ike, with no chance of getting Tharja'd or Cain'd
>Genny, BowDelia, and BLyn with no chance of getting Lach'd
Plus there's Hector, for infinite DC memes, and the opportunity to make Peri not worthless by giving the bitch a slaying lance

Gacha shit is cancer

I am still kind of scared shitless of spending my orbs in this event only to miss out on something amazing for Christmas or whatever.
It's scary. But I guess this will be the best time ever to finally get myself Hector and Distant Counter for my Sheena.

I've never cared about holiday units, so I usually save my orbs during them. Besides, we know 2 of the units we're probably getting, and they don't appeal to me
>Sheena can have a Slaying Axe and DC
Goodness me, this should be fun to make

Berkut's lance being upgradable is going to create some stupid good res tanks if you can add even more res to it. The prospects for meme builds that weapon forge creates has me excited

>with a def boosted slaying lance
Oh lord.

Veronica's redemption when? They've been teasing it for a while now and her smile needs to be protected.

I am really excited for staves being upgraded. It actually looks like they'll succeed at redeeming them.